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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

RNG is Gambling


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Earlier ive said that this game is becoming a casino simulator. And gambling in many countries is seriously forbidden. Maybe, we, players and gamers should make a call to each of our govs and remind them that they should introduce some law changes because all this situation on games market is seriously getting out of hands. Edited by Forren-Midosea
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Not for me, i will be unsubbed in few hours.


Can I have your stuff?


Not sure why the few folks who have a gambling problem want to ruin the RNG system most people find enjoyable. You are like the kid in school who has a peanut allergy and demands all the kids in school stop eating PB&J sandwiches at lunch. Or like a few people who are bad at driving a car, so we should ban all cars.


If you have a problem with the system, or you don't like it, quit. But before you quit, can I have your stuff?

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There are folks in this thread who understand & those who don't.

I appreciate the understanding and even the attempts too.


For those who don't understand, I hope you never have too, gut you could try to see a different perspective.


No it isn't the dev's responsibility to monitor these issues, but the right thing to do is to not create a system that is completely dependent on an RNG system that has a direct correlation to straight up gambling. It is a little irresponsible in my opinion.


Thanks again to those who know empathy and have had kind thing to say, it's deeply appriciated.


Thank you very much for your post. Waiting to get any empathy from others is, unfortunately, a wasted effort, but I have tremendous respect to those individuals who still have courage to at least try.


People don't understand if they haven't been there. It is the sad truth about...well, everything. They don't know what it is like to be an addict, no matter what is your addiction, they don't know what it is like to be depressed, mentally ill, abused, trans, part of sexual minority, invalid, live on the streets, you name it they don't get it. Trying to make them see doesn't work. It just doesn't. I have stopped trying a long time ago. They will argue, rationalise, deny, tell you they know better than you what is your problem. Many of those people are actually having the same problem, but they are still so much in love with it they have to defend it. Because you know, they can't be addicts. It's those other peoples problems. Good people can't have problems. Only faulty, weak people have issues. People don't have real empathy for themselves, thus it is impossible to have it to others. You can't give what you don't have.


I get you, I totally do. I'm not addict, but I still know what you are talking about. I've had my own problems, and learned that 90% of people are sleep-walkers and you can't wake them, no matter how much you try. You just have to be happy that you at least see it, and then you walk away. Let them keep gambling if they don't want to hear. You are not responsible for them. You see what is going on, so you make your decisions based on that and if you see yourself being in a hook, you do whatever you have to do to rid yourself from it. You can't change this game, unfortunately. You can just walk away ( I did too, I'm surprised I still can write this as I don't have sub anymore). Walking away makes you to be the one in control of your life.


I know the feeling of wanting to wake up others, to make them see. It takes years to go away, but it will. In the end you admit that you can't change others, you just have to make sure you are living your own life in a way that is best for you.


I hope you the best.

Edited by tahol
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Can I have your stuff?


Not sure why the few folks who have a gambling problem want to ruin the RNG system most people find enjoyable. You are like the kid in school who has a peanut allergy and demands all the kids in school stop eating PB&J sandwiches at lunch. Or like a few people who are bad at driving a car, so we should ban all cars.


If you have a problem with the system, or you don't like it, quit. But before you quit, can I have your stuff?


Most people? Give us a break and finally stop lying. Everytime i log in fleet is saying that cxp and gc is crap, my guild does the same, everytime i talk to my friends that also play swtor we are coming to conclusion that cxp and gc is crap. you are blind man.

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But we were told that RNG is "exciting". Is it exciting?


Instead of exciting i would use frustrating, find it really more acurate. :D


For the unlucky people, it's no fun at all. And I kind of think even for lucky people who gets a lot of stuff in a few ranks (that must exist I guess) i don't see where is the excitement. I don't want to get things because of luck, there is no point in that.


I used to do things with a goal in mind, crystals, stuff or finish hard content, I do stuff and get rewarded for it. The harder the stuff, the better the reward, there was logic in this. Now I can do anything, no matter what I do, easy or not, hard stuff or not, my reward will absolutely not be related to what I've done, to my skills or anything. Just pure luck or bad luck.

As a matter of fact, while devs find this "exciting", this new system just killed my excitement to do anything, since luck is the only thing that matters now.

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I believe a lot of people don't know what gambling is in this thread. There are two elements that make something a gamble.


1. There is no skill involved, you are essentially relying on chance.


2. The odds are against you to have a positive result even if you play the "best" way. i.e. craps you will still lose money over time no matter what you do even if you play the corect way 100% of the time.


