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ERIC Unassembled Component Medal Problems Objective PVP


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Hi Eric,


I decided to repost and give this subject its own thread because I think its important and deserves the attention in case you missed it buried in another thread


In PvP

  • Playing any Warzone will earn you Unassembled Components. You earn more based on medals, match outcome, etc.
  • Turn Unassembled Components into a PvP vendor with a Valor requirement to get an Unassembled Gear piece.
  • Turn in an Unassembled Gear piece along with Command Tokens (which come from Command Crates) to get that piece of gear.

General Notes

  • Command Tokens are legacy-wide.
  • Command Tokens will be retroactively granted to each character based on their Command Rank when 5.1 goes live.


Firstly Merry Christmas :)


I really like the concept for the medals, it will help with some of the farmers in ranked. But objective pvp is different.


Possible Objective PvP problem with this idea due to medal farming


Have you guys considered how this will affect reg Objective play? I can see players not guarding or people node rotating and running off or dps with off healing or tanking abilities not playing their roles properly. All to get more medals.

This will ruin objective pvp completely. Of course it will still be determined by the win, but for that to happen, it will not be based on team skill, but someone will probably have to make a big sacrifice for the team and get far less medals for guarding. People won't play the ball in Hutt Ball because you can get more medals Death matching all over the map,


Adjusting Medal System to compensate


Can you guys please have a look at the medal system and adjust it. I'm not saying to completely over haul it or over buff as we certainly don't want people all going to a node to guard and farm medals.


Ideas to Medals to prevent medal farming


Can you have a look at adding some more for guard duty at nodes.

And also

Fighting close to nodes.

Interrupting node caps


Add some more types of medals for Hutt Ball. ie, passing, catching, running with ball,

supporting the ball carrier, ie adjust healing medals for healing the ball carrier and tank medals for protecting the ball csrrier,

As well as medals for killing the ball carrier or intercepting the ball.


Add new ones from Odessen for obtaining different coloured mods and using them appropriately.

Guarding and capturing should also be a priority.


Anyway, happy holidays Eric

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Honestly I think they can solve huttball with probably 1 change. Increase the counter for attack and defend points. I'm pretty sure it ticks at the same rate as node defense in other WZs... Also count damage to a bubble as attack points. A lot of attack points get robbed by damage to a bubble counting as zero.


As for the guarding, I would say just add more tiers in between the first and last tier, maybe up the timer tick on that as well. Node guarding changes have been asked for as long as I can remember. It always caused a problem for some classes. For instance I play a shadow, so I've always been able to get medals on the cheap as long as one person tried to attack it at least once, some classes aren't so lucky...

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I would recommend adding a few ranks of medals for:


Protection while in the objective zone

Healing while in the objective zone

Interrupts/Stuns while in the objective zone


actually those three might fix everything.


That, at least the 2 top ones, would make even less incentive for someone to guard an "uncontested" objective though.

Objective points for interrupting caps is a good idea, but only caps.

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Bioware should take a look at changing some of the medal requirements and maybe add a few as well.


The initial point of medals was to add incentive to play objectives, straight up! If the system is not doing it's job, it should get an update. In this case with medals becoming even more relevant I think medals being reworked is pretty much mandatory.


Yes the 8 medal cap will stop medal farming for the most part....but lets not forget to ask if the medals system is working as they intended especially if they are now integrating it into their progression system.

Edited by Soljin
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Medals aren't working.


For example in Hutball yesterday I barely DPS nor healed but shieled, unrooted and pulled 4 times a mate to win, scored once and got nearly the least medals of all the team.


Before that, still playing as a healer, I spent most of my time far away form a node to aggro the opponents away from it keeping being ganked. So getting very few medals in regards of DPS and heal, though I kept 3 to 4 opponents constantly on me making my team having an easy job at guarding the nodes and peeling off opponents one after the other. Again got very few medals as I wasn't AOE healing.


Though I agree medals are better than nothing...

Edited by Deewe
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Someone said in another thread that it caps out at 8 medals. But I can't find a Bio reference to it.

Can anyone point me in the direction of the reference


You can get more then 8 medals, but you only get credit for the first 8 in the current system. It's been that way for a long time because classes like say Shadows could get more then a pure DPS. I usually pick up 15 or 16 medals per match on my shadow...


