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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ben - "RNG is exciting"


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...I do get excited with new rng boxes lol


If only Guss could get CXP RNG boxes too. I think he'd like them.


"I just like trying. It feels like playing a lottery, the odds of winning are nil, but you can dream." - Guss Tuno, Shining in the Darkness alert.

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You need to calm down, realise its a game, an entertainment and stop calling for people to lose their livelihoods. Look at yourself for a moment.


Wait. Is that how things are now? They screw up, but we say "Oh hey. Don't worry about it. Keep doing it."?


Oh, hey, it's only junk food, who cares if it's got some major defect in it that will kill people. Let them keep their jobs, it's their livelihood.


Now, yes of course, difference between food killing people and a game's idea of RNG, but the RNG could kill the game. Don't think for a minute, if the game lost to many players, they wouldn't just shut it down in a minute. :p


No one I've talked to in my guild has thought the rewards have been great. :p Do you think if this idea cost half the player base they would then be worthy of being let go?


Now, not saying let anyone go, but I am curious when it becomes okay to say "Maybe someone needs to be fired." :p

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You actually said this on the stream


80-90% (I'm feeling generous) of the time people open a box they get junk that they scrap


That's not exciting, it's dissappointing.


You are making your players dissappointed 80-905 of the time.


You utterly missed the point of what chat was saying about RNG, and cherry picked question about changes to it, ignoring the calls for removal


Are you so fond of your baby that you can see no evil in it?


Is pride blinding your judgement?


For the record! I don't like this RNG- Gearing system. I like coms! At least with coms i get to choose what gear i need instead hoping the RNG crate unlocks it.

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you guys are lazy stupid and complain all the time

do something to get good gear and not get it very easy before 5.0


i hope eric close every treat that is about the bad RNG in this game am getting very sick about it


If you don't like them... how about not reading them? No one's forcing you to, kid. :D

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The thing is.... Ian Hazzikostas (WoWs main dev) said exactly the same thing in one of his Q&As. I think that game devs in general are trying to punish (for lack of a better word) the hardcore player that races to clear all the new content, and get all the best stuffs in record time.


Developers can't and will never be able to keep up with that type of player. So they try and introduce elements like RNG to balance it out, and use catchphrases like "its exiting" "its the same thrill as gambling" or "it keeps the community going, so content doesn't get stale"


In all honesty, the cxp grind and the RNG wouldn't be that bad if there was plenty of things to do. Instead, the content is repeated, but with more difficulty, and so players get angry, and they rage (and deservedly so) on the forums, or they quit. Imagine if there were daily heroics(add new ones, and rotate them with the old ones, and make them randomly assigned), daily resource quests, new PvP warzones and games, with randomly generated quests, new ops and quests for those ops, new flashpoints with quests for them as well, new companion quests that award conversations and possible romance options with most of the companions (maybe all, but personally speaking for me, I could leave a lot of them out :p ), and who knows what else, those were just off the top of my head (and I may have mentioned them in other posts), and all of those gave RNG chances at getting loot (appropriately scaled for the task), along with the cxp loot rewards, the community might not be so upset with the RNG.


TL;DR I dont think RNG is the problem, the problem is that there isnt enough repeatable or one time content to justify RNG...


Just my two cents though....

Edited by crimsonranger
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you guys are lazy stupid and complain all the time

do something to get good gear and not get it very easy before 5.0


i hope eric close every treat that is about the bad RNG in this game am getting very sick about it


wow, that was painful. you should be arrested for the injury you do to simple english.

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you guys are lazy stupid and complain all the time

do something to get good gear and not get it very easy before 5.0


i hope eric close every treat that is about the bad RNG in this game am getting very sick about it


People used to do hard stuff to get good gear. Then was mistake called highlighted Ops which allowed bis gear to be handed out like candy from EV/KP.

Now there is even bigger mistake with RNG. Gearing would be better if there was a reputation vendor or some sort, where you can buy the piece you want. And put gear drops to HM and Nim bosses.

This way casuals and solo players can grind their gear and HM/Nim raiders can get their gear from bosses.


Everybody wins.

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RNG can be exciting. I fell out of my chair the first time I got a Mempo of Twilight in Diablo 3. It was a great moment. Likewise finally completing your tier set bonus after hunting for awhile feels good. Too much RNG can be bad, too much uncertainty can feel despairing. They said they are listening to feedback and tweaking as needed. Growing pains are a constant in these games.


