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Rouge One - First Impressions


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Well I was like freaked out when i saw a dead man back to life. I had know clue they did what they did. I seen a small trailer and it didnt feature this in it. So i was like :eek: THATS, PETER {freakin} CUSHING, I thought, Um, he dead, but he is alive. Then it hit me when he turned to the side just enough i could then see the trait that screamed CGI. It was good though some of the best cgi i've seen, it was pretty scary & convincing. Than it came to Carrie Fisher, i saw Leia OH MY! It brought a tear to my wives eyes, cause we saw it after Carries death.


Over all the film was good. I thought it filled in that gap that leads into Star Wars IV the New Hope, very well. I would of like to see a little more of Forrest Whitaker character play a bigger part than what he did. I guess since there wont be a squeal to the prequel, they figure it was a big enough roll already.


Over all i give it 4 out of 5 :csw_deathstar_un:

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Eh, Kyle Katarn will always be the one who stole the plans for the Death Star.


Not some stupid woman.


Well he stole partial plans, which were then combined by the other bits of plan a few other Rebel agents stole, to combine into the whole pie(so to speak).


Which makes Vader's line..


"Several transmissions were beamed to this ship."


Confusing, because transmissions weren't beamed aboard the Tantive IV.


I mean minor details and you could say, since the Tantive IV was aboard the ship that received the plans that it was beamed to them. Though even still it wasn't several transmissions either.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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