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What constitutes General to Off Topic forums


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What defines the general forum section over the off topic section. Some threads are obvious, but others aren't or maybe could be classified as gray.


How do we know which topics are everyday "general interest" topics and what are "off topic".


I ask this because I notice some general threads often get moved to this off topic section, when to me they general interest topic and I want to know if we are posting stuff in the wrong section?

Often I see topics that are definitely not general just sit in the gen section, when they could move, while the reverse is true. Who defines this and why isn't it consistent.


It would help if I knew which section to post in so that things I'm trying to follow didn't disappear from the gen section. I know I can subscribe to them, but I don't want to subscribe to every thread or it would be in the 100s.

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It's actually pretty easy to tell if you look at what's getting moved over there.


Common targets for moving:

- This game is the worst game ever but I'm just going to rant rather than offer feedback.

- This other game is better than this one and I think everyone needs to go play it.

- I'm making a thinly veiled 'I quit' post.

- I'm making a not so thinly veiled 'I quit' post.


There's plenty of negative feedback as part of General Discussion.

Most of the stuff that gets moved are the "I'm taking my ball and going home" threads.

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It's actually pretty easy to tell if you look at what's getting moved over there.


Common targets for moving:

- This game is the worst game ever but I'm just going to rant rather than offer feedback.

- This other game is better than this one and I think everyone needs to go play it.

- I'm making a thinly veiled 'I quit' post.

- I'm making a not so thinly veiled 'I quit' post.


There's plenty of negative feedback as part of General Discussion.

Most of the stuff that gets moved are the "I'm taking my ball and going home" threads.


I agree.


I have no problem with BW's forum policy.

Edited by JediRelentless
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If your thread provides actual feedback it will stay in the general forum. (They really need a feedback forum though.)

General discussion about the game itself can stay in this forum as well including talks about features and all that jazz.


Just ranting raving and "the end is nigh" - ing will be moved as it offers no reasonable discussion or feedback. It's basically just 'Look at me!" fodder.


Quitting posts are also moved because again, they aren't a discussion, no one cares.


In general put discussion points in your topics, questions to the readers and all that jazz and you should be fine.

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I think the moderators on the forums are pretty sloppy. Like the us vs them thread, that isn't about Swtor, it's about players and devs.

But the thread about the poll of the worst game business model certainly was about Swtor, yet that got moved.


Maybe if you word things differently your opening post it might stay in general discussion. /Shrugs :confused:

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I have to admit, this concerns me.


Moving "I quit" threads to off topic makes sense. as it is not a direct part of the overall narrative with respect to the game IMO.


Moving complaint threads is another matter all together, and that, IMO, borders on censorship.


Borders, I say, because they do not actually delete the thread like they certainly could...this is their house after all, we post at their pleasure.


So, they do not delete it....but they do move it. It concerns me certainly. I don't think its wise, but for now I would not call it censorship.


I would only say this, if my opinion on this matter is anything more than completely unimportant...which is unlikely....


...it is an unwise move to even have the appearance of censorship IMO. In the end, any benefit derived from moving the threads will most likely be countered by a growing hostility that will gain momentum the more the community feels it is being censored.


Just my two cents.

Edited by LordArtemis
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It's actually pretty easy to tell if you look at what's getting moved over there.


Common targets for moving:

- This game is the worst game ever but I'm just going to rant rather than offer feedback.

- This other game is better than this one and I think everyone needs to go play it.

- I'm making a thinly veiled 'I quit' post.

- I'm making a not so thinly veiled 'I quit' post.


There's plenty of negative feedback as part of General Discussion.

Most of the stuff that gets moved are the "I'm taking my ball and going home" threads.


The problem is, none of that is "Off-topic." "Off-topic" is talking about last night's football game, which has nothing to do with TOR.


These developers are lazy and incompetent. They'd rather just ignore their issues than face them. People that offer calm "suggestions" can simply be ignored without moving the topic, as they won't spark outrage.

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I might argue that this is the general forum for game discussion....and that those kind of threads are not actually part of "game discussion" as much as "me discussion".


Especially the "I quit" threads.


"My complaints about the current state of the game"....sure, that belongs here IMO, and if that is moved that is not good. But "Who is quitting over this" or "People are leaving the game in droves"...IMO that is not part of the dialog that belongs here...in this particular forum at any rate.

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lol.. but how would I get anyone to respond to it because know one goes there.


If the moderators actually had a presence on the forums one might answer you, but as it is, they're hiding behind their monitors too afraid to actually engage the community.

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General discussions relating to SWTOR and the workings around it, like conventions and w/e.


Off topic discussions being topics not related to SWTOR.


Simple as that.


You'd think that was the case and expect that. It's what any reasonable person would assume.


