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What are the odds (and what is the plan to address incomplete set bonuses at GCR 300)


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I should consider myself lucky - I got a tier piece (Eternal Commander MK-3 Field Tech's Belt, iLvl 230) at GCR level 3. However, it got me to wonder about the odds of getting a piece.


The system says we have 300 attempts to get 6 pieces of gear to make a complete set (and that's an assumption I'm making - that BioWare wants us to have a complete set). The only thing we know is the maximum number of attempts that can be made - we don't know the drop rate nor have I read anything about what the mechanism is if some unlucky player manages to get to the rank cap and doesn't have a full set bonus.


Anyone that crafted items and reverse engineered them to learn the schematic with a 10% chance to learn it probably thought "I should need to make 10 items to be assured that I will have learned that pattern". However, they could learn it on the first attempt (and then wasted the materials/time making the now unnecessary remaining items) or they could reverse engineer all 10 and still not learn it (as each attempt is still 10% but the odds of NOT learning by the 10th attempt are small and get smaller with each successive attempt). I recall making over 20 items several times (and my worst case is 32).


I consider it likely that by GCR 300 that there will be people without complete tier gear sets and as far as I know there is no mechanism to acquire the remaining pieces (until there's a new expansion with a higher level cap - but then due to probability, there will still be those unlucky people). So BioWare, please tell us your plan to address the missing pieces? Will you mail them to me at cap?

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Oh, you get far more than 300 attempts. You can just keep grinding until you finally get those coveted bracers 9 months from now.


I would say the odds of having a full set by the time you hit 300 are actually very low.


They want you to play forever. Wait, that's not right... They want you to grind forever.

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remember that those 300 attempts are divided into 3 tiers of gear >.>

and wow, a piece of SB at rank 3? you sure are lucky. i got pants.... at rank 45


I got a mainhand 230, leg 230 and 2 wrist 230 at lvl 20 , pretty fast, thats 3 pieces in 80/100 items


Edited by Groncho
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Careful how much you complain about sets and set bonuses. Easiest fix from their end is to remove all set bonuses and do a slight retune to account for their absence on hardest difficulties. Given how hard it is to balance all set bonuses across classes, with some always OP and some being utter garbage, removing them altogether would greatly simplify their task.
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So far I'm at GC level 4, I got an orange 230 belt, an orange 230 offhand, a purple 230 mainhand, 4 empty mainhand shells (2 pistols, a nice Revanite saber that I wish was in collections, and a cannon, all bind on equip) I'm off to a good start.


Anyway you get as many chances at a box as you can stand to grind, you keep getting them after you hit 300. That doesn't mean you'll ever finish your set, but you can play RNG Roulette forever.

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Careful how much you complain about sets and set bonuses. Easiest fix from their end is to remove all set bonuses and do a slight retune to account for their absence on hardest difficulties. Given how hard it is to balance all set bonuses across classes, with some always OP and some being utter garbage, removing them altogether would greatly simplify their task.


Not really, that would make crafting king and people would have no need to grind CXP anymore at all. The easiest fix is give people access to the 230 set bonus armourings early on reliably. That way everybody has a good foundation and the remaining grind for higher level gear can continue ad infinitum. The biggest mistake they made (aside from choosing the rng approach) is to deny people a reliable way to get baseline gear. The second mistake is to make the RNG so bad that many people can't complete a tier of gear before they start getting the next tier of boxes.


We told BWA about such things before the launch. Shame it had to go live first for them to see that it wasn't as rosy as they predicted themselves, resulting in a bunch of sub cancellations. People like myself might resub but they'll need to fix some things in first. In the mean time I'm not playing, I'm not paying and I'm not buying hypercrates anymore.


I'd say it's an unnecessary loss of revenue for them simply because they're not good at math, but still think they know better.

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The biggest mistake they made (aside from choosing the rng approach) is to deny people a reliable way to get baseline gear. The second mistake is to make the RNG so bad that many people can't complete a tier of gear before they start getting the next tier of boxes.


The third mistake they made was diluting the loot table with Green / Blue rubbish that no player wanted.


I'll still be using my 208 PvP set bonus years from now, along with crafted 228 mods / enh / barrels. I've got to about rank 8 with nothing to show for it. It's certainly sucked all the fun and excitment out of 5.0 for me, and I'll remain unsubscribed to the game as long as it remains the primary gearing system in place.

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The third mistake they made was diluting the loot table with Green / Blue rubbish that no player wanted.




I have to disagree with this part, as I'm a player that welcomes any 230+ gear at this point. Set bonus or no, I might finally be able to solo those Star Fortresses I struggle with. But then I am and will always be a Hard Casual*


*Get your minds out of the gutter, that's a term I coined for we who are between casual and hardcore.

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Anyway you get as many chances at a box as you can stand to grind, you keep getting them after you hit 300. That doesn't mean you'll ever finish your set, but you can play RNG Roulette forever.

OK, I guess a misunderstanding on my part - I thought (and have only experienced) that getting a crate only occurs when your level increases. If the level is capped and you hit the cap, what then are you doing to get more crates?

