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Server War: Light Side Always Wins?


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On Ebon Hawk the light side wins a lot but there have also been times when the dark side wins as well.


Sometimes I think it just depends on what side you want to play. Most of my republic toons are light side and I tend to play my light side characters more than I do my darkside ones.


And I don't really care for either of the armors. The pets are cute though.

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I haven't seen Light Side win on Shadowlands in a while, which works for me because my only lvl 70 is Dark 4. That being said, when your side loses, special enemies are supposed to spawn and you can kill them for your side's tokens. One would think farming these guys would net more tokens than however many GC levels you can gain in an hour, but it's unclear (to me) where they spawn.


Once you work out the logistics of these spawns, it seems it would be advantageous in terms of collecting tokens, to lose the war. Either way, it seems silly for most people to just jump to the winning side, because the rewards go by character alignment. You'd have to realign your character to the winning side, and that doesn't happen quickly (save for those who stay neutral and can bump the alignment a little to the right side). Maybe those "mercenaries" CrazyCT mentioned don't fully understand how the system works, and think that if they just click the light side toggle they'll reap rewards even if their characters are dark aligned?

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Vanjervalis Chain is kinda mixed, but I've seen slightly more DS wins than LS wins.


Switch the words "dark" and "light", and that is exactly what happens on Vanjervalis Chain.


I'm not playing much since 5.0 anymore, so I can't say.



Currently, I don't care about it, because my characters, of which all are under level 70, seem not to be affected by this ( and I haven't been doing any Choices since 5.0, either ).


I must admit that I didn't even quite understand the whole thing at all. I mean, I've never seen any mobs so far, and : When will I get tokens ? Only when I'm doing Choices, no ? And how do these Tokens look like ?



Edit : By the way, this is a hgood long-term measurement for the devs to see whether people actually prefer a side or not.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Shadow Lands is true to it's name. Dark side galore. I've only seen the light side win twice during my binging.


The light side was winning consistently before we got the DvL companion, after that it switched to dark side always winning.


I think what happened is that Shadowlands is primarily an Imp/dark side server, but nearly everyone wanted Master Ranos over the female version of Darth Maul.

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The light side was winning consistently before we got the DvL companion, after that it switched to dark side always winning.


I think what happened is that Shadowlands is primarily an Imp/dark side server, but nearly everyone wanted Master Ranos over the female version of Darth Maul.



I can confirm this, at least for me anyway. As soon as I was in the 'safe' zone I went back to being a jerk.

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I think this passive dark vs light command thing is good indication that we should never have another Dark vs Light event with a companion reward. Light side would win, and if it doesn't we have pretty good evidence the event would be rigged...


You are beginning to sound like Trump :p

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1. Certain items on each vendor require a certain Light/Dark tier to purchase, in addition to the required tokens. Meaning you can't just swap back and forth between Dark I and Light I to reap all the rewards. You need to fully commit if you want the best stuff.


2. Add neutral item rewards onto both vendors that can only be purchased with a Light/Dark rating below tier 1.


3. When one side is victorious, they get a set amount of CXP.

-Neutral +100 CXP

-Tier 1 +20 CXP

-Tier 2 +50 CXP

-Tier 3 +100 CXP

-Tier 4 +250 CXP

-Tier 5 +450 CXP


3a. Every sequential victory would reward the winning side with a 25% CXP bonus the next time around. This bonus stacks every time that side claims victory, up to 200%.


3b. In a victory state, the losing side gains even more CXP in addition to the alignment point bonus they already get.

-Neutral +100 CXP

-Tier 1 +10 CXP

-Tier 2 +30 CXP

-Tier 3 +100 CXP

-Tier 4 +300 CXP

-Tier 5 +550 CXP


3c. (Suggestion) create victory scenarios for neutral alignment. If you do that, then you can remove the neutral bonuses I listed previously and create a unique reward system for that.


4. Change the way the score is calculated. Instead of simply tallying up everyone's DS and LS points, add some multipliers to them. For Tiers 1 and 2, there would only be a 1x score multiplier. For Tier 3 and 4, it would be 2x and for tier 5 it would be 3x.


This would make it so that if a group of people really, really wanted the dark side rewards, then at tier 5, a single person's score would be worth exponentially more than a single merc who hops between T1/2 on Light or Dark. (Not only would each individual point be 3x more valuable, but they would have tens of thousands of points over the tier 1/2 groups already)


5. Under the victory condition, the losing side gets a .5x bonus score multiplier in the next round. This multiplier stacks every sequential loss they suffer. There is no cap limit to this multiplier; only that it resets once that side achieves victory.


6. To prevent simple patters like: Light wins, Light wins, Light wins, Dark wins, Light wins, Light wins, Light wins, Dark wins, ect; reward bonuses such as specific items on the vendors, would only be obtainable after X amount of sequential victories. Not only that, but the reward would only be obtainable one time per streak. So if light constantly wins, the reward would only be available once. But if the victory swapped between sides, then you could reap the reward every time your faction generated a win streak.


