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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bravo Bioware for not giving into kneejerk reactions of a vocal minority


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How is it if you use the word we in a negative post the 'white knights' jump on the post and say 'YOU CANT SPEAK FOR MEEEEE!'


But if you delegate that your opinion holds the majority view and that anyone that disagrees is in the minority. Surely that is double standards unless you have numbers to back it up. It would also be interesting to see how the numbers reflect given how many servers have been merged and how there is talk of further mergers once the opportunity to charge people to get off dead servers is over.


The masses did not return with the new story, perhaps too many bridges were burnt with the kotfe story, the people that found the crystal system to hard to understand did not flock back with the change (probably found the log on system to hard to understand) and it is likely that raiders wont flood back if a new op is introduced (they have probably gone to pastures new and aren't waiting in the wings to come back to raid). While the people that are left are faced with 5 year old content grind to get lock boxes. Its very hard to see great deal to get excited about in the future aside from some uprisings that will be speed through for the points which will be sold as exiting rather than enjoyable for its own sake.


I like the part where you were babbling something or other about double standards and people making things up to support their argument only to wrap up with a blurb about how "the masses did not return". Obviously you have hard, factual data in hand right now that you can link and prove what you say is true right?

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I like the part where you were babbling something or other about double standards and people making things up to support their argument only to wrap up with a blurb about how "the masses did not return". Obviously you have hard, factual data in hand right now that you can link and prove what you say is true right?


Over a hundred servers in 1.0 versus a handful now, only half of which are active while the rest are ghost towns. What other evidence do they need that the masses that started playing this game did not return, kid?

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Over a hundred servers in 1.0 versus a handful now, only half of which are active while the rest are ghost towns. What other evidence do they need that the masses that started playing this game did not return, kid?


But, but, but, .... they might have increased the server capacity 20 times. :D

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How is it if you use the word we in a negative post the 'white knights' jump on the post and say 'YOU CANT SPEAK FOR MEEEEE!'



Because its one of the few debate points a pro GC/RNG gamer really has. It doesn't carry any weight but allows them to fill in dead space as other points are made in a weak attempt to make the online casino known as swtor better than what it really is.


Case in point:

gc is for everyone! Yet we know it hurts veterans and new gamers alike. Just claiming anyone can do any content to get gear is inherently disingenuous without also making sure they know the massive, 6+ month grind wall they have (and thats if they do it ever single day or it takes longer) on top of making sure they understand RNG gearing, the casino swtor now is.


bw has now become that used car salesman people hate.

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I like the part where you were babbling something or other about double standards and people making things up to support their argument only to wrap up with a blurb about how "the masses did not return". Obviously you have hard, factual data in hand right now that you can link and prove what you say is true right?


