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To all the people upset about the new gearing system


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You're wrong. Carnage is a burst spec. That 2% increases the burst damage he does which is probably ~75-80% of the spec(or at least was - haven't played it in 5.0).


Actually Dawn is right. The 1% increase is spread across all the damage so all in all 1%.


What makes the set bonus much better is that 4 set and 6 set which add the 1% damage increase to the baseline damage of the abilities meaning the crit range is higher.


But 2-set bonus is always 1% damage increase.


EDIT: The 2 set bonus is identical for all dps specs so thats 1% dps increase for all.

Edited by Alloou
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You're wrong. Carnage is a burst spec. That 2% increases the burst damage he does which is probably ~75-80% of the spec(or at least was - haven't played it in 5.0).


Not every spec is a burst spec and its 2% for 15 seconds upon use of the triggering ability - so a very skilled and knowledgeable player that times their triggering ability usage to coincide with a burst window and does it inside the 15 second 2% buff proc will get more benefit than just a flat 1% overall damage buff.


However, how many players do you think actually even read much less understand their class set bonuses, much less can actually manage their rotations and burst to line up with the proc?


So on average, for most players, the 2 peice set is worth an additional ~1% increase in damage.

Edited by DawnAskham
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As crafting goes in MMOs.. this one with it's crew mission approach is much less tedious in my experience. It only takes minutes to skill up from 550 to 600 if you were actively crafting in 4.0, and materials are not that bad in terms of effort and grind by the player.. as the crew does all the work.


When a new expac drops, I put all my available crew across a half a dozen characters on gathering missions, while I go off and play the game. It only took a few days of this before I has sufficient materials, including purple components.


But yeah.. crafting is not for everyone.. but in 5.0 it is far superior to riding the current grind-mill of GC.


I'll eventually do the work (once the fine tune and adjust how GC works, not before) on my main and an alt or two for set bonus gear. For now they are fine in augmented 228s.... and my guild is taking the same approach and it's not freezing us out of any group content for doing so. Some content is more challenging right now.. but so what.. it's not like there is some need to put OPs on "farm status" and rotate members through it for gear any more. OPs now are played for the challenge. For all my various alts though.. they will do just fine with fully augmented 228 gear until 6.0.


Having never played any other mmo I'll have to give you the first point. If it's more tedious or boring in other mmos and there is a large focus on it, I would be very unlikely to play the game personally.


Yes takes very little time to go from 550 to 600 but there are 6 characters to do it on. Meaning that if you're levelling crafting, you are probably logging in and out of toons near constantly to do so. Which substantially limits the amount of "actual" (I put that in quotes because, again, I understand some people do enjoy crafting) playtime I'm putting in. Add to that either credits spent buyin mats or time spent farming them and I'm blowing my entire weekday (and 1/4 weekend) play time of about 3 hours a day. Since I find crafting so dull and tedious it is not something I wish to blow my playtime on.


What's superior cxp or crafting? Idk they both suck to me. If they really wanted to slow down alt gearing all they really needed to do was pull kp/ev from the priority HM. Any of my alts with 224s, that's how they got them.


Personally I enjoyed the system of farming ops with guildies. The bosses were guaranteed to drop a token and depending on mode either the last boss or every boss dropped a dmc. I usually ran ops as you get to roll on a piece, whoever doesn't get a piece gets a dmc (or to roll on a dmc in sm), any leftover free rolled . That way either everyone or 6/8 people got something. If it was an all guild run, I could say screw the rules and just give something to whoever needed it. If 2 people needed the piece, they roll for it, simple enough.


I don't mind there being a challenge. That is why I joined a progression raid team. I find having to grind mind numbing tasks like cxp or crafting to get gear incredibly dull. Again, this is my personal opinion. If you enjoy crafting, you're my best friend because I can pay you to make me stuff lol.

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Not every spec is a burst spec and its 2% for 15 seconds upon use of the triggering ability - so a very skilled and knowledgeable player that times their triggering ability usage to coincide with a burst window and does it inside the 15 second 2% buff proc will get more benefit than just a flat 1% overall damage buff.


However, how many players do you think actually even read much less understand their class set bonuses, much less can actually manage their rotations and burst to line up with the proc?


So on average, for most players, the 2 peice set is worth an additional ~1% increase in damage.


I have a feeling some players don't even know what are the set bonuses :p

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Not every spec is a burst spec and its 2% for 15 seconds upon use of the triggering ability - so a very skilled and knowledgeable player that times their triggering ability usage to coincide with a burst window and does it inside the 15 second 2% buff proc will get more benefit than just a flat 1% overall damage buff.


However, how many players do you think actually even read much less understand their class set bonuses, much less can actually manage their rotations and burst to line up with the proc?


So on average, for most players, the 2 peice set is worth an additional ~1% increase in damage.


Yes, if you read my previous post you'll see that i agree that all of the set bonuses are worth ~5% dps.

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Yes, if you read my previous post you'll see that i agree that all of the set bonuses are worth ~5% dps.


I definitely agree. As for the importance of the set bonus, take example EC Tanks. Enrage is 6min 20ish. That's a fight were you needed (in 4.0) 6.5k Dps from all Dps to beat the enrage (including Dps on adds). Take out the set bonuses and that becomes undoable (in 4.0). 5% is 325 Dps per Dps which means youre missing more than 1300 Dps raidwide. Thats 494 k health in the Firebrand enrage. Thats one fight. 325 dps per Dpser ia a big diffenrence between enrage on the second tentacle in TFB.


