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Found an exploit to gear all alt with 242 ratings gear in days instead of years.


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I decided to share the best way to gear all your alt you have no matter it's 2 or 4 or 50 in days instead of years with the current system to rating 242.


it's actually very easy too. all you have to do is wait 1 year. by next year, all these recipe for 242 rating gear will be in blue and sold by crew skill vendor when they release new patch with new level cap. so why would you torture yourself now and grind an insane galactic command system that will definitely fail to gear up all your alts to 242 rating gear. so just enjoy whatever you want to do now, whether it's story, flashpoint, and pvp and wait until next year.


the best of all in this method... you absolute won't have to subscribe through the year. subscribing once a year is more then enough for you to get the best gear that you want now which is rating 242 gear.

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Oh this is a popcorn worthy thread. :D


By the way... you are incorrect, as the blue crafter recipes in 6.0 will likely be 248s with 256s upon reverse engineering them. Nobody will want for 242s.


I have all my active alts in fully augmented 228s right now... which does show how easy it is to begin an expac with upgraded gear in a few days.

Edited by Andryah
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Tongue-in-cheek though this topic may be, to be honest, I'm really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hoping that we've seen our last increase to the level and crafting caps. 70/600 are nice round numbers to end on, and we conveniently have exactly 10 tiers, meaning I can do one type of material per row of storage. It's so convenient...


Just say yes to lateral progression being the new thing in 6.0!

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Tongue-in-cheek though this topic may be, to be honest, I'm really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hoping that we've seen our last increase to the level and crafting caps. 70/600 are nice round numbers to end on, and we conveniently have exactly 10 tiers, meaning I can do one type of material per row of storage. It's so convenient...


Just say yes to lateral progression being the new thing in 6.0!


well, if they want to introduce lateral progression, they will have to introduce more class for us to play. look at diablo style mmorpg like marvel heroes 2016, it have been around for years with max level remain unchanged but the hero pool to create and play have more then triple since it started.


i'm sure everyone will appreciate new class... like maybe a shapeshifter using the rakghoul lore as background. a summoner using technology to bring in armies of minion.

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Thanks for sharing, obviously waiting for next year is probably the fastest way to gear our alts. If Bioware ban us one full year for exploit, we'll still have the benefit of the hack. Edited by Nkya
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Oh this is a popcorn worthy thread. :D


By the way... you are incorrect, as the blue crafter recipes in 6.0 will likely be 248s with 256s upon reverse engineering them. Nobody will want for 242s.


I have all my active alts in fully augmented 228s right now... which does show how easy it is to begin an expac with upgraded gear in a few days.


You do actually realise he's not being serious? :rolleyes:


OP, you are actually correct.

Edited by DarthWoad
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Little concern with your theory.


Lets say you're the producer of SWTOR, and EA and Bioware are about to cease their time and money investment, and tell you to "prep for maintenance mode" with the last and final expansion, while still making them money. How would you build that expansion?


1) You'd put in a story where the player character now rules the galaxy.


2) You'd put in an endlessly grindy and random gearing system to keep people occupied


3) You'd put in a way to help with that endless grind, using real money.



I'm not so sure about a next expansion, quite frankly. So this idea, that all the 242 purple gear is going to be super cheap sometime within a year is kinda dicey.

Edited by Severith
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what is there to do now?? :D


well, just take it as a single player game. start a new class. play through the story and ignore the end game content. beside it's free to play so you could just unsubscribe. or if you like quit swtor for now and come back and check it out in 3-6 month, by then i'm sure they will boost the GC by then. beside, you could always come back 2-3 month before the next expansion cause by then, they always give insane boost like maybe 10x boost to gc cxp.


remember, the key here is not to emo, whine and grief on the forum. just leave and consider this game as part of your legacy game where you come back once in a while to get the nostalgia feeling of playing your old favourite game just like kotar 2.


furthermore, there is a lot of new games coming soon or new game already release recently like final fantasy 15 that is way more fun then swtor. so sate your hunger for fun games with them and ignore swtor for now until they fix it.. if they fix it.

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I laugh because there are people who actually believe SWtoR will survive to see 6.0.


Made my day!


All The Best


Totally depends on how many suckers...err....players continue forking over a subscription month after month to repeat years old content full of bugs; doubly so on how many of those same suckers...err.....players drop cash on boosts and other store items.


Seriously though, if like myself you have done most everything in game and without new progression content grow bored rather quickly, paying for a month or two and then unsubbing until new content is added is a reasonable approach and one which doesn't need much in the way of gearing.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I decided to share the best way to gear all your alt you have no matter it's 2 or 4 or 50 in days instead of years with the current system to rating 242.


it's actually very easy too. all you have to do is wait 1 year. by next year, all these recipe for 242 rating gear will be in blue and sold by crew skill vendor when they release new patch with new level cap. so why would you torture yourself now and grind an insane galactic command system that will definitely fail to gear up all your alts to 242 rating gear. so just enjoy whatever you want to do now, whether it's story, flashpoint, and pvp and wait until next year.


the best of all in this method... you absolute won't have to subscribe through the year. subscribing once a year is more then enough for you to get the best gear that you want now which is rating 242 gear.


LMAO, great post

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Totally depends on how many suckers...err....players continue forking over a subscription month after month to repeat years old content full of bugs; doubly so on how many of those same suckers...err.....players drop cash on boosts and other store items.