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OK, I guess a misunderstanding on my part - I thought (and have only experienced) that getting a crate only occurs when your level increases. If the level is capped and you hit the cap, what then are you doing to get more crates?


The same grinding you did to level up, only your level doesn't increment. It's silly. I'm assuming the amount if GC required to get crates at that point is the same to get from level 299 to 300....? When someone finally reaches that point they'll have to let us all know.

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I have to disagree with this part


Correction, that in general, players posting in the thread with regards to RNG did not seem to appreciate diluted loot tables. Absolutely there are players who don't mind unoptimised 230 green / blues.


I wasn't speaking literally, but then the forum being written word doesn't convey that, thanks ever so much for calling me out on it. (/s :p)

Edited by Transcendent
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The third mistake they made was diluting the loot table with Green / Blue rubbish that no player wanted.


I'll still be using my 208 PvP set bonus years from now, along with crafted 228 mods / enh / barrels. I've got to about rank 8 with nothing to show for it. It's certainly sucked all the fun and excitment out of 5.0 for me, and I'll remain unsubscribed to the game as long as it remains the primary gearing system in place.


I doubt you will unsub...you are one of the forum warriors who sub just to complain about everything in game. I do appreciate the couple dozen of you that do this btw. Personally I find it very strand and weird you guys sub to a video game just to be able to complain on the forums...but to each their own. Swtor really doesn't need your guys help though it continues to be one of the top revenue generating p2p mmos even as you guys continue your doom and gloom thread going on FIVE YEARS NOW.

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Correction, that in general, players posting in the thread with regards to RNG did not seem to appreciate diluted loot tables. Absolutely there are players who don't mind unoptimised 230 green / blues.


I wasn't speaking literally, but then the forum being written word doesn't convey that, thanks ever so much for calling me out on it. (/s :p)


Didn't mean any offense, just stating for the record my personal experience with GC gearing. I still agree with what most of you are saying, even if it doesn't apply to me. It's still a lousy system that happened to bless me with better weapons than I had, and a belt. Chances are I'll find myself frustrated later waiting on that 1 piece to be full 230 geared... then again at 238... and maybe if I stick with it, once more at 244.

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I doubt you will unsub...you are one of the forum warriors who sub just to complain about everything in game. I do appreciate the couple dozen of you that do this btw. Personally I find it very strand and weird you guys sub to a video game just to be able to complain on the forums...but to each their own. Swtor really doesn't need your guys help though it continues to be one of the top revenue generating p2p mmos even as you guys continue your doom and gloom thread going on FIVE YEARS NOW.


I find it STRANGE and weird when people think attacking and insulting others constitutes a dissenting opinion, but that's the world we live in apparently. I guess I'm the old fashioned one...

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I find it STRANGE and weird when people think attacking and insulting others constitutes a dissenting opinion, but that's the world we live in apparently. I guess I'm the old fashioned one...


Well that's where you are wrong it's not an opinion it's a fact. There are a couple dozen posters on here who all they do is fan the flames to their next hot topic. It's been this way for years and it's the FACT why the MAJORITY of players never come here. It's FACT their doom and gloom is garbage everytime as swtor continues to be one of the top revenue generation p2p mmos.

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Well that's where you are wrong it's not an opinion it's a fact. There are a couple dozen posters on here who all they do is fan the flames to their next hot topic. It's been this way for years and it's the FACT why the MAJORITY of players never come here. It's FACT their doom and gloom is garbage everytime as swtor continues to be one of the top revenue generation p2p mmos.


That's my point, it's neither an opinion nor a fact, it's just someone being childish and attacking others. None of the things you say are FACTS, which makes you and anything you say on here, just so much hot air.

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That's my point, it's neither an opinion nor a fact, it's just someone being childish and attacking others. None of the things you say are FACTS, which makes you and anything you say on here, just so much hot air.


No it is FACT not my fault you want to plug your ears and scream so you don't have to hear the facts.

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Go to the nearest casino and pay tribute to RNG gods. Then maybe the odds will be in your favor. If that doesn't help buy a couple of hypercrates and start opening them. If all you get is junk, the odds are that you paid enough tribute to the gods so next crate might have the missing piece. If it doesn't, rinse and repeat. Don't forget to buy anough cxp boosts.:rak_03:
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Got any proof of that "FACT", other than a list from before the expac came out?


FACT #1 On the Harb rollback thread 20 posters made up almost 200 of 300 (at the time post) any time there is a "BIG ISSUE" these same 20 or so do this on every "BIG THREAD" there are not a lot of people who post on here it's not hard to spot them.


FACT #2 Swtor was in the top 5 every month so far in 2016



FACT #3. The MAJORITY of players in ALL MMOS including swtor never go to the forums.


If you want more facts just ask.

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It's been this way for years and it's the FACT why the MAJORITY of players never come here. It's FACT their doom and gloom is garbage everytime as swtor continues to be one of the top revenue generation p2p mmos.


Your understanding of what constitutes a fact is rather flaky. And frankly, you don't know why some people come to the forums and why some don't. Or are you trying to tell me you tracked down every single player and asked? That's what I thought.


I have been reading the forums for a long time, and only occasionally posting, because I couldn't bothered to log in. It was only with the changes in 5.0 that I do.

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