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.. and the award for Worst MMO Business Model in 2016 goes to ...


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Too me, the poll seems to be the opinion of 5 people and 2 said swtor. Oh no - 2 people dislike the game on a website that I never heard of until the OP posted it. Oh the humanity!


I think Dulfy.net has more influence against the game than they do. Furthermore, if this was IGN or Steam MMORPG.com then I'd worry. But these clowns seem to be whining more about the lack of free F2P stuff than the game itself.


Dulfy is niche within just the games she runs her site for so really isn't comparable to a site the endeavours to encompass MMOs on a whole. No disrespect to Dulfy of course, great site.


Also 2,700 people isn't really "2 out of 5".


As for IGN they actually reviewed KoTFE last year ( 6.5 lol - with Kotet being far worse of an expansion I am guessing EA paid people to not review it :p ), apparently this year Kotet doesn't warrant any attention from the likes of IGN or Gamespot what so ever - that in of itself is telling I personally find.

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Regardless of all many people have stated that if this game wouldn't be Star Wars it would have died long ago. I mean the activities it offers are not so great and everything has gotten old. If the game wouldn't be SW and went 2 years without proper group content, no updates to its GSF, Strongholds etc sections it would surely have died off.


Bioware has had it coming ever since start but back then they were active in avoiding the end. In the first months people grinded to lvl 50 and found there is nothing to do, so they introduced Dailies, Ilum was laggy so they changed it. EV ops wasnt enough so they expanded KP etc. If never was enough but they were trying to avoid "the end" but now they seem to be out of breath in terms of avoiding the end.

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Well when you have idiots running a business you gonna get a idiotic business plan, just plain greed, blocks out every single rational thought, like merging the servers, but no they make be able to squeeze out a few more pennies, when it in-fact cost them more, morons much?
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I don't understand the "quit or be quiet" crowd either, but they do have a point: the only thing that BWA appears to listen to is subscription losses. After my last disinti-crate, I cancelled and haven't been tempted to log in since. I don't know if I'll log in again, or re-up if the changes in January iron things out, but I do know one thing for sure: the game in its current state is not something I want to spend my money and free time on. There is no new content worth playing, and there is no reward that bears any rational relationship to the amount of effort required.

I still enjoy this game (people)...so I'm not willing to quit...but I am willing to speak up and do what little good it may be by trying to get them to reverse the damage they're doing right now.

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Love how the biggest surprise they could find for this game was nothing to do with story or anything positive what so ever but the bloody cartel stash interface.


Whilst I like the stash itself as it's extra storage the new interface is just annoying and they are right ... that sure did need lots of development time put into it just like Galactic Command system for gearing did ...


"Meh, no one wants new content anyway ... metrics show that this year people were mostly doing old content - this proves that people don't want new content. My name is Ben Irvent and I'll be here all year."

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Quick: What does SWTOR need the most? If you said “a brand-new user interface element that allows players to open up lockboxes faster than ever before,” then you definitely work for BioWare. Also, you’re a bonehead. Also also, you’re probably responsible for the whole lockboxes-within-lockboxes idea. Did you identify the point in your life when you sold your soul to the marketing team?


Shame they didn't even describe it right. It in no way whatsoever makes opening boxes "faster than ever before" It was a right click to open, and a left click on Take All before. Now it's a right click, then a left click then a left click then a left click, etc. All with nothing but frills graphics slowing down the process between click stages. They didn't even mention its only real use as extra storage for Cartel Junk.

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Shame they didn't even describe it right. It in no way whatsoever makes opening boxes "faster than ever before" It was a right click to open, and a left click on Take All before. Now it's a right click, then a left click then a left click then a left click, etc. All with nothing but frills graphics slowing down the process between click stages. They didn't even mention its only real use as extra storage for Cartel Junk.


And the more annoying part for me is not being able to see chat etc. whilst opening boxes.

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Love how the biggest surprise they could find for this game was nothing to do with story or anything positive what so ever but the bloody cartel stash interface.


I also think the sarcasm laden comment in that listing says everything that needs to be said about the direction Bioware is intent on following:

Quick: What does SWTOR need the most? If you said “a brand-new user interface element that allows players to open up lockboxes faster than ever before,” then you definitely work for BioWare. Also, you’re a bonehead.


All The Best

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I also think the sarcasm laden comment in that listing says everything that needs to be said about the direction Bioware is intent on following:



All The Best


Indeed and I see BSG packs are up for another week, might have been planned but it would be really interesting if this were a permanent change.


I expect a lot more desperation tactics in the new year to try and make money anyway they can without actually having new content to offer up which is all people really want.


People might have even soldiered on through GC if there were new raids, flashpoints, dailies to go through.


All this talk of expansions but then I think back to the Oricon addition ( was never really labelled as an expansion ) and it is by far superior to 5.0 ( imo of course ) even the like of adding in the prelude to 3.0 - I guess this shows they can put out decent content in the middle of a cycle and reading the purely BWA credits of 5.0 makes you think surely they still have enough people to do so again.

The problem? Leadership of course, the people in charge *cough* Ben *cough* are taking the game in the wrong direction ... if only someone with more vision and foresight and the ability to truly read their community were put in charge things just would not be this bad.


I think after yet another blur trailer for 5.0 we can agree EA aren't being too stingy on the purse strings and the issue really is just poor leadership at BWA ( which is in part the fault of EA ).


I really hope 5.0 is a financial disaster for EA because then and only then will you see changes at the top down.

Worst case maintenance mode but I don't think that's an option since EA seems still interested to put money into the game ( and the effort of making those graphical engine improvements for 5.0 have given the game another few years of longevity especially if they keep tinkering away at it - best engine change since launch by far ).

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That was a very solid read about swtor.


Quick: What does SWTOR need the most? If you said “a brand-new user interface element that allows players to open up lockboxes faster than ever before,” then you definitely work for BioWare. Also, you’re a bonehead. Also also, you’re probably responsible for the whole lockboxes-within-lockboxes idea. Did you identify the point in your life when you sold your soul to the marketing team?


lol - bonehead.

Edited by Quraswren
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