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All i want for christmas is my HK-55 & Nico Okarr :(


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seriously. over 3 times of what WE had to pay to qualify (because to get companions you only needed to qualify with a single date - its the HK chapter that required the full 16 chapters worth of subscription)? virtually a cost of an entire triple A title for a bunch of pixels? how is that fair? its the "I'm really too petty to let someone have what I have, so I'm going to make the cost as unreasonable as possible, so that they choke on it" suggestion.


Think of it this way, the tuk'ata companion costs nearly $20, but you can't summon it until lvl 10, it has no recruitment mission and can't craft. It is also very hard to gain influence with. I think Nico & HK are definitely worth more than the tuk'ata. Maybe not 3x more, but definitely more.

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If people aren't willing to pay, no one's forcing them to. But yes, it should cost more to get it now than it did to get it originally. Not to mention, I believe you had to be subscribed for several months in a row to get Nico, and same thing with HK-55. So $50 might even be too low a cost, or at least reasonable.


$20 IS more than it cost to get them and you are wrong. you had to be subscribed on a specific date to get him, you had to be subscribed for several months to get early acess. but to get Nico? people got him with 7 days free subscription. it was very much unintended, but the point is - if you were a subscriber status on one specific date? you got him $20>$15


Think of it this way, the tuk'ata companion costs nearly $20, but you can't summon it until lvl 10, it has no recruitment mission and can't craft. It is also very hard to gain influence with. I think Nico & HK are definitely worth more than the tuk'ata. Maybe not 3x more, but definitely more.


nearly $20 is not $20 its less then $20. the fact that it cannot craft is a silly restriction IMO (as far as leveling affection - I've been getting a LOT of Muja fruits from missions and the like, and they cost 1 blue jawa scrap on fleet, one of the few gifts that can be bought with jawa junk, same goes for purple and green version, so I'm not entirely sure what makes them so much harder then other companions, they certainly sound easier to level that, say.. Ashara Zavros ) .


Treek costs less then $20 and does a LOT more and comes with an actual recruitment mission plus a set of conversation and Treek can be bought with credits from a vendor once you get your legacy high enough 40). and don't forget that unlike people who qualified for Nico Okar as a reward - people who buy him would STILL need to unlock him for the account so it would be more like $25 equivalent, counting unlock costs. making baseline purchase cost to be $50 before unlock costs? is a way to say "I really don't want you to have it because having it makes me feel special, so if you want it - pay well above what he's actualy worth for him"

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$20 IS more than it cost to get them and you are wrong. you had to be subscribed on a specific date to get him, you had to be subscribed for several months to get early acess. but to get Nico? people got him with 7 days free subscription. it was very much unintended, but the point is - if you were a subscriber status on one specific date? you got him $20>$15


nearly $20 is not $20 its less then $20. the fact that it cannot craft is a silly restriction IMO (as far as leveling affection - I've been getting a LOT of Muja fruits from missions and the like, and they cost 1 blue jawa scrap on fleet, one of the few gifts that can be bought with jawa junk, same goes for purple and green version, so I'm not entirely sure what makes them so much harder then other companions, they certainly sound easier to level that, say.. Ashara Zavros ) .


Treek costs less then $20 and does a LOT more and comes with an actual recruitment mission plus a set of conversation and Treek can be bought with credits from a vendor once you get your legacy high enough 40). and don't forget that unlike people who qualified for Nico Okar as a reward - people who buy him would STILL need to unlock him for the account so it would be more like $25 equivalent, counting unlock costs. making baseline purchase cost to be $50 before unlock costs? is a way to say "I really don't want you to have it because having it makes me feel special, so if you want it - pay well above what he's actualy worth for him"


You snooze you lose. Do you go into stores months after Black Friday and demand that they sell you something for the same price it was during that sale? No. You didn't buy in when it was available, it's going to cost you more to get now, if you can even get it at all. And I think other commenters on here are right--EAWare is not going to release these sub reward companions to people who didn't qualify for them originally, because then that carrot they use to keep people subbed during slow periods will be gone. Everyone will just unsub and wait for it to be available to buy later.

Edited by AscendingSky
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You snooze you lose. Do you go into stores months after Black Friday and demand that they sell you something for the same price it was during that sale? No. You didn't buy in when it was available, it's going to cost you more to get now, if you can even get it at all. And I think other commenters on here are right--EAWare is not going to release these sub reward companions to people who didn't qualify for them originally, because then that carrot they use to keep people subbed during slow periods will be gone. Everyone will just unsub and wait for it to be available to buy later.