Seriously though, if like myself you have done most everything in game and without new progression content grow bored rather quickly, paying for a month or two and then unsubbing until new content is added is a reasonable approach and one which doesn't need much in the way of gearing.


there always will be those sucker that continue to pay 6 month subscription all year even if they stop playing for few month because they are afraid of losing out on subscription rewards.


anyway, looking at what kind of rewards they are giving out for subscription... I already knew their main source of income is not through their subscription system but through cartel market. do you know how many games in the world now that are free to play and thrive totally on cosmetic stuff? for example just look at dota 2.


so, if you think unsubscribing will make any progress in your protest of the new RNG and GC system... well, your just kidding yourself. it's safe to assume that people that buy cartel coins to gamble away at hypercrate are subscriber. now, they only earn 15 dollar per month max from each subscriber, but looking at how many hypercrate is introduce each year, i'm sure those gambler pay more then 100 dollar each month to gambling.


so. let's assume, even if 40% of the player are subscriber and 10% of the player is buying cartel coins, you will see that their source of income comes more in terms of selling cartel coins.


this quitting/unsubscribing in protest of RNG and GC system already fail before it started. they are here to stay since the success of hypercrate gambling already prove to them RNG is the best source of income.


lastly, if i'm going to make a prediction, i'll say that they will change the policy of increasing level cap every year to maybe 2 to 3 year instead to give people more time to grind GC for end game gear. it's just too good business with bigger profits. the new hypercrate content will keep on coming in larger quantity.


P.S/ just look at the recently live stream in addressing the protest of GC and RNG. as many other thread has stated, ben just stated "RNG is exciting". that is all the prove you need that GC and RNG is here to stay.

Edited by miketan
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well, if they want to introduce lateral progression, they will have to introduce more class for us to play. look at diablo style mmorpg like marvel heroes 2016, it have been around for years with max level remain unchanged but the hero pool to create and play have more then triple since it started.


i'm sure everyone will appreciate new class... like maybe a shapeshifter using the rakghoul lore as background. a summoner using technology to bring in armies of minion.


they actualy don't need to? they can just keep adding new story, new group content, etc. rewards don't need to be more powerful, therein lies power creep. ask Blizzard with WoW, who both keeps adding new classes AND new levels and so far had to do stat squish.. I believe twice? becasue power creep has gotten ridiculous.


meanwhile GW2 and ESO haven't raised level cap in.. ever. they did add new systems to work towards (mastery and Champion respectively), but at the same time level cap stays the same. and its nice.


for a game that's supposed to be so story driven as SWTOR is... not adding anymore to level cap can actualy be beneficial. among other things - it will free up more resources for better story and other content, since they don't have to keep coming up with new ranks of things, reshuffling abilities etc.


that said... that leads me to the problem with introducing new class to SWTOR in a first place. unlike just about every other MMO out there? SWTOR classes are tied to specific stories and specific companions. so they would need to figure out how to integrate new class into existing world story (which is a LOT of work). of course given current new push to singular story, they could just go with that but then... when do they start the story for new class. at Kotfe? in that case why the heck would Marr contact this unknown person who is going to be at the ship, why would Lana be interested in rescuing them, what have they done to justify this much confidence in them? seeing the issue yet?


that said. this game will stay around for a few years, whether there is a 6.0 or not. why? becasue Star wars license is expensive, so they are going to milk it to the last drop, and it doesn't expire for a few years yet.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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The Op is right and not just for alts.


The first thing to do is transfer all your credits into cartel market crates, they are likely to beat inflation in value and more importantly in a year only a few people will be able to offer them as most will have been retired.


Next up unsub and go find something else to do in a year. Good chance you will find something more fun than a grind to 300 command rank and disintegrating green and blue junk. Then you may not even want to come back in which case no loss of time doing all that grinding.


If you do come back, good chance the next thing will have come in which will probably be some form of crystal currency that you use to purchase end game gear. So the 300 ranks in GC will be worthless as is.


But even if GC is still kicking like a horse that just refuses to die, anything added over the last year (so 4 new uprisings) will be new content. You can mix it in with the 5 year old content if you still wish to grind. But if you don't then just buy the gear for a few million credits and have better that tier 3 gear in an afternoon. Making running any new content very easy.


And should there be no new expansion should the game go into maintenance mode then you probably don't need tier 3 gear anyway as unless you really have to complete everything on master mode there isn't going to be much need.

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they actualy don't need to? they can just keep adding new story, new group content, etc. rewards don't need to be more powerful, therein lies power creep. ask Blizzard with WoW, who both keeps adding new classes AND new levels and so far had to do stat squish.. I believe twice? becasue power creep has gotten ridiculous.


One thing I think the studio here has done a fairly good job of is managing power creep. There still is some of course, but nothing like I have seen in some other MMOs.


People don't really pay attention to details and try to assess philosophy of the studio..... but they have also been re-engineering quite a bit of the fundamentals the game launched with as well. Removing complexities that really offered no value beyond novelty. Not everyone agrees with every choice they made... but they ARE going back and removing/replacing/altering a number of things that were in the launch version that really did not provide meaningful experience for players.


This MMO has also done a better then average job with Quality-of-Life improvements over time as well.

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that said... that leads me to the problem with introducing new class to SWTOR in a first place. unlike just about every other MMO out there? SWTOR classes are tied to specific stories and specific companions. so they would need to figure out how to integrate new class into existing world story (which is a LOT of work).


It would be much easier to just add new advanced classes especially now that they are selected at level 1 character creation. EQ2 made a similar move (removing class archetypes) so they could add new classes. Biggest issues I see would be balance and how the player base reacts if one class has more advance class options than others.

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It would be much easier to just add new advanced classes especially now that they are selected at level 1 character creation. EQ2 made a similar move (removing class archetypes) so they could add new classes. Biggest issues I see would be balance and how the player base reacts if one class has more advance class options than others.


that could work. they would still need to figure out advance classes that would fit into story archetypes, but it could work.

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