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In the last year I have been learning some very interesting stuffs.

Recently some things have become known to many in the field of "SPACE"


In 2004 a massive 9.1 undersea quake rocked the world and killed 250,000ish people.

At the time it was sure what cause such a huge pop of the plate in the ocean.

The data was all there but it took time to figure it out.

We now know ( and some will say SPACE and other stuff can not effect earth as a whole )

That a pulsar magna-star wave just barely missed the earth and the moon deflect mot of it and it lite up the sky like nothing has in recorded history . Basically a massive WAVE of high energy from 50,000 light years away.

The Burst was seen and recorded and it it lasted a 10th of a second which was considered a long time.

But before months before that 9.1 quake in 2004 there were many quakes as the wave OR PRESSURE pushed on the earth.


That was a small wave That same Pulse now has a Much larger way coming straight at us. Recently there has been some huge quakes as the Pressure builds on the planet>

With in a week or so we may get slammed hard .

Backing this up OBAMA admin just started their SPACE WEATHER deal to prepare for just in case something from space NOT a rock but SPACE WEATHER damages us.

It is coming and the science is solid and yes this sounds like a OMG sky is falling but the one in 2004 ripped a chunk atmosphere off which is what out magnetic sphere or SHIELD is suppose to do it take the hit and not us.


The date oddly said is December 26 2016 when this pulse wave hits us hard.

NOw being wrong about this means little but if the chance these people are right.

Be safe my friends I will put a link so you can begin to understand as I can not put down what is in my crazy head.

Joke if you will but the proof and since is solid...if not then the earth is flat right? lol

I have been studying and learning this stuff like i said for almost a year and it still is VERY confusing...

The data is insane to understand,


Len 2017

link is to youtube...begin to learn :) this came from far far a way a VERY long time ago.



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I bet its Valkorian's revenge......


On less serious note, its always a good thing to keep an open mind. But keeping an open mind does not mean blindly trusting unproven youtube stuff. I tell you this as a survivor of 3 end of the world events (year 2k, Mayan miscalculation and some huge asteroid that was "supposed" to hit us) .


And while your intentions are noble and you want to warn people,please understand that this kind of stuff desensitizes people to real dangerous situations, all those youtube doomsday pushers act like a boy that cried wolf.

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