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Galactic Command Ranks - Is Anyone Happy?


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Hate it when I'm right. But I've been warning the community for years.. you're all a bunch of sheep and only now getting it because of all the changes since 2.7


x12 XP, 3.0, and 4.0 were only stepping stones


These simple minded Casuals are to blame. Dumbing down a once somewhat complex game into what BW devs have been quoted calling SWTOR is no longer an MMO but a single player online RPG. Now with RNG end game gearing.



5.1 will be too little too late for most subs. The servers are low pop compared to less than a year ago. I'm away from the game for months at a time and when I return, I see the population drop. No movie hype or SW convention will bring that population back. BW shot themselves in the foot by removing abilities, changing how classes flow and creating clunky rotations. The FOTM turned into a 2 year reign and now needs will have their 2 years in the spotlight.


RNG is just the latest exploit from the devs. They took a giant dump on the subscriber community. Speak with your bank account and walk away. What is coming is not worth the trouble, let alone your hard earned paycheck.


New players burn through levels so fast they don't learn their abilities let alone game mechanics. pug a FP or tactical and you'll understand the problems.


Look at PvP, it's a wreck with PvE


Ops aren't any better. Where are the NiM teams? There's only a handful left.


Let's talk bugs and known exploits that went live anyways....ain't nobody got time for that


Edited by Liquor
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In practice, the system has worked, I got 2 set pieces and a few upgrades. And I am only command rank 18.

There are people who got no set peices and they are command rank 60+.

The fact that YOU got lucky means little to those people,doesnt it.

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