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Why Most People Think Marauders Suck...


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See, the thing is, I often see people post things like "marauders are fine" and post a video. In the video, they run around the warzone and nobody attacks them. Like, literally, the whole match maybe 1-2 times someone even TRIES to attack them.


When that happens to me, sure, Maras are fine. Usually it's people supporting the ball carrier/explosives planter, and the Mara just runs from one to the next slaughtering them. Nobody even looks at the Mara, because they're supporting their teammate and peeling.


Then the match ends, and the Mara has 400k+ damage done, and one or no deaths, and proclaims Maras are fine. And for what it's worth, I totally agree. In this scenario, Maras are absolutely fine.


But show me a video where people actually actively fight the Mara, or god forbid work as a team. It's a whole other ball game.


If you get focus fired, you're dead no matter the class. Even a tank will die being focus fired carring the ball. I get in matches and if its against people who know I'll crush the healers/dps they have I get attacked alot. So you gotta choose your target and burn the hell out if it and if that healer dies and then you die due to the 3-4 people on you, you did your job as I would hope the rest of your team at that point will mop up the rest of the team that killed you.


You do have escape abilities to save yourself though, Undying rage, Camo is amazing for the target drop. especially if you are low on life and you either want to get away to heal or make sure you have the time to burn down that target just enough more to finish it before you possibly die. or give the healers time to drop a heal on you.


But you are right,a lot of the videos of these Marauders doing insanely well are them being completely ignored and just running around untouched. Wish that would happen to me so much havoc I would be able to cause.

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You my friend are a complete tool if you dont think that Everquest is harder than any MMO out right now. The game is still going after 10+ years and i recently quit and sold my character that i built from the ground up 8 years ago. There is way more skill involved in Everquest than there is in WoW,SWTOR, or any MMO. There's no quests in everquest that you can just go get every 5 feet you walk and get from 1-10 in an hour. Dont speak about what you dont know. I love SWTOR to death but I and anyone else who played Everquest all the way to end game raids in a top raiding guild on the server know that it is way more challenging.


pvp stands for player vs player.

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Flamebait thread.


Also, the OP is wrong. Mara's DO need a buff, which is to say CARNAGE Marauder's need their abilities fixed and a slight buff. It's only a small bit out of whack. I've been Carnage Marauder since day 1, been Anni off and on as needed by my guild's Raid Group when they need super-DPS. Between the two, there's no comparison. Carnage needs to be brought up to par with the other two specs, and aside from that the class is near perfect.

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But you are right,a lot of the videos of these Marauders doing insanely well are them being completely ignored and just running around untouched. Wish that would happen to me so much havoc I would be able to cause.


They show only their best fights, which are cut for the video or screenshots from dmg charts but backed up by healers. Best is to watch live streaming.

Edited by BobaFurz
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