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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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everyone has the ability delay. some people just dont notice it because they play slower.

not noticing it, or not being bothered by it doesnt mean you dont have the delay.


I do notice the animation delay, but mine stay within the global cool-down, and I prefer it.

Edited by Jediwran
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Love how this thread has more views then Stickys about the devs thanking us for playing!


Ive read 200 and some odd pages from the previous thread and most of this one.


I support the thread 100%, played all the mmos yadda yadda. All the money they spent created a subpar game in this aspect, imo. And its almost guaranteed that due to the popularity of this thread, something should be done. Which most likely wont happen, but in the evolution of online gaming, there will be better games on less budget that will provide a more than subpar experience in character response and this game will go under Biowares Write Off taxes.


guild wars 2 looks like it will be that game

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What is frustrating is that any fanboi can come in and state this problem does not exist for them, with no proof or evidence.


If you have read the thread it is quite clear that the mismatch between UI, key press and animations is completely linear to your FPS and latency. On top of it it correlates with your settings as well (queue and key press up/down settings).


Hence, someone playing with very good latency at off hours, with a good rig in medium populated areas and the right settings will be fine. If it is a person using the avatar and not the UI as the prime anchor for their actions even more so.


Ergo: There will be large differences in perception of this problem.

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I read the original post but not all the replies. I noticed this issue as well, but I poked around the game options and found that you could change it from 0.5 all the way down to 0.0. The default was 0.5. I hope that this wasn't missed in all the replies, because that would be pretty sad. I noticed an immediate improvement when I changed it to 0.0.
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Why would anyone lie about not having the problem? How odd. If I were having an issue, I'd be just as peeved.


Well prove me wrong and do this:


get a jedi consular sage, get force wave, get into a warzone and start filming for youtube.


Now what i want to see is a jedi consular sage get attacked by a few melee, get stunned and then use tenacity( off the GCD CC breaker) then use force wave( isntant aoe knockback)


You should be able to use those 2 abilities in succession tenacity>force nearly intsantly and have the melee beating on you get knocked away.


If they work correctly you should see the sage press tenacity then force wave in rapid succession, then immedaitely see the melee around the sage get knocked away.


I want to see a video of this in a warzone, then i will believe some people do not have the unresponsive combat problem.


I see this and i will immediately admit i was wrong and totally out of line.

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Well prove me wrong and do this:


get a jedi consular sage, get force wave, get into a warzone and start filming for youtube.


Now what i want to see is a jedi consular sage get attacked by a few melee, get stunned and then use tenacity( off the GCD CC breaker) then use force wave( isntant aoe knockback)


You should be able to use those 2 abilities in succession tenacity>force nearly intsantly and have the melee beating on you get knocked away.


If they work correctly you should see the sage press tenacity then force wave in rapid succession, then immedaitely see the melee around the sage get knocked away.


I want to see a video of this in a warzone, then i will believe some people do not have the unresponsive combat problem.


I see this and i will immediately admit i was wrong and totally out of line.


I'm sorry, I don't have to prove anything, I'm def not leveling a Consular Sage to prove the game is working ok for me.

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Well prove me wrong and do this:


get a jedi consular sage, get force wave, get into a warzone and start filming for youtube.


Now what i want to see is a jedi consular sage get attacked by a few melee, get stunned and then use tenacity( off the GCD CC breaker) then use force wave( isntant aoe knockback)


You should be able to use those 2 abilities in succession tenacity>force nearly intsantly and have the melee beating on you get knocked away.


If they work correctly you should see the sage press tenacity then force wave in rapid succession, then immedaitely see the melee around the sage get knocked away.


I want to see a video of this in a warzone, then i will believe some people do not have the unresponsive combat problem.


I see this and i will immediately admit i was wrong and totally out of line.


I seriously do this all the time...


you kinda have to wait for your toon to JUMP and LAND before the knockback takes place

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I read the original post but not all the replies. I noticed this issue as well, but I poked around the game options and found that you could change it from 0.5 all the way down to 0.0. The default was 0.5. I hope that this wasn't missed in all the replies, because that would be pretty sad. I noticed an immediate improvement when I changed it to 0.0.


prolly the 15th person to come up with this fix-nothing solution

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I seriously do this all the time...


you kinda have to wait for your toon to JUMP and LAND before the knockback takes place


It takes forever and is always lagged out and unresponsive, and generally in the time I am waiting on the laggy unresponsive keypress, i die.


and once again, anyone can come say anything, as usual no evidence

Edited by Khoranth
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Keep the thread alive in hopes to get this fixed sooner than later!


To keep this post on topic though, if Bioware doesn't pop in their heads into this thread with as much as a yellow "." (dot) to simply acknowledge the existence of this thread of over 300 pages, 3,000 replies, 150,000 views over the next 24 hours I will be sorely let down by a company who I regarded highly as well as put my trust into.


How much time, how much effort goes into a Developer simply posting something like "Hey guys, we're here, we see It. Carry on"? I mean no-one expects you to corner yourself with dates and gameplans or explanations... But to ignore something this big is simply mind boggling.


I cannot help but feel as though:


A) They simply dont care whatsoever. As in, amount of not giving a **** is only comparable to Dark Matter in the universe.


B) They believe themselves too important, too busy and cannot be bothered to post a simple 2 second "hello" in a thread that has garnered this much "press". Perhaps if we took the discussio to reddit forums?


