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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

45 cxp levels zero set items.


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Tell that to the WoW developers which stated that RNG is Fun !


Why do you think I'm not playing that game? ;)


I said it in another thread and I think it matters so I am saying it here as well.


The system has become the challenge in the game. All day on the channel for ops all I see are farm teams forming, in PvP ranked and non-ranked the shear number of afk'ers is out of control, people are looking for every possible way to beat the system. They aren't playing the game anymore, they are looking to play the system.


That is to me a clear, undeniable problem. People are not playing the game, they don't see the game as the challenge. They see the system as the challenge.


The moment that happened all the content became irrelevant. "Oh the story is so good" "Uprisings are fun" "I can play the way I want and still gear"....except none of that matters anymore. All that matters is how can I beat the system. The story has become a background noise, the uprisings an after thought, and playing as you like is gone.


Remove the blockade to playing the game, remove the broken system. Its really the only way to get people playing the game again.


Well said.


I know before this fiasco was launched our guild talked about this very thing. The game would boil down to what can be done the fastest for the most CXP for what time you are in game at the detriment of all else.


Community - Screw it. IF they slow you down they will be scraped off. IF they act as a speedbump in any way. They will be kicked. Whatever slows gamers down was going to get the boot.


If gamers thought it was rough to be new to swtor now, just wait/ Don't have gear yet or don't know fights or don't know how to play your toon or anything that stops you from being proficient. You now run the risk of getting kicked more than ever.


Gamers are going to play the system to the best they can and thats if they want to see the massive new grind at all and RNG combined with it. You are right. It's no longer about any of the content bw can produce. It's about how much CXP can I get for my time in game and how fast can I get it.


bw has screwed up swtor on a very basic level and it's screwing up an already fragile foundation.

Edited by Quraswren
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Just think. For only a continued payment of $15 a month you can continue the garbage design bw created known as GC with RNG gearing for another 255 more levels and all while doing extremely old content and some watered down FP (using old assets) called uprisings.


OH and for a few more dollars, you can make the grind go just a small fraction bit faster with CXP boosts off the real money cash shop.


Thats your expansion once the story is done.


Nope. 16 days left. While I will admit this expansion did get me to spend some money though. I bought Deluxe Edition of TSW and three additional months of membership plus bought a few of their in store currency. All told, this expansion netted BW nothing from me (since I am at the end of a three month sub period), and netted almost $200 for TSW.


The thing is, after playing TSW for about a month now, I am really glad they did what they did otherwise I wouldn't have looked at it.


So, guess 5.0 is WAI.

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I've had better luck. Out of about 70 crates between 3 characters, I've gotten 2 purple mainhands, purple offhand, 6 set pieces, 2 purple implants, and several useful crafting schematics. I'm about as geared as I'm going to get until I grind out Command Tier 2.
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50 boxes between 2 toons +4 that were rolled back - 1 upgrade. :eek::eek:


u know there is a LOT topics like this right? why does everyone need to start a new one? lol:D:D


Because any threads criticizing EAWare's actions almost inevitably end up deleted or moved to try to sweep the situation under the rug. That's why people keep making new ones.

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I just played ops, ranked wz's some heroics, gained 8 command levels, got 0 purple items, only green and empty orange.


From now on i am going to play other games, i don't care about SWTOR anymore.

Unless bioware gets us vendors back and gear that drops from bosses i am not returning to game anymore.

I also want to see weekly passes back in the game because alot of my friends can't play anymore and i still have like 5 ops passes, 6 warzone passes that are in my INVENTORY and still haven't been refunded for them.


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Because any threads criticizing EAWare's actions almost inevitably end up deleted or moved to try to sweep the situation under the rug. That's why people keep making new ones.


It's actually kind of funny and sad at the same time. Even though this has everything to do with the game they keep moving all the threads to off topic. Hell the first page is nothing but complaints. I hope EA enjoys reporting one last time that profits are doing well for Q4 because I doubt you will hear a peep about this game come Q1.

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The best thing that I really loved in SWTOR (apart from the lightsabers), was the fact that I can barter my gear and progress on my own pace without relying on the RNG ******** that made me quit some other games. Consider me the Bad-Luck Brian of the RNG, I deeply dislike any system that is not giving you a predictable way to gear up your toon and is heavily relying on artificial "luck". The RNG grind they introduced for a first time so aggressively in the game is giving you the amazing opportunity to grind 300 levels of extremely old and outdated content and STILL you may NEVER get the gear you would like. NEVER EVER! As soon as my sub expires on 24th of December I will be off SWTOR in search of a game that will allow ME to choose what goals to set and what achievements to pursue, and not some RNG. It was good while it lasted...
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I think we should not count set-pieces and non-sets, but useful and not useful in the actual situation. Me, for example, I got 40% useful stuff since entering tier 2. Useful for me were 2 implants, 1 earpiece, 2 set-pieces and - if I wouldn't have crafted a 234 armoring before - a purple shield generator, after I opened 16 crates.


In Tier 1 I disintegrated most stuff to push my cxp gain and used the rest for dps-gear. I got 1 relic, 3 implants (2 in use), 3 earpices (2 in use) and 2 set pieces.


So, all in all, I got nearly the same amount of useful stuff from 16 tier 2 crates, as form 90 tier 1 crates. My prayers to the rng-god seems to work. :D

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I've taken to calling 5.0 TOR's New Gambling Edition. If the acronym fits...


I might have to use that in my writes ups about swtor and comparisons.


swtor 5.0 and bws new expansion is the NGE of its time. The New Gambling Edition.


That is extremely funny because it so true.

Edited by Quraswren
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I might have to use that in my writes ups about swtor and comparisons.


swtor 5.0 and bws new expansion is the NGE of its time. The New Gambling Edition.


That is extremely funny because it so true.


Don't forget about the Casino Upgrade

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Level 30-40 on 3 toons. A few set pieces, a few dupes. All of that is irrelevant. I am not interested in grinding as gameplay. I don't log in anymore as it feels more like being a junkie than playing a game as a hobby.


When my sub lapses, it won't be renewed. And I will likely delete SWTOR from my computer so that it doesn't waste Gb on my SSD. I have other games I can play as a hobby that are FUN and do not cost $15/mo to have zero fun.


Thanks for ruining the game BW. At least the KOTET story was interesting.

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It's almost hard for me to believe so many people have one or no set pieces after so many CL's. I'm CL 36 and I have 5 set pieces + 1 duplicate. Actually I feel so guilty about it, I'm usually a very unlucky person. I also have a purple mainhand, although I've gotten a LOT of implants and haven't seen a single relic.


It's possible some people are just jumping on the bandwagon and saying they've gotten squat, because they hate the rng and want to protest it - I hate it to, despite my good luck so far - but I'm not saying anyone here has, because that's the problem with rng in general. That many people will have the worst luck, while only a few get a full set in no time, and most will fall in between.


I've taken to calling 5.0 TOR's New Gambling Edition. If the acronym fits...


I like that (sort of!). The other good one I've seen is New Player Experience. Since it's so alt and legacy unfriendly, and almost all recycled content.


But playing off the expansion titles I like:


Knights of the Fallen Endgame

Knights of the Eternal Treadmill -or- Knights of the Eternal Grind


Edit: just saw "New Gearing Experience", that one's even better IMO.

Edited by ChadSkywalkur
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