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@Devs: How the CXP system is killing my love of this game


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You can get MORE CXP from 20 minutes of PvP than 2 hours of Operations. Even if you hate PvP it seems stupid not to do it.


Which exemplifies the fact that Cxp payouts are simply not well balanced yet.


Maybe they are throwing PvP players a bone with better Cxp since they eliminated PvP gear and any prior method to quickly gain it. Don't know.. just speculating.


OPs are large organized team play that requires investment of time as a team to do it. It should pay out large Cxp... probably through base reward for completion + generous drops of the Cxp Packs. The Cxp Packs appear to be scaled OK for OPs.. but I wonder if they are being too stingy with them in OPs at the moment.


Balance here would be if a completed OP and a completed PvP matches that represent the same time, effort and organization investment should reward the same Cxp to every team member.


It is very important in my view that they get Cxp balanced properly for effort + difficulty + time such that players have no incentive to over-play one form of content over another just for the Cxp. [This is a separate issue from not currently having a gearing failsafe in GC leveling.] In the live stream they basically admitted this and are already adjusting numbers beginning next week.... but I'm concerned that they are doing it piecemeal... and not systematically.


Players are generally smart and will quickly figure out what pays best, so if it all pays the same, we take that desire off the table and people really can just play the content they prefer for the content itself.. and not the rewards.

Edited by Andryah
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Let me clarify a bit then.....


When I said organized insurgency, by that I meant thousands of players organizing together to all unsubscribe and leave all at once. In essence an organized electronic protest of thousands to try to make a virtual protest march on the studio in some form or another.


50 here and 50 there... whole groups deciding to go somewhere else... that's not an insurgency and will not be effective as any sort of protest movement. It is however a good thing in my view that like minded players in a guild stick together on things.... even if it means they collectively decide it's time to go play something else.


Organized or not, people are bailing or there wouldn't have been that short notice stream on Thursday. They've pissed off a lot of people and this game isn't in a state where it can afford to piss of more than a tiny percentage of the player base. The problem with BW is the devs they hire refuse to admit they made a mistake. BW tends to admit mistakes when it changes management on a team (SWTOR 1.x era for example, where they made all the mistakes they have been making again with 4.0 and 5.0.)

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Organized or not, people are bailing or there wouldn't have been that short notice stream on Thursday. They've pissed off a lot of people and this game isn't in a state where it can afford to piss of more than a tiny percentage of the player base. The problem with BW is the devs they hire refuse to admit they made a mistake. BW tends to admit mistakes when it changes management on a team (SWTOR 1.x era for example, where they made all the mistakes they have been making again with 4.0 and 5.0.)


I think the cxp booster sales would probably compensate for the sub loss.

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I'm up to 11 on my main and about 5 on one alt, and I feel pretty burned out. Gearing hasn't been too bad considering I'm removing the mods and enhancements and using those while retaining my 216, 220, and 224 armorings with set bonuses on them. But not sure how some are over 100 already without having broken their brains.
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Here’s what would help:



  • Have OPs bosses, Master FP bosses and Veteran Uprising bosses drop gear tokens in relation to how difficult they are to kill. In PVP make ranked a lot more effective, punish going afk in Warzones and make good contributions count.
  • Use CXP as an additional supplementary system, but make it way less efficient for gearing.


No way. That would undo the good part of CXP. I don't want to go back to a system that forces you to play NIM ops only for the best gear. Let all the content be meaningful by increasing the CXP rates or decreasing the required CXP per level. The system should absolutely not go back to only NIM raiders get good gear.

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No way. That would undo the good part of CXP. I don't want to go back to a system that forces you to play NIM ops only for the best gear. Let all the content be meaningful by increasing the CXP rates or decreasing the required CXP per level. The system should absolutely not go back to only NIM raiders get good gear.


I'm completely with you, I'm absolutely against making BiS gear exclusive to (NiM) raiders. I just think the system should speed up gearing depending on the difficulty of content you do, which is clearly not the case now. In short: Give NiM gear to people who clear NiM bosses via tokens. Make it grindable via CXP, too (I'm all for keeping this system, just make it an additional option). That should take a longer time - but also not as long as in the current system, which is grindhell for everyone.