This reward would have to be some sort of consumable that generates demand. Because if it was a piece of armor or mount, people wouldn't be interested in claiming it multiple times. Perhaps a massive CXP booster or even something like 250 cartel coins?




The point is to discourage players from simply switching between the early tiers since the rewards and benefits they get are lack luster in comparison to the ones they would get it they fully committed to one side. It also encourages players to compete since they get the best rewards when consistently winning, but makes it harder and harder to each time since the losing side's points become more valuable after every loss. On top of that, if one side is consistently winning, they get less rewards than they would get if they where only going on shorter win streaks of 2 or 3 rounds at a time.


I didn't know there where mechanics behind all of it :D

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I think people who ignore this are doing themselves a disservice. The winning side gets bonus CXP. That's a big deal.


On most servers, it seems to be "stuck" to one side or the other, which is exactly the opposite of what Eric said the devs intended. If they expected the results to be about even, like the DvL event, then the small weighting they are currently using for the losing side would have made sense. But, like others have pointed out, its an exponential increase once one side continues to win and everyone moves their alignment over to get the bonus CXP.


Also, I agree, making "force neutral" activities like crafting and missions effect your personal alignment is asinine. Goes against the core principle of "choices matter".

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I like playing the dark side mostly but in order to take advantage of the constant light side winning on the Harbinger, every time I see the light side hit tier 3 then I am just gonna log onto a light side toon and go take a dump till they win then get back on the dark side.
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When I'm playing my dark side, I stick to the dark side whether or not they are winning as I don't believe in caving in to the other side just because they are winning.


My dark toons would never fight for the light side no matter what. If that means I lose out on rewards for the dark side, than so be it. They are dark side for a reason.


My light stays light.


I know for a while this afternoon the dark and light were actually back and forth and that was fun to watch. First it was light 3, then it went down to light 1 again and then balance. That was actually fun to watch. Eventually the light side won but you could tell it was a battle today.

Edited by casirabit
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Its a coordination game straight out of game theory.


People want to get command xp as fast as possible. They see Light Side winning. The winning side gets extra cxp for an hour. So they move LS so that can receive that benefit. Then LS wins some more, so more people move over. In the end I wouldn't be surprised if 90%+ were aligned with LS to take advantage of the bonus cxp. Once everyone has coordinated to the LS, it is in no one's own interest to unilaterally move to the DS. It would only be worth it if a huge contingent could coordinate and do that. So everyone playing their own personal incentives moves us to an equilibrium where we remain in a LS dominant state forever.

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Yeah, I'm on Prog. 'Lightside is Victorious' or whatever it says.


Think I've seen Dark win once, and the one time I was on a dark side character and Dark was winning it got to I think tier 3 and then the goodie goodies clawed it back and won.


Was so sad, one day the Dark Side will be VICTORIOUS!! (Probably not :()


Oh well... Maybe it will be balanced, but who knows.


Shame we cant Execute Order 66, and kill all the pesky lights :D

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Losing side should get more bonus to it's point pool each time, after other side wins. With that, at least that side would have a few wins in a row. Current bonus to the losing side is not enough and only helps to see Tier 1 DS/LS for an hour or so.
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Losing side should get more bonus to it's point pool each time, after other side wins. With that, at least that side would have a few wins in a row. Current bonus to the losing side is not enough and only helps to see Tier 1 DS/LS for an hour or so.


Precisely, I am kind of afraid that Bioware has underestimated how many people would just "switch to the winning side". Perhaps they thought somewhat too naively about "people are going to stay committed to their alignment"!

A solution could be that the alignment can be changed only once at the start of a new round. That way people would have to commit to a side then and can't change during the Server War so there won't be a "change to the winning side" thing. That might even out the odds.

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Just for a giggle I tried something during a Darkside winning state (happens constantly on VC).

My character is Dark IV, but I switched the alignment to Light.

And I still got the CXP bonus (like I thought) as if I were still fighting for the Dark side.


So people who switch their alignment just to be on the winning side even if their character's alignment is different, don't profit, I guess. Does everybody know that? Because if not, that might explain a lot...

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Just for a giggle I tried something during a Darkside winning state (happens constantly on VC).

My character is Dark IV, but I switched the alignment to Light.

And I still got the CXP bonus (like I thought) as if I were still fighting for the Dark side.


So people who switch their alignment just to be on the winning side even if their character's alignment is different, don't profit, I guess. Does everybody know that? Because if not, that might explain a lot...


Because it goes by your character's overall alignment, not that toggle thing. I' not 100% sure but that toggle determines the amount of extra points you earn from completing missions (You'll see dark side points earned even if there were no conversation alignment choices). Changing that toggle only makes you earn light side points, which will eventually change your character alignment, but no it's not a way to profit quickly.

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