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[Suggestion :] "tweaking" the RNG


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I guess that when we open a crate, three rolls are involved (Gear, Vanity item, "junk" and sometimes a bonus roll for a fourth item). I think that for the gear part, each item has the same probability "chance".


So, here is the suggestion number 1 : if someone desintegrate the gear, the drop rate is decreased greatly while other items see their drop rate rising ? Then, crate by crate the RNG component still exist but in more appealing way.


For the fact, we are in the famous "Coupon collector's problem". Let's say that for each tier we have about 35 pieces :

- weapon, offhand, relics, implants, ear exist in two "flavour" (ex:228 and 230) = 14 pieces

- Armor : 228,230,230 with bonus set = 21 different pieces.


According to the "Coupon collector's problem" the approximative number of crates to collect all the pieces is near :


35 x ln (35) # 125 crates (now you undestand why Tier 3 span from 180 to 300 ;) )


125 crate -in my opinion- is quite a high number. Playing with dynamic probability would help to reduce this number. (Why not increase purple-set-bonus drop rate after a given rank is achieved ?)



* Suggestion number 2 : fixed amount of GCxp for the three tiers: Just because after the first crates, it feels disheartening to grind more and more points (and statisicaly speaking the more the rank is rising, the more you have double-triple items which is REALLY frustrating and not exciting at all ;) )


  • Tier 1 : 1500 GCxp
  • Tier 2 : 2500 GCxp
  • Tier 3 : 3500 GCxp




* Suggestion number 3 : when the player ding the lvl 70, his current gear rating is used to compute a given rank: for a guy who is already in BIS, Tier 1 is not relevant and he will lose his time grinding the 89 first ranks.



Mr Irving remember that even if someone can achieve a rank per hour (I guess that a minority can), it takes 300 hours to have a chance to have BIS gear . For a guy who is grinding 3 hours a day (and that's a lot !) 7/7, it's a total of 100 days for a single character and a single specialisation (tip of the day: grinding with a dps specialisation with a healer gear is not optimal :3). In my case, I can barely do 2000 GCxp/hour (yep, grinding a tank takes so long....)


PS: I apologize for my crappy English.....

Edited by Baldarhion
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If I could make a suggestion....


Allow a player to choose to turn a piece of armor into a token instead of CXP.


Those tokens could be used as currency to buy armor pieces on a vendor in Odessen.


They should also, IMO, move the maximum level for CXP to 5000 or just make it infinite, reduce the amount of CXP needed to reach a new level (especially the first 100 levels), and DRASTICALLY reduce the weekly cap, I would say they should cut it in half.


Then increase CXP payout from all sources substantially.


That, IMO, would make the system almost perfect.

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If I could make a suggestion....


Allow a player to choose to turn a piece of armor into a token instead of CXP.


Those tokens could be used as currency to buy armor pieces on a vendor in Odessen.


They should also, IMO, move the maximum level for CXP to 5000 or just make it infinite, reduce the amount of CXP needed to reach a new level (especially the first 100 levels), and DRASTICALLY reduce the weekly cap, I would say they should cut it in half.


Then increase CXP payout from all sources substantially.


That, IMO, would make the system almost perfect.


Yep, it would be perfect and clever.

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Maybe if they increased the chance in Tier 1 rather than 3. This way you'd know you have a means that would allow decent gearing for your main and alts pretty fast, this way you can go back to doing harder content pretty fast. Imho this gearing is just a small part of the process. Having a team of people that know what and when is more important... Edited by OnoRonin
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No matter how much we would like the old "alt friendly" system that is not going to happen imho...think they are determined to go down with it if that will be the case.

They are riding the SW hype wave, and they expect a great number of new players to subscribe, or at least that's what it looks like.

We have two options - unsub and stop whining or try and make the system bearable and friendly.

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No matter how much we would like the old "alt friendly" system that is not going to happen imho...think they are determined to go down with it if that will be the case.

They are riding the SW hype wave, and they expect a great number of new players to subscribe, or at least that's what it looks like.

We have two options - unsub and stop whining or try and make the system bearable and friendly.


oh i already have, im here until SWG relaunches on the 16th then im gone.

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If I could make a suggestion....


Allow a player to choose to turn a piece of armor into a token instead of CXP.


Those tokens could be used as currency to buy armor pieces on a vendor in Odessen.


They should also, IMO, move the maximum level for CXP to 5000 or just make it infinite, reduce the amount of CXP needed to reach a new level (especially the first 100 levels), and DRASTICALLY reduce the weekly cap, I would say they should cut it in half.


Then increase CXP payout from all sources substantially.


That, IMO, would make the system almost perfect.


ooooooh that is genius


That fixes so many problems....

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