If you PvP, once you get 8 medals, you'll see a new red gem looking icon on your buff bar. It's called "Highly Decorated" and tells you that you won't get credit for anymore medals.

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I expect the components drop to be capped at 8 medals like current rewards for PvP. But in general you are right: the medal system should be updated.

The fact that you could the highest possible healing medal for 350k is ridiculous. I get that medal with my tanks and most of my DPS in every match. So a healer gets as many healing medals as I do as a DPS but usually not the same amount of damage medals. So for all medals they should either increase the amount of needed damage/healing/protection for the last medals or introduce another medal for lets say 1 mio damage/healing/protection.

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Hi Eric,


I decided to repost and give this subject its own thread because I think its important and deserves the attention in case you missed it buried in another thread



Firstly Merry Christmas :)


I really like the concept for the medals, it will help with some of the farmers in ranked. But objective pvp is different.


Possible Objective PvP problem with this idea due to medal farming


Have you guys considered how this will affect reg Objective play? I can see players not guarding or people node rotating and running off or dps with off healing or tanking abilities not playing their roles properly. All to get more medals.

This will ruin objective pvp completely. Of course it will still be determined by the win, but for that to happen, it will not be based on team skill, but someone will probably have to make a big sacrifice for the team and get far less medals for guarding. People won't play the ball in Hutt Ball because you can get more medals Death matching all over the map,


It might actually encourage more pvp in guilds.. It means that those who like to play properly willplay in guilds cause guilds are more likely to rotate who guards so those who do guard geta chance to gain medals in otherways! plus someone whos guarding.. if the enemy team is even doing anything right, the guard person is gonna get combat medals because they would still fend off attackers

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I don't think this will be a problem. Because remember, medals aren't the only thing that decides how many components you get. The outcome of the match, whether you win or lost, also plays a vital part.


So if people are just farming medals the whole time and not playing the objective... then it's likely the team will lose and everyone gets less components regardless of how many medals the farmed.


The only thing the dev team needs to figure out is some sort of equation or ratio in which farming medals and intentionally losing does not earn you components faster than playing the objective and winning. And by that I mean, playing a competitive match where both teams are playing the objectives to win will often drag out much longer than matches where one team's heart isn't in the match. So, even if a team loses on purpose and gets a smaller allotment of components, the devs need to make sure that it isn't possible to play 2 or 3 quick "lose on purpose" matches for less components that can net you components faster in the long run if you play 1 long "play to win" match.


Honestly, I think that not only does your medals and match outcome need to play a factor in it, but also the performance of the enemy team.

For example, I think that a player's worth in a match should be determined by their current objective score. The higher their score, the more they are worth taking down for your own score. Maybe you even get more medals for taking down a player with a high objective score.


On top of that, the amount of components you get at the end should also be determined by how well the opposing team did. Basically, what I'm trying to get at is that matches that come out close should net the most components at the fastest rate. For example, enough to be worth 3 or 4 matches worth of "lose on purpose" rewards.

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You can get more then 8 medals, but you only get credit for the first 8 in the current system. It's been that way for a long time because classes like say Shadows could get more then a pure DPS. I usually pick up 15 or 16 medals per match on my shadow...


If you PvP, once you get 8 medals, you'll see a new red gem looking icon on your buff bar. It's called "Highly Decorated" and tells you that you won't get credit for anymore medals.


I meant the change to how much CXP will be rewarded based on medals. Someone said 8, but Ive not seen this officially anyware.

I know all about how the medals work for everything else, been pvping since launch ;)

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I expect the components drop to be capped at 8 medals like current rewards for PvP. But in general you are right: the medal system should be updated.

The fact that you could the highest possible healing medal for 350k is ridiculous. I get that medal with my tanks and most of my DPS in every match. So a healer gets as many healing medals as I do as a DPS but usually not the same amount of damage medals. So for all medals they should either increase the amount of needed damage/healing/protection for the last medals or introduce another medal for lets say 1 mio damage/healing/protection.


LoL, yeah my Jugg gets that healing medal on a regular basis.

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