So baking a cake, living your life, your job all rely on the skill you have to do those things and therefore they are not a gamble. Can bad things still happen, sure, but the odds are if you are skilled at those things your results will be positive.


RNG crates are a form of gambling. Your skill in the game really has no bearing if you will get them, you will, skill just makes them perhaps a little faster to get. You have no control over what the outcome of those crates will be so therefore you are gambling. The gamble is you will get something that is worth something to you for the time you spent.


The whole system is designed to keep you playing and spending your money just like casinos want to keep you pumping quarters into slot machines.

Edited by Kawiki
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Can I have your stuff?


Not sure why the few folks who have a gambling problem want to ruin the RNG system most people find enjoyable. You are like the kid in school who has a peanut allergy and demands all the kids in school stop eating PB&J sandwiches at lunch. Or like a few people who are bad at driving a car, so we should ban all cars.


If you have a problem with the system, or you don't like it, quit. But before you quit, can I have your stuff?


You have no way of quantifiying if "most people" find it enjoyable. Sure, a lot of people are still playing, not arguing that, but whether they actually enjoy this way of gearing is another thing. I know people who are still playing and they do so IN SPITE of the RNG. It didn't chase them out of the game but they're also not a fan of it.


So what I'm saying is that if a person didn't quit the game, doesn't mean they enjoy it. BWA should realise that and so should you really. I have more hopes of BWA getting that though and I don't necessarily have a great deal of faith in them.

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You have no way of quantifiying if "most people" find it enjoyable. Sure, a lot of people are still playing, not arguing that, but whether they actually enjoy this way of gearing is another thing. I know people who are still playing and they do so IN SPITE of the RNG. It didn't chase them out of the game but they're also not a fan of it.


So what I'm saying is that if a person didn't quit the game, doesn't mean they enjoy it. BWA should realise that and so should you really. I have more hopes of BWA getting that though and I don't necessarily have a great deal of faith in them.


Even people that are living with this system will get frustrated sooner or later. The system is so skewed to give you crap, most people will get tired of it eventually. They need to significantly improve the drop rates to keep people playing, assuming they are going to stick with this system and I believe they will.

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Can I have your stuff?




The you can have his stuff I'm sure but first you have to do a lot of "chores". Some you might even enjoy. Hours and hours of them and once you do them, you will get a chance at something. You'll have to take that gambling chance at getting something interesting or something actually worth you time but like swtor it's setup to make sure you get way more useless crap than useful.


swtor. The online casino is now open. Spend a lot of time in game doing very old content and little new and for your efforts. Work toward rewards you cannot see and have only a slim chance to get as you pull the slot machine handle in the casino gearing bw has created.


That stuff you want? It's very likely to not happen for you and that's the problem with swtor. BW made sure you lose not matter what you do or what difficulity you play. The casino sucks and there is no regulation committee to make sure bw isn't screwing you over in the odds.


And as far as still being on game is concerned. I'm still here because of the free cartel coins I get and it's more than what I pay for a sub. When that dries up and it's been doing that for some time now. Swtor won't be worth my continued sub. Doing content as old as what swtor has isn't enjoyable and the little new content we did get I've finished but don't confuse me being here with being happy about The total garbage end game is along with RNG gearing and those God aweful crates.

Edited by Quraswren
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strange that musco is not reposnding to this thread.


Why is that strange? He doesn't respond to the majority of threads that exist and even if he did, what would you expect him to say? I think a lot of you think Musco has more power than he actually has.

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Group Finder is also gambling. Might get a good group. Might get a bad group.

Queuing for solo unranked WZ is also gambling. Might win. Might lose.

Queuing solo GSF is also gambling. Might win. Might lose.

Subscribing to this game is also gambling. Might get bug-free content released. Might not.

Story-mode content is also gambling. You might like the story. You might not.

Just logging into the game is gambling. Might crash. Might not. (Harbinger lol)

/rolling on drops is gambling. Might win. Might not.

Watching Dev livestreams is also gambling. Might get real information. Might just get an announcement for another announcement.

Making ridiculous replies like this is also gambling. Might get flagged and taken out. Might not.


Have a nice day. :)

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strange that musco is not reposnding to this thread.


Probably because what people are saying in the forum isn't supported by the vast amounts of data they have, so what's he going to say? "Hey folks, the number of subscriptions have increased and our new gear system has been well received." You guys would probably lose your collective minds if he said that, despite the fact that it is probably true.

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