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No way. That would undo the good part of CXP. I don't want to go back to a system that forces you to play NIM ops only for the best gear. Let all the content be meaningful by increasing the CXP rates or decreasing the required CXP per level. The system should absolutely not go back to only NIM raiders get good gear.


It should be like Nim drops Nim tokens BUT you can also grind your gear via GC.

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On the PvP vs Ops ideas. Its important to note that in PvP you don't have to win, you can get them for participation. However if you wipe horribly on any of the PvE content you get nothing.


So to bring them in line you would need to award 530 cxp every 15 mins you are in an operation or any group activity. While it can be argued that it takes longer to get a pvp match queued than an operation, it must be remembered that any 4v4 or 8v8 team make up works in warzones, while an Op requires tanks, healers, dps so can take considerably longer to get the team for. While GSF doesn't even require you be at 70th level to group so has a much wider player base to pick from, though given the neglect it has seen its hardly surprising few people do queue for it.

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On the PvP vs Ops ideas. Its important to note that in PvP you don't have to win, you can get them for participation. However if you wipe horribly on any of the PvE content you get nothing.


So to bring them in line you would need to award 530 cxp every 15 mins you are in an operation or any group activity. While it can be argued that it takes longer to get a pvp match queued than an operation, it must be remembered that any 4v4 or 8v8 team make up works in warzones, while an Op requires tanks, healers, dps so can take considerably longer to get the team for. While GSF doesn't even require you be at 70th level to group so has a much wider player base to pick from, though given the neglect it has seen its hardly surprising few people do queue for it.


Very good points!

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I'm completely with you, I'm absolutely against making BiS gear exclusive to (NiM) raiders. I just think the system should speed up gearing depending on the difficulty of content you do, which is clearly not the case now. In short: Give NiM gear to people who clear NiM bosses via tokens. Make it grindable via CXP, too (I'm all for keeping this system, just make it an additional option). That should take a longer time - but also not as long as in the current system, which is grindhell for everyone.


Exactly. The only real problem with this system is no gear dropping on HM or NIM content.

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Other than not having ppl with 1000 expertise in pvp, I loathe the cxp system. That said, I'm trying my best to just play the game when I feel in the mood (like i did in 4.0) and just not pay attention to my gear progression....and instead just let it naturally happen. I mainly pvp, however. I am a little nervous what differences we will see between 230s and top tier gear. I suspect that issues of class and role balance (especially) will have a much greater impact on pvp than gear. I feel for the raiders tho! Edited by Azidahka
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What profession is he?

Jugg, not sure what his gear level is(mostly 220's I think) or what level companion he used though.

What about the others? This would be something interesting for me and my boyfriend.

We've only done Fractured and Inferno. We finished Inferno, but didn't like it as much. If you do Fractured, use melee companions. Ranged ones commit suicide :(

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Jugg, not sure what his gear level is(mostly 220's I think) or what level companion he used though.


We've only done Fractured and Inferno. We finished Inferno, but didn't like it as much. If you do Fractured, use melee companions. Ranged ones commit suicide :(


Thanks. I normally use my Nexu (she's rank 50). Glad to see someone posting something positive and helpful. Thanks again.

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You can get MORE CXP from 20 minutes of PvP than 2 hours of Operations. Even if you hate PvP it seems stupid not to do it.


Yeah, but now what happens is people are just hanging out in PvP warzones, not even bothering to try to win. Have you noticed most players don't even use a STIM boost? I asked in a few warzones about why they don't have one and they are simply there to gather CXP, and the match is lost before it starts.


The sad part is that losing generates almost the same amount of CXP as winning, so people simply do not care. But, if you cut CXP in half for losers, then this problem would probably make me even more angry.


What needs to happen is for CXP in PvE to be roughly the same as that for PvP, so we can get rid of the PvE only players who don't want to PvP and only sit in the corner and suck their thumb gathering their CXP.