Obviously you are unaware that the game had many more servers at launch



Anturi Reach

Assassins of Sion

Axial Park

Canderous Ordo

Colonel Tobin

Corellian Run

Crevasse City

Darth Bandon

Drunk Side Cantina

Eidolon Security


Firaxan Shark

Fort Garnik

Giradda the Hutt

Grand Master Zym


ICE Breaker

Jedi Covenant


Kaas City

Kathol Rift


Keller's Void

Khoonda Militia

Ki-Ta Kren

Krayiss Obelisk

Krayt Dragon

Master Dorak

Mind Trick


Sedyn Kyne

Shadow Hand


Sith Meditation Sphere

Sith Wyrm

Tarro Blood

Telos Restoration Project

The Constant

The Courageous

The Defenestrator

The Razor

The Shadowlands

Whitebeam Run

Zez-Kai Ell



Belgoth's Beacon

Bondar Crystal

Cho Mai

Darth Malak

Davik's Estate

Death Wind Corridor

Firkrann Crystal

Gardens of Talla

Hedarr Soongh

Helm of Graush

Infinity Gate

Iron Citadel

Kinrath Spider

Naddist Rebels

Port Nowhere

Prophecy of the Five


Saber of Exar Kun

Sword of Ajunta Pall


The Deadweight

The Fatman

The Twin Spears

Thendys Noori


Vulkar Highway


Kath Hound

Lord Adraas

Rubat Crystal


Sanctum of the Exalted

The Ebon Hawk


Jung Ma

Ven Zallow


Darth Sion

Darth Xedrix

Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Empress Teta


Gauntlet of Kressh

Hyperspace Cannon

Kaiburr Crystal


Lord Praven

Mask of Nihilus

Master Gnost-Dural

Master Zhar Lestin

Namadii Corridor

Perlemian Trade Route


Space Slug

The Harbinger

The Jekk'Jekk Tarr

Veeboo Lunx


Wall of Light


Zakkeg Beast


Black Vulkars

Daragon Trail

Dark Reaper

Infinite Empire

Mandalore the Indomitable

Nadd's Sarcophagus

Rakata Mind Prison


The Crucible Pits

The Bastion

The Maw

The Swiftsure

Warriors of the Shadow

Wound in the Force


Begeren Colony

Lord Ieldis

Vrook Lamar


Ajunta Pall


Bacca's Blade


Dune Bantha

Dxun Battle Circle

Flames of Crucible


Goluud Corridor

Hidden Beks

Hydian Way

Kellian Jarro

Ludo Kressh

Luka Sene

Nightmare Lands

Peragus Mining Facility

Rogue Moon


Sluis Shipyards

The Arkanian Legacy

The Red Eclipse


Ahto City

Basilisk Droid



Hex Droid


Legions of Lettow


Scepter of Ragnos

Senator Contispex

Tassaa Bareesh

The Exile's Crystal

The Kumumgah

The Ravager

The Shadow Runner

Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Tott Doneeta

Trayus Academy

Ula Vii

Uthar Wynn


Shaltin Tunnels

The Progenitor

Trask Ulgo


Lord Calypho



Mantle of the Force

Phateem Halls of Knowledge

Vodo-Siosk Baas



Baron Deathmark

Darth Nihilus

Dol Grenn

Hrakert Rift

Princess Galia

Star Map


Battle Meditation

Kessel Run




Darth Andeddu

Dreypa's Oubliette

Exar Kun

Faustin Academy

Force Harvester

Handmaidens of Atris

Lenico Gargantuan

Murakami Orchid

Opila Crystal

Sith Triumvirate

Stereb Cities

Supreme Commander Stantorrs


The Cinzia

The Jedi Tower


Blotus the Hutt


Darth Revan's Mask

Darth Traya

Exis Station

Jar'Kai Sword

Pius Dea

The Krath Enchanter

The Restoration Zone


Cassus Fett

Vanjervalis Chain

Zayne Carrick





And of those servers how many have survived only 17. Though I am sure in your mind that is because they were so full and there are so many more players now they simply didn't need that many servers.


But as impressed as I am with your inability to count, more impressive is your illiteracy where you can't read what others write and refer to it as babble.


I have provided you with how the servers have been merged, the devs have said they will look into further mergers after the transfer sale ends. Now how about you provide me with numbers on how it is the vocal minority that dislike the changes to gearing.


And this time if you can don't discount what you can't understand as babble, just provide the numbers.

Edited by Costello
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I don't know what players expect at this point, Galactic command is what we currently have which I suspect took a few months to develop, it would take a futher several months to put it back the way it was pre 5.0 so the best the devs can really do at this point is to try to find a sweet spot in the system through tweeking the system rather than re-working it completely.


The system does have a few flaws, such as it being very alt unfriendly and the RNG nature of a lot of stuff.


Personally I would have taken some of the RNG away by instead of getting SB gear from the crates, you got a SB token in the crates for tiers 1-3, this way you could have a choice of exactly which SB piece you got as the tokens would be used on a 1:1 basis, this way Bioware would have simply be able to monitor the drop rates for the SB tokens.


There is nothing particularly wrong with Galactic Command, it's the removal of ops token gear and pvp gear that's the problem. BW could just add ops gear vendors "somewhere" on fleet and restore the token drops on ops bosses. BW could just add pvp vendors and make free (with 0 resale value) 224 w/set bonus gear that bolsters to tier 3 gear, and make sure that tier 1 and tier 2 gear bolsters to tier 3. All of this would be outside of the GC, and nothing about GC would have to change.


Or they could skip tokens and vendors entirely -- let each PVP daily offer a a choice of 224 set bonus arnoring (possibly limited to the player's AC) similar to how some of the Yavin quests gave mh/oh and companion legacy gear. And do the same thing for operations weeklies, although I'd add in MH/OH as well as the armorings, and gear would be on tier based on story/vet/master mode.

Edited by eartharioch
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Over a hundred servers in 1.0 versus a handful now, only half of which are active while the rest are ghost towns. What other evidence do they need that the masses that started playing this game did not return, kid?