So consider how intrigued I was to discover a thread I was participating in disappear and reappear in off topic when it was directly related to the game. In no way could it be described as off topic.


Judge for yourself, here is the link to it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=906901

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You'd think that was the case and expect that. It's what any reasonable person would assume.


So consider how intrigued I was to discover a thread I was participating in disappear and reappear in off topic when it was directly related to the game. In no way could it be described as off topic.


Judge for yourself, here is the link to it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=906901


That thread being moved is why I made my own thread about negative threads being moved. There's no way you could call a discussion of TOR's business model and whether it's bad or not 'off topic'.

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"I own a coffee shop and yesterday I had a couple of customers come in and start shouting about how they didn't like the coffee, saying they preferred another coffee chains coffee, and that they had every right to stay because they had bought a coffee. Some other regular customers were distressed by this, so I asked the complaining customers to take their conversation outside. I said they can still buy coffee if they want, but they can't disrupt other customers.


The complaining customers weren't too happy, but I'm trying to run a business here. If they and their friends decide to stop buying coffee here because of this, that's fine, but I'd rather they left. They've been coming in before and they keep saying they don't like the coffee, but it's a franchise, I have to use the beans the company give me, and many other people have told me they like it. I don't want to lose money, just because a small handful of people aren't happy. "

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General discussions relating to SWTOR and the workings around it, like conventions and w/e.


Off topic discussions being topics not related to SWTOR.


Skim the Crew Skill, Star Wars Discussion, and Community Content forums.


Lots of very off topics in all of those. They;ve been reported and yet they still sit there.


edit: Also a reminder that with vBulletin with default settings, a link with a "Moved:" title normally gets left behind in the old subforum. Someone had to go in and change that setting for that to not show up. And that was done recently


That's why I started this one, lol, I was hoping someone at Bio could explain ;)


Don't hold your breath.


If someone wants to force the issue, a reminder of section 15 of the Terms of Service.


Again though, don;t hold your breath.

Edited by dr_mike
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"I own a coffee shop and yesterday I had a couple of customers come in and start shouting about how they didn't like the coffee, saying they preferred another coffee chains coffee, and that they had every right to stay because they had bought a coffee. Some other regular customers were distressed by this, so I asked the complaining customers to take their conversation outside. I said they can still buy coffee if they want, but they can't disrupt other customers.


The complaining customers weren't too happy, but I'm trying to run a business here. If they and their friends decide to stop buying coffee here because of this, that's fine, but I'd rather they left. They've been coming in before and they keep saying they don't like the coffee, but it's a franchise, I have to use the beans the company give me, and many other people have told me they like it. I don't want to lose money, just because a small handful of people aren't happy. "


I own a coffee shop and yesterday a couple of customers came in and told me they found dead roaches in their coffee cups. I ignored them and looked at one of my workers and told the worker that i would decide what add the best flavor to my coffee. When a couple of customers pulled the lids off of their coffees to look inside, I told the to stop datamining, that I would tell them what they wanted to know and what they wanted to drink. Today I only have 4 customers all day and I cant understand what happened.

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I own a coffee shop and yesterday a couple of customers came in and told me they found dead roaches in their coffee cups. I ignored them and looked at one of my workers and told the worker that i would decide what add the best flavor to my coffee. When a couple of customers pulled the lids off of their coffees to look inside, I told the to stop datamining, that I would tell them what they wanted to know and what they wanted to drink. Today I only have 4 customers all day and I cant understand what happened.


Did you randomize their cups?

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It's actually pretty easy to tell if you look at what's getting moved over there.


Common targets for moving:

- This game is the worst game ever but I'm just going to rant rather than offer feedback.

- This other game is better than this one and I think everyone needs to go play it.

- I'm making a thinly veiled 'I quit' post.

- I'm making a not so thinly veiled 'I quit' post.


There's plenty of negative feedback as part of General Discussion.

Most of the stuff that gets moved are the "I'm taking my ball and going home" threads.


Nailed it. :)


And this thread is not off-topic to general forum, but it does violate the "no discussing forum moderation" rule, so it may just get nuked.

Edited by Andryah
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If you're referencing the post Ascending Sky made (I think it was him?) that said all negatives go to off topic, that must have been straight out deleted either that or I'm blocked lol. I don't know what happened to make that go nuclear but I imagine that the many posts saying I'm quiting to the I hate RNG get moved rather than deleted due to the fact That those posts are duplicates of one's that already exist so posting them new when theres 999 active ones about the same thing is in violation of the forum rules.
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Well, it's a good thing you did, because EAWare has flat out deleted my thread, not even just moved it! :D


Yeah what happened there? I didn't see that it was that bad? :eek:



Edit bad as in no one was like attacking anyone or anything. The post was valid and fine

Edited by americanaussie
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