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Personally BW is making me lose interest in this game by making my preferred playstyle (operations) the worst when it comes to gaining CXP (not counting KP Farm). Simply put I'm tired of them making me grind out PvP match after PvP match (yes I actually do participate so far, tho that may change soon) just because it is the best way to grind out my Command rank to gear up for HM/NiM raiding. BW GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEADS. Operations have a lockout each week, they take far longer then PvP matches. They need far more CXP per raid then your giving them. 1 raid is about 1 PvP match. UNACCEPTABLE!!
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In the beginning, I was thinking .. lets wait and see how it plays out.


This system played out the worst imaginable way. The set piece chance is so low that it is disgusting. They said on stream that I would receive 1 set piece in each operation - that is correct .


But after 3 operations I would have 1 - 2 set pieces for granted. Now I have nothing - 40 ranks, 1 set piece. How the could think this is motivating some how ?


The only people which benefit are those selling 48 and 51 mods for horrendous prices.


This system is the most annoying fail in the development of this game.

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Played a few more PvP matches, watched people sit around and talk instead of trying to win, and I logged out. I'm downloading another game. I'm too competitive to deal with people just casually gathering CXP because PvP seems to provide more than other activities.


Yeah, instead of boosting the other methods, I know PvP CXP will be cut drastically. So sick of this company.

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I'm completely with you, I'm absolutely against making BiS gear exclusive to (NiM) raiders. I just think the system should speed up gearing depending on the difficulty of content you do, which is clearly not the case now. In short: Give NiM gear to people who clear NiM bosses via tokens. Make it grindable via CXP, too (I'm all for keeping this system, just make it an additional option). That should take a longer time - but also not as long as in the current system, which is grindhell for everyone.


Umm, the only reason they can't make BIS exclusive to NiM raiders is the change to PvP gear, otherwise if they are good enough to earn it, I don't see why their skill shouldn't be rewarded. Of course you don't say why you don't want it to be exclusive to NiM raiders, because I'm struggling to find the difference between any gear when you run anything that isn't a NiM (or couple of HM) raids.


I used to enjoy having BiS gear that I earnt, and my companion decked out similarly. Well now I've got more companions I can shake a stick at, and raising influence with them is ... oh yes ... another grind I don't need due to the moronic change to Teir 6 gifts but I digress.


4.0 made a couple of huge mistakes, making KP and EV HM drop 224 gear when NiM ops didn't. This CXP system is just as bad, and any enthusiasm I had to take up raiding again was killed with this insane system. From tossing 224 gear away like candy they have no made it an insane proposition to get BiS gear.


Even today, my merc only levelling to 70 during OP, got 2 230 earpieces (one crit, one alacrity) like seriously and my sorc got a completely wasted 230 accuracy one. You know, earpiece and implants would never get ones with accuracy on because it's pointless for repseccing heals. I can fulfil the accuracy side of things easily via enhancements and augs


And this is the nub of the problem with the system - no control over what I get, the sense of the enormity of the treadmill I'm on, and the complete smack in the face when I get an item I have to disintegrate.


I'm nowhere near some people, but I can well believe the anecdotal evidence that RNG isn't fun, I've lived through the battlemaster bag fiasco and I've no desire to repeat it.


And before crafting comes in, there is no point trying to RE blue 230 and green 228 drops, you can't. green 228 shouldn't be there because it's the same specs as purple craftable 228, and the mk-4 schematics that drop are junk.

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And before crafting comes in, there is no point trying to RE blue 230 and green 228 drops, you can't. green 228 shouldn't be there because it's the same specs as purple craftable 228, and the mk-4 schematics that drop are junk.




You get the schematics for the blue gear (220) that you can re to 228 from the trainers. I have already re most of my crafting schematics too 228 and am making implants and earpieces for my toons and my boyfriends and making relics for them as well.


I have also received some 230 (purple) schematics for implants but I havent made those yet as I haven't went and did a hardmode flashpoint to get the materials from there.

Edited by casirabit
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