Try to keep up, will you? The discussion was if people returned to play the new expansion not if the game has lost subs over the previous 5 years it's be running. The developers said there would be an influx of players for the newest expansion and there has. Honestly if you can't follow the conversation, don't try to engage me, it's boring.

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Try to keep up, will you? The discussion was if people returned to play the new expansion not if the game has lost subs over the previous 5 years it's be running. The developers said there would be an influx of players for the newest expansion and there has. Honestly if you can't follow the conversation, don't try to engage me, it's boring.


Thats not what I said I said the masses did not return for the new story. It doesn't matter when they left, the majority of players who left the game have not returned.


Would it be fair to say that the majority of players that left did not return, that most the servers are light and there will likely be more mergers in the future once the transfer sale ends because they are dead.


Has there been a return in players at all, it would not seem so from http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us and http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu those figures seem fairly consistent. So where are you getting your figures from?

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Thats not what I said I said the masses did not return for the new story. It doesn't matter when they left, the majority of players who left the game have not returned.


Would it be fair to say that the majority of players that left did not return, that most the servers are light and there will likely be more mergers in the future once the transfer sale ends because they are dead.


Has there been a return in players at all, it would not seem so from http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us and http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu those figures seem fairly consistent. So where are you getting your figures from?


Seriously, what are you even arguing about here? The current debate is about the GC system and the RNG crates. Unless you're stating that people that left previously peered into the future and saw the changes of 5.0 so they quit, why are you referencing stuff no one is talking about or disputing? Are you OK? Are you feeling lightheaded or feverish?

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If the Galactic Command system was a total failure & Bioware lost a huge amount of subs you can bet that the situation would be addressed VERY quickly.


VERY, VERY quickly.


Maybe even reversed or majorly modified.


The fact they haven't reversed it or redesigned or even TOLD us that they are reversing or redesigning it (so far) should tell you something.

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If the Galactic Command system was a total failure & Bioware lost a huge amount of subs you can bet that the situation would be addressed VERY quickly.


VERY, VERY quickly.


Maybe even reversed or majorly modified.


The fact they haven't reversed it or redesigned or even TOLD us that they are reversing or redesigning it (so far) should tell you something.


Nah. They always try to pacify and wait out consumer rage. It's happened with every other major issue. Unless it comes to 'nuke from orbit' nerfs, they're very sluggish in responding. They were slow to respond to criticisms about 1.0, for example, which lead to the TORtanic effect of tons of lost subs. They're certain this system will work because their own internal metrics say so. They're plugging their ears again, just like they've done a bunch of other times.


Eventually they will take major action, but by then it will be far too late.

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Just to be clear 99% of the player base hates RNG, this is obvious from in game chat, these forums, reddit forums, all the podcasts and common sense.


I think GC could be a great system (especially as they add more and more new content to it) but RNG is a terrible way to progress and it will kill this game. I love this game and have played it since beta, I thought the KOTET story was amazing but failing on crate after crate makes the game feel completely pointless to play, especially now the story is done.

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If the Galactic Command system was a total failure & Bioware lost a huge amount of subs you can bet that the situation would be addressed VERY quickly.


VERY, VERY quickly.


Maybe even reversed or majorly modified.


The fact they haven't reversed it or redesigned or even TOLD us that they are reversing or redesigning it (so far) should tell you something.


Exactly this! It amazes me that people somehow think Bioware doesn't have extensive access to the subscriber metrics of their own game. There's no way they aren't analyzing the sub numbers with a fine tooth comb especially after launching a brand new expansion.

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Try to keep up, will you? The discussion was if people returned to play the new expansion not if the game has lost subs over the previous 5 years it's be running. The developers said there would be an influx of players for the newest expansion and there has. Honestly if you can't follow the conversation, don't try to engage me, it's boring.


That narrative is simply not born out on TORStatus. Just like the "massive gains" from KOTFE were never seen on TORStatus either.

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Try to keep up, will you? The discussion was if people returned to play the new expansion not if the game has lost subs over the previous 5 years it's be running. The developers said there would be an influx of players for the newest expansion and there has. Honestly if you can't follow the conversation, don't try to engage me, it's boring.


They've pointed you at the pages which show server populations have not rebounded, kid. There's no big influx of players like you're claiming. Those are the facts. You're trying to avoid that point by flapping your arms around and shifting the goalposts. Seems like you're the one having trouble keeping up with the conversation. :D

Edited by AscendingSky
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If the Galactic Command system was a total failure & Bioware lost a huge amount of subs you can bet that the situation would be addressed VERY quickly.