C) they don't want to say anything at all until they have worked everything out behind the scenes, how to fix it, how to sweep the issue under the rug, how to market other things... consulting PR etc. and then at some point make a grand blog like post....



All of the above are simply poorest of the poor handling of your own playerbase. I am sorry to say but I am losing the trust in you and Blizzard has never had me doubting their own "care" for their game this much. If there would be an equivalent of this magnitude on the WoW forums, you better believe Ghostcrawler would be in there...


Bioware's past community communications had a bad trackrecord from Garrus' face in Mass Effect 1 (PC) through Dragon Ages Modding Tools to now, SW:TOR Responsiveness...



I fully expect this post deleted but I do plan on a write up on this Communications Issue for another thread.

Edited by Sireene
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Need an answer for Bioware on this. Did they have people from War work on this? The clunkyness in combat seems really similar to what War had. But yea if they dont fix it Im out once diablo 3 or pandas come. Meele and healing are really annoying to play right now esp in pvp. Hopefully this game doesnt end up as a stopgap till the next blizz game like War did because its actually good and has potential to be great. But Im not sure if this is fixable If its built like this in the game engine =\
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Well, they did acknowledge the issue in the impromptu interview.


Q: Ability Delay. Have you guys discussed this internally, and if so, is there an ETA for a fix on this issue?

A: Hey! It has been discussed internally, and we'll talk about it publicly soon. It's not a simple issue so we don't want to issue a quick, off-the-cuff response.




So yes, they know about it. No they don't have a fix in place yet.

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I just got a warning for being rude in my response to a post in this thread that had more numbers than letters. I mean comon moderators, I think there are some worse offenders out there...


To keep this post on topic though, if Bioware doesn't POP in their heads into this thread with as much as a yellow ". (dot) to simply acknowledge the existence of this thread of over 300 pages, 3,000 replies, 150,000 views over the next 24 hours I will be sorely let down by a company who regarded highly as well as put my trust into.


How my time, how much effort goes into a Developer simply posting something like "Hey guys, we're here, we see It. Carry on"? I mean no-one expects you to corner yourself with dates and gameplans or explanations... But to ignore something this big is simply mind boggling.


I cannot help but feel as though:


A) They simply dont care whatsoever. As in, amount of not giving a **** is only comparable to Dark Matter in the universe.


B) They believe themselves too important, too busy and cannot be bothered to post a simple 2second "hello" in a thread that has garnered this much "press". Perhaps if we took the discussio to reddit forums?


C) they don't want to say anything at all until they have worked everything out beyond the scenes, how to fix it, how to sweep the issue under the rug, how to market other things... consulting PR etc. and then at some point make a grand blog like post....



All of the above are simply poorest of the poor handling of your own playerbase. I am sorry to day but I am losing the trust in you and Blizzard has never had me doubting their own "care" for their game this much. If there would be an equivalent of this magnitude on the WoW forums, you better believe Ghostcrawler would be in there...


Bioware's past community communications had a bad trackrecord from Garrus' face in Mass Effect 1 (PC) through Dragon Ages Modding Tools to now, SW:TOR Responsiveness...



I fully expect this post deleted but I do plan on a write up on this Communications Issue for another thread.


The more i think about this topic the angrier i get.


I cannot help but think: if there is ONE fundamental, basic feature I want in absolutely ANY VIDEO GAME EVER it is that when i press a button, my character does what i want, what i pressed.


How does any game developer screw this up? Is there anything more basic to any video game development?

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Well, they did acknowledge the issue in the impromptu interview.


Q: Ability Delay. Have you guys discussed this internally, and if so, is there an ETA for a fix on this issue?

A: Hey! It has been discussed internally, and we'll talk about it publicly soon. It's not a simple issue so we don't want to issue a quick, off-the-cuff response.




So yes, they know about it. No they don't have a fix in place yet.


Excellent find!

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Now that i am a high level and need my abilities to stack properly the delay is very obvious for me when my sith maurader does a force smash there is a pause between upward motion and the downward smash its like air jordan hope its fixed soon
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Be realistic: They have acknowledged the issue in the Community Manager chat. If this thread gets a reply it will be next week after the holidays.


And Blizzard doing community communication right? Such as the Diablo 3 release date debacle and silence...?


Unfortunately, all game companies seem to be quite bad at this now days when too much money is involved.

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Be realistic: They have acknowledged the issue in the Community Manager chat. If this thread gets a reply it will be next week after the holidays.


And Blizzard doing community communication right? Such as the Diablo 3 release date debacle and silence...?


Unfortunately, all game companies seem to be quite bad at this now days when too much money is involved.


There's a difference between not announcing a release date and not commenting on a design issue which will destroy the game.

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There's a difference between not announcing a release date and not commenting on a design issue which will destroy the game.


They did comment on it, they've acknowledged it, and said they aren't going to speak publicly about it just yet, as it's a complex issue.

Edited by Jediwran
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Well, they did acknowledge the issue in the impromptu interview.


Q: Ability Delay. Have you guys discussed this internally, and if so, is there an ETA for a fix on this issue?

A: Hey! It has been discussed internally, and we'll talk about it publicly soon. It's not a simple issue so we don't want to issue a quick, off-the-cuff response.




So yes, they know about it. No they don't have a fix in place yet.


Glad they aknowledge it exists. Just worried they wont think its as big of a problem as it actually is and gloss over it. We'll see I suppose

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