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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

KotET End Game - Endless Trash Farming


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Sure, but like I said, you're *choosing* to take the minmax route there, so then whining about it afterwards is stupid.


Bottom line is 65-70 is ridiculously fast either way.


GC screen has many fast options that aren't PvP which is what surprised me, like I said. I wasn't expecting that. But maybe I was just lucky that the first thing that popped up for me was the Czerka dailies, which take like 10 minutes to do them all plus the heroic (and get the weekly while there). I also think a lot of people don't try just declining and repeating on that screen until they get a fast option. It's annoying but not horrible. It should really be a menu like the heroic mission terminals on fleet or Odessen.


Honestly I was expecting crap and it turned out to be... well, less crap than I expected. I'm not calling it good, just saying that I was surprised it was kind of decent.


Unfortunately though, RNG is still RNG after that. Can't fix random.


1. the difference in time spent - adds up.

2. not nearly as fast as trash farm.


people are choosing to grind because of how bioware set this system up. so yeah, we are complaining. because choosing not to grind, puts you at a disadvantage. and honestly.. finishing a flashpoint that takes a while becasue this is what you enjoy doing - flashpoints sometimes with other people, so you run it with a bunch of people, it takes a bit of time because of how mobs are scaled vs solo version and at the end... you bar moves up maybe a third... and this is early into rank ONE crates.


and maybe just maybe you want to eventually run harder ops, but your group is about average so you NEED the help of gear, except gearing doing things you like - takes forever.. and... so you start making compromises and then you sit back and think. what the hell am I doing? this is NOT fun. but THAT is the game BIOWARE has left us with.


It was designed to be slow so that people buy the cxp boosts from cm. The whole thing is just a money grab.

and those things don't even work all that well, because they don't work on 1 (or 2) xp mobs, they don't work on disintegration... they do work on champion mobs though, so they litteraly push you even stronger towards stuff like KP trash grinds, because especially at their cartel coin price - its the most efficient use of them. best bang for your buck if you will

Edited by Jeweledleah
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The champion mob thing has made me wonder why people aren't chainfarming places like the DK Heroic areas, where there are many. I saw no one there except people actually running the heroics last night. Those things die easy.


why. WHY do you think they nerfed gold mobs to give 1 xp over 10 xp they originally used to? becasue heroic mob farming is EXACTLY what people did.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Huh? I went into Kotet with a 65 and hit 70 within the first 5 chapters. I don't see how anyone going in at 65 could make it through all 9 chapters without hitting 70 due to quest xp even if they did manage to stealth the majority of fights. As for GC; it can be but they said in stream it's not meant to be grinded on mobs. The majority of it comes as a reward from group content.


People will often take the past of least resistance. If they find a non-exploit way to maximize their XP per hour, many people will use it.


I personally don't as I don't care enough about gear to grind, but some people love gear more than playing their favorite content it seems.

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why. WHY do you think they nerfed gold mobs to give 1 xp over 10 xp they originally used to? becasue heroic mob farming is EXACTLY what people did.


elites or champs, I forget, the white star ones that still give 20 CXP.


What I am saying is there are several 20-CXP easily killed white-star mobs in the DK heroic area where you do the Sith Code heroic mission that are on fast respawns and I haven't seen anyone clearing them. Plus the end fight of that heroic is a 20-CXP mob too.

Edited by stoopicus
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elites or champs, I forget, the white star ones that still give 20 CXP.


What I am saying is there are several 20-CXP easily killed white-star mobs in the DK heroic area where you do the Sith Code heroic mission that are on fast respawns and I haven't seen anyone clearing them. Plus the end fight of that heroic is a 20-CXP mob too.


open area = competition, respawn and kill time not nearly as fast as resetting trash in an op where they actualy give more xp then 20 (forgot exactly how much, but I distinctly remember champs give 30xp per in a tactical flashpoint, so it would be even more in an operation)


even prior to the nerf of gold mobs - people didn't farm them in open areas, they farmed them in instanced heroics, just didn't complete the quest itself, zoned out, reset, zoned back in.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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many types of content can and are played that reward Cxp.


Many types of content might give CXP, but not as fast or as reliably.


You'd have to get continuous Ranked PvP pops and end each arena in 3 minutes to match a Bacon/Pork/Ham* ops group.


*I call them that, because most of the trash are Gamorreans.


Without bonus you get 20 CXP/kill.


When I did it last I recall there being 40 Champion NPCs.

40 x 20 = 800.


If you use a Command Boost then you get 25 CXP/kill so (40 x 25) 1000 CXP.

You can do this twice per ops member so that's 16 x 1000 for a grand total of 16,000 CXP.

And how long does this take? About 4-5 minutes so conservatively, that's 80 minutes to get 16,000 CXP.

Trust me, they're getting ranks faster than you are.


Of course, given how RNG is a fickle mistresses. luck matters more than grind really.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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From Kotfe to Kotet, chapters are repeatable with the same cxp reward level and then there's pvp and uprisings which give double with the boost. Holding out for that chump change is a fools gambit.


My question would be, "Why would anyone want to repeat them?" The chapters are ok the first time or two and after that it's just a spacebar fest. The replayability of them is almost nil. After running two characters (on different servers) through KOTET I have no need or want to ever do it again other than maybe on a dark side character just to say I'd done it. I have no interest at all in doing the chapters in harder modes. It's still the same boring content it was before that you can't group to do so it isn't even something to do with my wife or friends.