People who want the system gone entirely without a trace one week into its implementation probably should just quit the game if they aren't open to compromise and waiting for them to continue developing/tweaking it. I am sorry if that sounds "mean", but it's the rational end of the ultimatums people post here constantly. No sense staying angry on the forums over a video game.

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RNG can be exciting. I fell out of my chair the first time I got a Mempo of Twilight in Diablo 3. It was a great moment. Likewise finally completing your tier set bonus after hunting for awhile feels good. Too much RNG can be bad, too much uncertainty can feel despairing. They said they are listening to feedback and tweaking as needed. Growing pains are a constant in these games.


People who want the system gone entirely without a trace one week into its implementation probably should just quit the game if they aren't open to compromise and waiting for them to continue developing/tweaking it. I am sorry if that sounds "mean", but it's the rational end of the ultimatums people post here constantly. No sense staying angry on the forums over a video game.


Sure. People quitting will really improve things. I mean it's not like most servers already suffer from dwindling populations. The "my way or the highway" attitude is really very ....optimistic.... if you have very little new to offer to your paying customers already. I think it will be quite interesting to watch this game and community the next months.

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People who want the system gone entirely without a trace one week into its implementation probably should just quit the game if they aren't open to compromise and waiting for them to continue developing/tweaking it. I am sorry if that sounds "mean", but it's the rational end of the ultimatums people post here constantly. No sense staying angry on the forums over a video game.


That's exactly what's happening, people are quitting or not coming back at all when they hear how it works. People still being vocal about it are terminally in love with the game and hope against all hopes they could enjoy it but they, too, will eventually quit if they haven't already.


Of course only time will tell how many dissatisfied people are really there and how much the current noise represents the playerbase at large. Things might go on just fine. Or they might not. We'll see. Best of luck to anyone who's perfectly happy with the game as it is.

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People used to do hard stuff to get good gear. Then was mistake called highlighted Ops which allowed bis gear to be handed out like candy from EV/KP.

Now there is even bigger mistake with RNG. Gearing would be better if there was a reputation vendor or some sort, where you can buy the piece you want. And put gear drops to HM and Nim bosses.

This way casuals and solo players can grind their gear and HM/Nim raiders can get their gear from bosses.


Everybody wins.


I've posted this solution as well, it makes perfect sense


everyone gets what they want and all the devs need to do is change a few loot tables


everyone stops moaning (about this)

minimal effort, maximum reward for the dev team

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I appreciate the difficult position the Devs are in, but RNG is not exciting. I can deal with a long, slogging grind to command level 300, but what I cannot deal with is working hard to get a crap crate, which is what I call them instead of command crates, that has an 85% chance of dropping pure junk. And then, as a double insult, if we scrap them, we get a pittance of CXP, so we get punished twice. We didn't select the crap to get in our box...the RNG Gods did, so why should our scrap be crap too? Crap rewards should give about 250CXP in every case. A crap CXP crate should get us more than halfway to the next crap crate when we scrap the junk that's in it.
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You need to calm down, realise its a game, an entertainment and stop calling for people to lose their livelihoods. Look at yourself for a moment.


Yes it maybe be a game but what you need to realise is a lot of people are paying every month to play this game which is lining there pockets and rather than make the game better for end game users they have made it worse. Don't be surprised if a lot of the paying players cancel their subs and start playing something else. Which in turn affects the developers wages and jobs....

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Yes it maybe be a game but what you need to realise is a lot of people are paying every month to play this game which is lining there pockets and rather than make the game better for end game users they have made it worse.


Then...don't pay for the game anymore?


Seriously, I am against the GC system. I just find it utterly hilarious that people make it out as if Bioware is forcing them to string along with any changes and is ruining "their game" without giving them a way to stop paying for it.


If you do not feel satisfied with the services provided for your fee, you can cancel the subscription at any given moment. And don't even start with this "but telling people to quit is not healthy to the game! Way to go!" nonsense. It's completely normal that people start and stop playing MMORPGs. KotET will make some new members join the game, and some other veterans will leave. That's how each expansion was for any MMORPG.

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It's not just about money though. People are highly invested in this game. The hours they've spent playing, researching, refining their playstyles. The emotional investment in their characters and friends. It's not a simple matter of 'vote with your wallet' when so much is at stake. That is why when people do vote with their wallets, that vote means so much more than it does for any other kind of business. Edited by Munithe
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