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Different games, different game engines. The abomination that SWTOR uses is NOT console compatible, therefore without a complete re-write, this game will never go to any consoles.


This is not new information.


True, but Star Trek online had a different engine to its current one. They had to port the whole game over

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Top 5 of P2P MMOs. Which, just so you know, doesn't mean it's not failing. Could just mean, that other MMOs are failing too. :p


The real question I would have is, if TOR is a top 5 MMO, then why can't they afford to give us multiple story lines? Our companions back with more chapters in KotET.


This lads.. So much this..

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another strange fact swtor is suppose to be F2P but is listed in the P2P MMO maybe because its not even top 10 in the F2P cathegory lol


I noticed on the Superdata website "about us" page, they don't even have EA as one of the people they work with. Maybe EA occasionally gives them data or maybe not. You have to wonder where they get this info from if they don't.

I did notice that ViSA and Paypal were companies they worked with, maybe they get those figure from them, which means lots of those transactions would be based on cartel market and not just subscriptions.

Considering EAware are now trying to push players back to subscribing and away from preferred or f2p, then those figures will change because a lot of cartel stuff was purchased from those preferred players.

So how will that data fare out in 6 months after they push f2p and preferred away from the game and subscriptions drop because a large majority of the population isn't happy with the expansion and the game's direction.

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how will they modify the engine to support 3-4 skills bars with a ps4 xbox controller? you know some people on this game use more than 3 skills...


Button mash like the old days of console where you had to go forward, back, up, left, up, down, just on the controller and hit the one button, then do something similar on another button all to do one move.. lol.

Now consoles have about 8 buttons? Where they can do button combos too and they also have two control sticks.

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I seriously think this is a EAWare plant account. Every time they make a major change to the game, we always get people like the OP who "suddenly" show up out of nowhere. That have no prior posting history and bash the people who hate the changes. And don't receive any repercussions behind it no matter how disrespectful or how belligerent they post.


Keep trolling EA. Keep trolling.


I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with wether it's an EA plant, your point about no history and people who start being white knights, trolls or haters and have no history always amuses me. These people without history come out of the blue to give it to people who have been here since launch or at least a long time. Usually they appear at times like this and can be quite aggressive with an agenda.

Looking at a posters history or time period doesn't always tell the whole story as they may have just decided that they felt they need to start posting. The forums can get addictive if you start posting. So no history can also mean that they may have read them, but never posted.

Posting history is also a way to track people who troll and get banned.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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another strange fact swtor is suppose to be F2P but is listed in the P2P MMO maybe because its not even top 10 in the F2P cathegory lol


After 5.0, with the removal of passes, SWTOR is a P2P with a free demo, not a F2P game. A real F2P game, has no restrictions, and the only difference between a sub and a non-sub, is less farming.

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After 5.0, with the removal of passes, SWTOR is a P2P with a free demo, not a F2P game. A real F2P game, has no restrictions, and the only difference between a sub and a non-sub, is less farming.


its pre 5.0(sept 2016) and it still annonce himself has a F2P game

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Even with the nonstop doom and gloom from the couple dozen poster who clearly sub (thanks) to swtor so they are able to complain on the forums.


This has been going on for FIVE YEARS now, it's the reason why the MAJORITY of players never step foot in these forums. I have some bad news for these couple of dozen posters all of your hard work has done nothing to take down swtor. In year FIVE swtor was in the top 5 every month as this latest report shows for Sept (Oct, Nov not out yet).




It's about time the couple dozen posters who have been at this for FIVE YEARS now just give up your crusade has failed.


Well of course it is. Cause there are only like 5 participants in that category to begin with! Your link is a perfect example of lying through statistics, and trying to create a story for the sake of story, even when there is none. If you only have five contenders for a top five something, well you get the idea. The real telling story, is the other categories.

Edited by Darkside
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Many people are only subscribing to finish the poorly-written Knights of the Fallen Empire. I can attest to being one of them. This game would be nothing if not for the fact that it's Star Wars themed and it has voice acted cutscenes. It's a bad game at its foundation, with an equally bad, nonsensical development team. Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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Of course, that's why the game got called out in a quarterly report for losing sub revenue or that the CM item supply of packs has gotten thin on the ground as less people buy them. It's in the wrong category and the lists exclude games by technicalities. You can make anything look good with the right metrics and exclusions.