The devs hosed the game big time with KOTET. The base story is pretty good the first time, ok the second time and after that the expansion sucks.

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If they want people to just do what content they like instead for the most efficient they need to make content actually rewarding. Not need to do hundreds of that content per week to gear in a year and only get greens in every crate. Edited by DarthZaul
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My question would be, "Why would anyone want to repeat them?" The chapters are ok the first time or two and after that it's just a spacebar fest. The replayability of them is almost nil. After running two characters (on different servers) through KOTET I have no need or want to ever do it again other than maybe on a dark side character just to say I'd done it. I have no interest at all in doing the chapters in harder modes. It's still the same boring content it was before that you can't group to do so it isn't even something to do with my wife or friends.


The devs hosed the game big time with KOTET. The base story is pretty good the first time, ok the second time and after that the expansion sucks.


Aaaaannndddd here it is. Somebody finally gets it why people are doing the KP/Bestia farms. Bravo to you, sir.

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You can spend hours going level 65-70 or join a Bestia grind and do it in 30 minutes. I was cheeky and had a level 50 join one group and he was 70 in two hours.


You could do 40 Heroic missions over a few days to get 800 CXP lol they must be kidding.

Better you can do an Op that takes 2 hours to get 800 CXP.

Much better you could run two PvP matches to get much more than 800 in some where around 20 minutes unless you get 2 Huttball matches which makes it closer to 30.

Or you can do the KP grind and have 800 in 5 minutes.


Great balance hey...


PS: BW if you read this don't nerf ANYTHING, even like this the grind is brutal and depressing, if you think making it slower will improve things you are wrong.

Edited by icemoneyboi
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You can spend hours going level 65-70 or join a Bestia grind and do it in 30 minutes. I was cheeky and had a level 50 join one group and he was 70 in two hours.


You could do 40 Heroic missions over a few days to get 800 CXP lol they must be kidding.

Better you can do an Op that takes 2 hours to get 800 CXP.

Much better you could run two PvP matches to get much more than 800 in some where around 20 minutes unless you get 2 Huttball matches which makes it closer to 30.

Or you can do the KP grind and have 800 in 5 minutes.


Great balance hey...


There's a planetary mission to the heroic bonus which after about completing 75% of them, on most planets, will reward a additional 450 points. Some like Coruscant you need to do all, but you still get my gist, while heroics are by far one of the slowest methods, they aren't THAT slow.

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It was designed to be slow so that people buy the cxp boosts from cm. The whole thing is just a money grab.


I could actually have peace with that, if they would finally give some new content instead of doing everything a gazillion times over and over again

Edited by cashtwomuchos
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You obviously didn't watch livestream.


u don't have to watch it






but i did anyway and when u watch them was keep thinking ignorance is bliss. Specially when they start with


- "Response from the community has been awesome, people on Twitter loved the story and the option to kill certain characters."

and announcements that

-"RNG is exciting"


what tells me only that they don't follow any forums or just purely ignore us and remain in their own Barbie world or where ever they are. Probably both.


Also for twitch they had new Bingo card that lots of them were calling :)



Edited by micmitja
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When one is presented an entertaining short cut and yet they choose to toil away mindlessly completing their task the long & mundane way, one has no right to whine nor the right to sympathy for doing so. Spend a few hours doing 5 20 min chapters or spend near half the day spamming storm & resetting instances? Decisions, decisions... If they find the writing, that has received numerous accolades mind you, that despicable then they are best hitting the unsubscribe button and investing their finances in far more interesting ventures. Preferably L2, Dark eden 2, Aion or one of the numerous mmos under the PW brand since they seem to prefer the grind to the story.


As for alts; cxp isn't legacy based, there is no expansion or event ongoing or coming that requires a cap. Hence anyone running the hamster wheel simply to hit 70 across the board is inflicting their own suffering. With the DvL event over, people can simply chill and cruise to 70 at their own leisure.


From Kotfe to Kotet, chapters are repeatable with the same cxp reward level and then there's pvp and uprisings which give double with the boost. Holding out for that chump change is a fools gambit.

I guess you've got the first sentence backwards. And playing the same story for the xth time is just as boring as farming adds, because if you remove the cut-scenes a story chapter is nothing else: kill mob, skip cut-scene, rinse-repeat.


The good thing with cxp is that everything you do contributes to the progress. The bad thing is that the only rewards are received by level-progress, making the calculation time vs. cxp a huge factor. Seeing that most of us have already played the existing content to death you can easily anticipate what the reaction will be.

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When one is presented an entertaining short cut and yet they choose to toil away mindlessly completing their task the long & mundane way, one has no right to whine nor the right to sympathy for doing so. Spend a few hours doing 5 20 min chapters or spend near half the day spamming storm & resetting instances? Decisions, decisions...


...are you from Opposite Land? I'm honestly curious. Because the long and mundane way to grind for CXP is to redo the chapters. Trash grinding in KP, or playing PvP in primetime when it pops often and AFKing out after you get a few medals, are both much, much faster. Even GSF can be faster if you get several pops for deathmatches in a row, because you can just kamikaze into rocks to make the match end fast.

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Based on Fleet chat, end-game in SWTOR in KotET has been reduced to farming trash in an old operation to level to 70 ('LFM Bestia XP Farm), followed by farming trash in an older operation to level GC ('LFM KP CXP Farm').


This is sad, SWTOR, even in 4.0 with all the rehashed content, used to be about actually playing the game - not farming endless trash in old instances over and over.


BUT but but thats not how the Devs want us to play the game :D :D :D

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