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WOW, the forums have gotten quiet compared to the last several days


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No, it's just the moderators are removing posts so that the forums appear to be less toxic.


Yeah, a lot of threads have been moved. ;/


take a minite from mooning Arcann and you'll notice :p



Edited by Eshvara
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You think these forums are slow? I'm surprised how quickly they move compared with WoW forums. I just checked and they have threads with 0 posts in 11 hours on the front page, compared with 2.5 hours here.


Guess that is proof SWTOR actually did kill WoW after all. Welp, would recommend BW don't take too much inspiration from Blizz design philosophy. Didn't work out too well for them anymore.

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I think people are slowly giving up.


There was a huge uproar now and people did have hopes for the stream but it was as ussual, nothing specific and they want to monitor it for the next months. Well i hope no one will reach rank 180 or even 300 for the next months so that they realize that its nonsense to make the cap that high, mainly in terms of alts.

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Just like with level sync ? or maybe they are sleeping lol tomorrow is another day !


Level sync actually brought some positive aspects in the game scaling everything and making them relevant, there were a few problems with the scaling and rewards on end chapter bosses, tacticals, and hm fps, but it was a good idea and mostly implemented well overall. RNG grinding does none of this, it does not make anything new or relevant, it simply restarts a tedious grind.

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No, it's just the moderators are removing posts so that the forums appear to be less toxic.


Yep. Every negative thread is moved to Off Topic--which explicitly says in its sticky post authored by Musco that the Off Topic forum is supposed to be for topics not related to the game.


It's a very poor and pitiful attempt at a cover up job.

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Level sync actually brought some positive aspects in the game scaling everything and making them relevant, there were a few problems with the scaling and rewards on end chapter bosses, tacticals, and hm fps, but it was a good idea and mostly implemented well overall. RNG grinding does none of this, it does not make anything new or relevant, it simply restarts a tedious grind.


I have no beef against Level sync in general . I have complain homewhever when it is added out of the blue without warning . I play others MMO who have a Level Sync so it isn't something I never saw before .

I also hate how they still wouldn't buff the final Boss in personal Story for each class , making the fight that you are supposed to remember..so Lame .


As for RNG...Here is my complain : WHAT DOES IT MEAN! LOL


It been driving me nuts !!! :p Tell meh!

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I have no beef against Level sync in general . I have complain homewhever when it is added out of the blue without warning . I play others MMO who have a Level Sync so it isn't something I never saw before .

I also hate how they still wouldn't buff the final Boss in personal Story for each class , making the fight that you are supposed to remember..so Lame .


As for RNG...Here is my complain : WHAT DOES IT MEAN! LOL


It been driving me nuts !!! :p Tell meh!


RNG is simply a Random Number Generator, IE a slot machine, you just pray to get lucky hence with some nick names like RNGesus and countless ongoing jokes and memes about it.

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RNG is simply a Random Number Generator, IE a slot machine, you just pray to get lucky hence with some nick names like RNGesus and countless ongoing jokes and memes about it.


Leave it to them to come up with a fancy word that say pretty much nothing lol


Thanx! you just saved my poor brain cells :D

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As for RNG...Here is my complain : WHAT DOES IT MEAN! LOL


It been driving me nuts !!! :p Tell meh!


Random Number Generator.


They have lists and all assets are assigned a number. RNG means a program is randomly generating a number off that list to determine what you get.


That's how *I* understand it anyway. I'm sure someone more "techy" can explain it much better.


Edit: Oops, Peter beat me to it :p

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I think people may have entered the last stage of grief : Acceptance. :p


I can only speak for myself but my feeling is currently: resignation.


Player concerns were heard and addressed/ignored, depending on your viewpoint People will probably wait until next week's patch to see how they feel about the changes and go from there. I have a few goals I'm striving for, completely unrelated to CXP. I'll do those and then decide if I want to stick around.


There's no point banging on about it at this point. BW are going to do what they're going to do. They'll gather their data and maybe make some more changes, in their own time, and nothing more we say about it will derail that plan.

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Random Number Generator.


They have lists and all assets are assigned a number. RNG means a program is randomly generating a number off that list to determine what you get.


That's how *I* understand it anyway. I'm sure someone more "techy" can explain it much better.


and that mean the alliance crate use that ? the DvsL Reward use that ? and now these new weird crates we get use that ?


And the chances to get anything good..is like the Lotto right ? ¸


Cose I have yet to get that top armor I wanted lol

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and that mean the alliance crate use that ? the DvsL Reward use that ? and now these new weird crates we get use that ?


And the chances to get anything good..is like the Lotto right ? ¸


Cose I have yet to get that top armor I wanted lol


Exactly. There's some coding in the game that simulates a random number generator, and that's what determines what you get when you open all those boxes. Just like playing the lottery, except we don't know what the odds of winning are.

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and that mean the alliance crate use that ? the DvsL Reward use that ? and now these new weird crates we get use that ?


And the chances to get anything good..is like the Lotto right ? ¸


Cose I have yet to get that top armor I wanted lol




Alliance crates have a different list to pull from. Cartel Packs have their own lists to pull from (different lists for each type of pack). Command Crates have their own lists. All of them probably share a lot of assets like Companion Gifts, Jawa Junk, XP boosters, etc.


I'm willing to bet that the Command Crates have a HUUUUUUGGGGEEEE list to pull from, thus making your odds to get that set piece even more rare. By design, of course. Gotta keep feeding the slot machine.


Edit: So in a way it's even WORSE than Cartel Packs, because at least with those, you have a pretty good idea what you might be getting with the HOPE of getting that rare item. Downside is you're paying CC for them (unless you bought them off the GTN of course). Command Crates...anything goes.


Edit 2: I'm sure there's mathematical formulas with probabilities also tied into this, which is WHY Kylo Ren's lightsaber dropped super rarely, but you got 5 sets of the same armor from that particular Cartel Pack.

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and that mean the alliance crate use that ? the DvsL Reward use that ? and now these new weird crates we get use that ?


And the chances to get anything good..is like the Lotto right ? ¸


Cose I have yet to get that top armor I wanted lol


The chances could be anything. The only people that know them are the devs and they are not disclosing such information to the players normally.

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