They wouldn't have introduced RNG gear if there wasn't problems with our declining population. But go ahead, I'm sure your boundless ignorance will have EA let this game continue to decline and drag their name through the dirt. I'm sick and tired in game of listening to people rail on EA when anyone who has played their other games or in fact, games done by other Bioware studios knows this particular management is on this one. They have been making a major drive to increase transparency across the board and customer satisfaction. EA does and has done some horrible things but they aren't this inept.

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its pre 5.0(sept 2016) and it still annonce himself has a F2P game


The sad thing is that this game had the potential to be number 2 easily but has failed due to terrible management decisions.


You already had the Star Wars name brand, you had all the millions of initial subs....and the game has just flopped.


Yes, it still has players but it's been a steady downward trickle over the years. Q3 2016 they lost 20k subs


They are #4 in a genre that really not many companies are aggressively competing in.

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I seriously think this is a EAWare plant account. Every time they make a major change to the game, we always get people like the OP who "suddenly" show up out of nowhere. That have no prior posting history and bash the people who hate the changes. And don't receive any repercussions behind it no matter how disrespectful or how belligerent they post.


Keep trolling EA. Keep trolling.


I'm pretty sure that's another well known forum troll, named after a rodent and a face playing card, under a different name. Probably got banned again and has a second account. Hope he gets caught :D

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Hell I've never even heard of 2 and 3 in that list. Give 5.0 a month or so and I bet server pop tells a different story. I've seen rankings that barely place SWTOR in the top 10. Combine this with the fact that this game benefits from the biggest IP in the universe and I think it's safe to say it's under performing hard. If this didn't have the name Star Wars in front of it the lights would be out in Austin.


This could have been a great game and I believe in times past it has tiptoed near greatness. The achilles heel of SWTOR has always been that the devs are just too slow releasing new content. Now the game is a ship without a rudder in that the game has always encouraged alts (8 unique class stories) and most recently featured an event that encouraged alts (DVL) and now for reasons that cannot be justified has adopted the most alt unfriendly system of gearing up toons imaginable. The focus on faceroll easy single player content has driven away many of the skilled players and the game now caters to chapter loving casuals who don't want to play an mmo but want KotoR 3. KOTFE and KOTET have given birth to a whole new genre of video game, the MSORPG, and it's one ugly baby.:rak_05:


On a final note, without going into details I will say that customer service really surprised me recently with a great experience. Without gong into detail I'll just say that because of customer service I've decided to stay subbed through my January renewal and see what the Jan dev stream has to say. In the meantime I'm hoping for some return to sanity with this whole RNG sh..show. If not then my 5 year SWTOR journey will come to a somewhat bitter end but I'll always remember great times with great people in what was a pretty great game.

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The game did almost fail. That much is absolute FACT, stated by Bioware themselves.


July and August of 2012 was as close as they game likely was to death.


To deny that is ludicrous and revisionist.


Is the game dying now? Only Bioware knows for sure. But one thing is very likely IMO (just my opinion mind you)...the game is likely FAR from the sorry state it was in just before the launch of free to play....


...which, it turns out, likely saved the game from complete oblivion.


So I tend to think it is likely fine right now...not likely as good as it SHOULD be doing, but also not likely doing as badly as some would have you believe.

Edited by LordArtemis
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The game did almost fail. That much is absolute FACT, stated by Bioware themselves.


July and August of 2013 was as close as they game likely was to death.


To deny that is ludicrous and revisionist.


Is the game dying now? Only Bioware knows for sure. But one thing is very likely IMO (just my opinion mind you)...the game is likely FAR from the sorry state it was in just before the launch of free to play....


...which, it turns out, likely saved the game from complete oblivion.


So I tend to think it is likely fine right now...not likely as good as it SHOULD be doing, but also not likely doing as badly as some would have you believe.