1. I. HAVE. IT. I'm not arguing for me. I have Nico. I have HK. I have acess to HK bonus chapter. whether they sell it or not changes nothing FOR ME.


2. you comparison is wrong becasue guess what? I can go into the store after black friday and STILL buy an item. I would pay more for it (and I never suggested that they shouldn't cost more - $20 plus unlock cost IS more than what it cost those of us that have it)


3. if everyone unsubs to buy it later, if they want to pay more for it? more power to them. but one way or another everyone is STILL paying for it, so ..what is the problem exactly here?


reminder. you didn't have to be subscribed for multiple months to get Nico, OR HK. you only needed to be subscribed on a specific date. so each companion in a nutshell? cost us $15. selling it for $20 plus unlock costs? is fair.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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All I want is a working game, no lag, class balance, a gearing system that's not crap, new content and some Devs who listen and care as well as communicate actively with us.

Did I miss anything?



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Not at all, Erik. It's all about the wording. Consider this:


"All i want for christmas is my HK-55 & Nico Okarr :( "

"All I want for Christmas is HK-55 & Nico Okarr"


One is asking, the other is feeling entitled. By stating "my" in the "ask," the OP has already laid claim to it. ;)


I really thought more people knew of the reason i asked the way i did, one could almost now say (They see me asking, they hating) which is another reference to a song that i hope more people maybe know of...


Here is the xmas song and the reason i phrased it the way i did


I dont feel entitled to get anything at all, i simply asked them to consider adding it this xmas in one way or another, whetever that is 5k cc who cares atleast there would be an option :)

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Asking for something does not equal entitled. At no point did OP demand anything s/he didn't deserve, s/he simply asked for them to be made available. We like to throw around the word entitled as an insult without understanding it;s true meaning.


Yeah, people always say "YOU"RE NOT ENTITLED TO IT, YOU DIDN'T EARN IT!" when someone requests this, but most of the time no one's claiming they're entitled to it. Requesting something and claiming you have a right to it or you deserve it are not the same things.


I'm pretty sure I have most of these companions. I'm missing HK-55, and I'd love to have him, even without the bonus chapter. (Though I'd like to get Z0-0M too.) I think a 'happy medium' would be to have these kinds of companions free, exclusive rewards for a year or so, then put them up as direct purchase items on the Cartel Market. Seems like only selfish, bitter, "YOU CAN'T PLAY WITH MY TOY!" people could be really unhappy with that arrangement.

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Remember that time when all the cool kids came on the forums, bragging about how they were just gonna unsub through KotFE and just sub at the end to get all the chapters? And then Bioware said they'd give the ones who stuck around a gift for staying loyal and continuing to stay subbed. And then all the cool kids came back and complained cause "It's not fair that we tried to cheat the system and didn't get the companion.". Remember that time?
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Remember that time when all the cool kids came on the forums, bragging about how they were just gonna unsub through KotFE and just sub at the end to get all the chapters? And then Bioware said they'd give the ones who stuck around a gift for staying loyal and continuing to stay subbed. And then all the cool kids came back and complained cause "It's not fair that we tried to cheat the system and didn't get the companion.". Remember that time?


And that is exactly why EAWare will not release those companions on the CM. They need that carrot to brandish to keep people subbed during empty periods without content updates. If they started selling them a year down the road or whatever, then that carrot would disappear. People could unsub safe in the knowledge they could pick up whatever they wanted later down the line. That wouldn't help EAWare's bottom line.

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Yeah, people always say "YOU"RE NOT ENTITLED TO IT, YOU DIDN'T EARN IT!" when someone requests this, but most of the time no one's claiming they're entitled to it. Requesting something and claiming you have a right to it or you deserve it are not the same things.


I'm pretty sure I have most of these companions. I'm missing HK-55, and I'd love to have him, even without the bonus chapter. (Though I'd like to get Z0-0M too.) I think a 'happy medium' would be to have these kinds of companions free, exclusive rewards for a year or so, then put them up as direct purchase items on the Cartel Market. Seems like only selfish, bitter, "YOU CAN'T PLAY WITH MY TOY!" people could be really unhappy with that arrangement.


I'm not surprised that people who desperately want a subscriber reward that they do NOT qualify to receive would try to pin the blame for their inability to receive those subscriber rewards on those who ask BW to hold to the requirements that THEY set for eligibility. Fort some, it is always easier to blame someone else than it is to accept responsibility for their own actions or lack thereof.


Some players asking BW to hold to the requirements that they set DID meet the requirements to receive the subscriber rewards and some did not, despite what some would claim.

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