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do the survery swtor sent out


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Make sure you tell them how you really feel. for example i'm going to say you all don't listen to your customers ever and rng was a huge mistake that you are clinging onto with by a finger nail. (Because if you didn't hear they're gonna kinda but kinda not go back to comms for gear lol)
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Make sure you tell them how you really feel.


I would love to tell them how I really feel, but it takes more then 400 characters for me to do that. I was covering just two subjects and was up to 1500 characters. :D


Don't get me wrong; I still filled it out and just made a top-three list of things to change without any explanation (due to character limit). Better to write something then to not write anything at all; if they don't know, they can't fix. :)

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Just be sure to select the lowest rating possible for aspects you dislike, as more than likely the only thing anyone in management will ever see from this survey is a summary based on calculations of the ranking questions.


So if the leaders of SWTOR pitched management that investing in uprisings and GC was the way to win over players, yet the survey results show a disproportionate amount of negative ratings of uprisings and GC, there will probably be some hard questions asked about how there could be such a disconnect, especially if sub numbers are below whatever they put in their budget / plan for the expansion.


As far as the comments, I don't see them doing much beyond pulling some sample comments based on how people completed the rest of the survey; I certainly don't see them actually reading every comment.

Edited by DawnAskham
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It is more than enough to say the gearing system is not working and that I'm actually recommending players not to come back or even try the game.


Gave me more than enough room to point at the lack of new multiplayer content and that story wise they need money to bring back the class stories and the associated companions.


Made sure to mention the BUGS in second position especially the broken gear preview window.


See, 400 chars is plenty enough :)


(edit) also made sure to point the lame business model to milk players with barely re-skinned meshes.

Edited by Deewe
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Make sure you tell them how you really feel. for example i'm going to say you all don't listen to your customers ever and rng was a huge mistake that you are clinging onto with by a finger nail. (Because if you didn't hear they're gonna kinda but kinda not go back to comms for gear lol)


i'd love to, but when i was finning it out the limit on the last question was 50 characters =( :(

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It is more than enough to say the gearing system is not working and that I'm actually recommending players not to come back or even try the game.


Gave me more than enough room to point at the lack of new multiplayer content and that story wise they need money to bring back the class stories and the associated companions.


Made sure to mention the BUGS in second position especially the broken gear preview window.


See, 400 chars is plenty enough :)


(edit) also made sure to point the lame business model to milk players with barely re-skinned meshes.


:D yay for you

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As far as the comments, I don't see them doing much beyond pulling some sample comments based on how people completed the rest of the survey; I certainly don't see them actually reading every comment.


Companies that send out electronic surveys, rarely actually read individual surveys. There is simply no time to plow through thousands and thousands of them manually.


What they do is run a script that aggregates any scores, and then sifts for keywords and aggregates those as well. This result goes into some form of dashboard that the issuer can review at a high level, and then selectively drill down on certain aspects of it if they want to see details. In reality, if they want more detail.. they will expand the keywords and run the script again, rinse and repeat.


Honestly.. people fretting over the limitations in character count simply do not understand how mass electronic surveys work. You need to give them short bullet point sound bites with key phrases and words and let it go.

Edited by Andryah
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You need to give them short bullet point sound bites with key phrases and words and let it go.


Trouble with that, is how do they decide which keywords to use? :D


Anyway, it's exactly what I chose to do, I still have absolutely no illusions the feedback will get glossed over. Time will tell I guess.

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i did the survey the second i got it, issue is they only allowed 400 characters and i had much more to say about the current state of the game so i had to prioritize.


Skim the forums. There's at least 2 threads going for those folks who would like to give a full response.

Edited by dr_mike
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Just finished survey.


Suggestions I made that I could think of on the fly:


Bring back original companions, Dump RNG.


Continue to allow single player option for flashpoints and perhaps added for ops to compensate for very low server population?


Dump the 'classic' swtor responses and put real ones in.


Dump all those extra and useless 'companions' that were forced on us with the latest expansions.


Make better use of your test server.


Fix all known bugs

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