He's talking about July/August 2012, though.

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Of course, that's why the game got called out in a quarterly report for losing sub revenue or that the CM item supply of packs has gotten thin on the ground as less people buy them. It's in the wrong category and the lists exclude games by technicalities. You can make anything look good with the right metrics and exclusions.


They wouldn't have introduced RNG gear if there wasn't problems with our declining population. But go ahead, I'm sure your boundless ignorance will have EA let this game continue to decline and drag their name through the dirt. I'm sick and tired in game of listening to people rail on EA when anyone who has played their other games or in fact, games done by other Bioware studios knows this particular management is on this one. They have been making a major drive to increase transparency across the board and customer satisfaction. EA does and has done some horrible things but they aren't this inept.


There you go again, with your facts and your reasonable nature and your logic. Psh, white knights don't need any of those! They just need caps lock and a list of insults.


More seriously... it's sad that even EA admits the game is losing money on its financial reports, yet these people continue to rail and moan about how everything is just fine, and we're all just Negative Nellies! Even though we've gone from over 100 servers at launch down to a handful, only about a half of which at best are active while the rest are ghost towns.

Edited by AscendingSky
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This is the first expansion in 3 years where i didn't double my guilds population with new recruits or returning players. In fact I've lost far more members then i will recoup since the announcement of 5.0. I'm not sure what kind of data they used to rank things? I'm pretty sure population is down on my server. At a time when it should be skyrocketing. I'm guessing an announcement of new ops in January(not likely) will be too little too late.


The only thing I've seen improve is pvp numbers.

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That was Sept, before the disaster they just put out. (Even massively isn't impressed.)


The figures for Jan, Feb and Marsh will be more interesting. See how many subs drop out when the 30, 60 and 90 days subs/cards run out. You know it's bad already or they wouldn't have had that stream last week. That was an attempt at damage control that probably did more harm than good since all they basically said is "it's our game, play it our way."

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I disagree with the opening post. I have argued against what I have seen as a completely one-sided slam on Bioware, but the argument of the opening post is even worse than that because it's farther from the truth.


Just from my experience as a HM raid leader on Jedi Covenant and the people I've spoken to and the SWTOR forums and reddit that I read, 99% of what I see is bad or not great.


* 99% of the people who express an opinion on 5.0 is negative, that includes every person on my raid team and every person I know on other raid teams


* On my own team people talk about quitting the game, in a guild I know, the people talk about quitting the game, in other teams people have quit, before 5.0 even dropped and we knew there would be no new ops people talked about taking a break from raiding and seeing what they're going to do, a dps I ran with said he's pissed and is not sure he wants to come back (after he took a break for personal reasons), you see people like Vulkk who say he doesn't like the system, and people all over Reddit saying they payed thousands to this game or were here since before day one and they are quitting or are really unhappy


* Couple that with the reality that the HM ops community is just getting punished, and that this system really does suck, and that it's not about adding great content but about a ham-fisted terrible gimmick which takes away our ability to enjoy the game and play our alts and play the amount of time and the type of activity that we want and replace that with a stupid *** repetitive grind, especially for people who are busy and don't have a ton of free time to be spending doing the same stupid flash point express over and over again. Galactic Command took away people's freedom and made them grind flash point express. That's substantively what this is, and to dismiss that as "doom and gloom" and they be hatin' is just.....I'm going to hold back, but you can guess where that was going.




Edited by RobertFKennedyUS
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I disagree with the OP.


I unsubbed, my sub simply hasn't run out yet. So I am not subbing and complaining. My sub is well and truly cancelled.


Also I disagree because though I am critical of the RNG gearing, I've never stated that the game is dying. In fact I've stated various times that I don't think some of us leaving over this will kill the game.


So the OP is speaking untruths because it suits him. Sure there have been a couple of "the end is near" threads as there always are, but I'd say that for a new expansion those responses have been very minimal here.


Why? Because us criticasters are very well aware that by now there should be enough customers that will buy a donkey from BWA and think they're riding a war horse. Those customers will keep the game alive, I have no doubt.

Edited by Tsillah
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