VERY, VERY quickly.


Maybe even reversed or majorly modified.


The fact they haven't reversed it or redesigned or even TOLD us that they are reversing or redesigning it (so far) should tell you something.


We're not even 30 days into this expansion. I killed my subscription two months ago, but it doesn't run out until February. They wouldn't have the metrics you are discussing this soon.

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Just to be clear 99% of the player base hates RNG, this is obvious from in game chat, these forums, reddit forums, all the podcasts and common sense.


Just to be clear, 73.6% of all statistics are made up. The vast majority of subscribers don't read the forums and everyone knows this, including the devs.

Edited by Bruticis
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I think it is funny that Bruticis took a 4+ year break from the game because it was so star spangled awesome. He returns like he is the game's champion and thinks anyone around here actually cares what his (johnny come lately) opinion of the game is.
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If the Galactic Command system was a total failure & Bioware lost a huge amount of subs you can bet that the situation would be addressed VERY quickly.


VERY, VERY quickly.


Maybe even reversed or majorly modified.


The fact they haven't reversed it or redesigned or even TOLD us that they are reversing or redesigning it (so far) should tell you something.


Unless it's a cartel market, cash shop thing, I don't think bw can handle very much quickly. Even as RNG and GC alienates players and some leave and some stay. Even if it was a total failure, bw could do very little quickly. Their past actions shows that for the most part. They have no quick actions on most things.


bw is in a spot right now where no metric they could read really works when it comes to success of this. I have no doubt many gamers came to see the end of this story and with little else to do in game new. There done in a month. Now faced with end game as bad as swtor now has. bw still bought themselves a month at a minimum because of the story.


What I do know is how they were told during all of beta how bad the idea of RNG gear is. That isn't new or changing. RNG is mixed in with GC so that gets lumped into the complaints as well because of the massive grind.


The fact that they had no back up plan nor were ready for the backlash is the "out of touch" comments you see but its not because they were not warned long ago. bw has set the course and couldn't change it.


when you create a massive grind and RNG gearing, thats not done to benefit the gamer in any case but to stretch out and hide how little this game actually offers once story is done by making you do really old content again. They have no intention to really change that no matter what they say.


Take the CXP nerf of gold mobs. 10 CXP to ONE and now moved to TWO. Not an exploit but screw you the gamer if you do that because it goes against bw intended purpose. Hinder you. Slow you down.


Thats why nothing is changed yet nor will change drastically in months. Not even the CXP boost to uprisings or FP will make a difference to the hindrance they created.


They must buy themselves time because they are slow in everything they do except maybe nerfing you for doing things that are not exploits and cash shop stuff. So watch and see if you stick around.


The changes even bw claims they are making will do little to make this fiasco of a system any better because they are not fixing the underling problems. Just more illusion tweaking and it will all be done really slow.

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Yes, even I will admit the system, in theory, the system sounds good, but it is FATALLY flawed by the extended time consumption required to get crates and the incredible requirement of fortunate gear drops to get anything of even the smallest value.





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I think it is funny that Bruticis took a 4+ year break from the game because it was so star spangled awesome. He returns like he is the game's champion and thinks anyone around here actually cares what his (johnny come lately) opinion of the game is.


He's been away from the game that long? No wonder he's so ignorant on how the actual game works or how players actually feel! Thanks, that makes his silly antics make more sense now! And, like you said, make them easy peasy to disregard as the foolishness they are. :D

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I think it is funny that Bruticis took a 4+ year break from the game because it was so star spangled awesome. He returns like he is the game's champion and thinks anyone around here actually cares what his (johnny come lately) opinion of the game is.


The game wasn't fun for me when it launched. With the changes to 4.0 and the shift to make the game more single player focused, it became fun again. As long as the devs keep catering to my needs, i.e. single player first, small groups second, raiders dead last, I'll continue to support them with an active subscription and cartel purchases.

I would assume everyone would do the same, as well, no? Support them if you like the current model, vote with your wallet if you don't. I know it's shocking that I would be an advocate for doing something I like.


When the game becomes unenjoyable or shifts in a direction (raid junk) I don't like, I'll cancel my sub. What you wont see is a bunch of idiotic empty threats, petitions and temper tantrums when it's time for me to move on.

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