It's important, IMO much more than the mastery you get from a 234 or more armoring without set bonus. And that's way enougj for me to stay with my old 224 armorings.

Edited by MasterLiuerbud
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As crafting goes in MMOs.. this one with it's crew mission approach is much less tedious in my experience. It only takes minutes to skill up from 550 to 600 if you were actively crafting in 4.0, and materials are not that bad in terms of effort and grind by the player.. as the crew does all the work.


When a new expac drops, I put all my available crew across a half a dozen characters on gathering missions, while I go off and play the game. It only took a few days of this before I has sufficient materials, including purple components.


But yeah.. crafting is not for everyone.. but in 5.0 it is far superior to riding the current grind-mill of GC.


I'll eventually do the work (once the fine tune and adjust how GC works, not before) on my main and an alt or two for set bonus gear. For now they are fine in augmented 228s.... and my guild is taking the same approach and it's not freezing us out of any group content for doing so. Some content is more challenging right now.. but so what.. it's not like there is some need to put OPs on "farm status" and rotate members through it for gear any more. OPs now are played for the challenge. For all my various alts though.. they will do just fine with fully augmented 228 gear until 6.0.


Good points, but some players are ambitious and don't feel like they've "completed" an expansion until their main toons are in BIS gear. Do they need BIS gear for everything? No, but it's getting to the mountain top that drives some people.

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I have a feeling some players don't even know what are the set bonuses :p

That's my assumption as well...and that's fine, they just don't need to chime in when people who do understand their value are discussing them.


1% damage increase is still an increase, but the reduction to defensive cooldowns is a HUGE boost - 15seconds in PvP can seem like an eternity, and a guaranteed crit is icing on the cake. There's no denying that the 6-piece bonus is an advantage worth having imo.

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Last I checked, the tank set bonus gave a 2% or 3% boost to mitigation. Nothing to get overly excited about. Some of the 6 pieces bonuses aren't bad, but they aren't game changers by any stretch of the imagination.


you cant be that good enough a player to understand. You probably dont augment your gear.

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Having never played any other mmo I'll have to give you the first point. If it's more tedious or boring in other mmos and there is a large focus on it, I would be very unlikely to play the game personally.


Yes takes very little time to go from 550 to 600 but there are 6 characters to do it on. Meaning that if you're levelling crafting, you are probably logging in and out of toons near constantly to do so. Which substantially limits the amount of "actual" (I put that in quotes because, again, I understand some people do enjoy crafting) playtime I'm putting in. Add to that either credits spent buyin mats or time spent farming them and I'm blowing my entire weekday (and 1/4 weekend) play time of about 3 hours a day. Since I find crafting so dull and tedious it is not something I wish to blow my playtime on.


What's superior cxp or crafting? Idk they both suck to me. If they really wanted to slow down alt gearing all they really needed to do was pull kp/ev from the priority HM. Any of my alts with 224s, that's how they got them.


Personally I enjoyed the system of farming ops with guildies. The bosses were guaranteed to drop a token and depending on mode either the last boss or every boss dropped a dmc. I usually ran ops as you get to roll on a piece, whoever doesn't get a piece gets a dmc (or to roll on a dmc in sm), any leftover free rolled . That way either everyone or 6/8 people got something. If it was an all guild run, I could say screw the rules and just give something to whoever needed it. If 2 people needed the piece, they roll for it, simple enough.


I don't mind there being a challenge. That is why I joined a progression raid team. I find having to grind mind numbing tasks like cxp or crafting to get gear incredibly dull. Again, this is my personal opinion. If you enjoy crafting, you're my best friend because I can pay you to make me stuff lol.


Our guild had a plan going into 5.0. We expected there to be warts and issues with GC at launch, and we already knew nothing better then 230s would be available until way up in the GC levels anyway. So we setup a team to work immediately on log-in day of 5.0 early access to spin up all our crafters, skill them up, and get them into a farming mats sequence. Everyone had assignments, and were committed to be available at launch to get going. We knew there would be a crush on gathering nodes out in the game worlds, so we went straight to gathering missions... we had something like a hundred or so running at a time as a group. By doing it as a group... we distributed the work and made it less time and effort consuming for all of us. That was our mitigation plan going in to 5.0 and I have to say, it worked extremely well. The guild funded the startup expenses for the crafting team as well.. so there was literally no burden in spinning up.


Our plan was to spin up quickly and get everyones mains into fully augmented 228 gear from top to bottom. The crafting team members would spin up everything they had... and then get to work. After the 3rd day, all mains were set to go, and we were free to begin proliferating to alts as needed/requested. By day 5, it was down to some of the crafters loading up all their alts with 228s.. since they were dirt cheap to do, and fast to do, by that point. Augments ended up being the hardest to fulfill, as they are very material intensive for the augment slot items... but we also knew that going in, so we put extra effort and resources here with some people spinning out Mk-10 materials and others assembling the Mk-10 augments slot items and augments.


To keep everything organized and efficient, the GM designated two officers as aggregators and distributors to the guild members. Their job was to collect all requirements ahead of 5.0 and create a master crafting list for the crafting team, and then be the depository for all finished items and also disburse the items per the requirements list. Guild members not on the crafting team were instructed to give the two officers all their requirements, and to collect finished goods from them as well, and not contact crafters directly. This kept everyone very focused and not tripping over each other. The voice chat channel for the crafting team was a buzz for about a week, and it was actually a lot of fun and in the end.. we feel we overcame the incoming challenge of a new system (GC) stuttering out the gate on the day 5.0 released.


An individual with a stable of crafters entering 5.0 as 550s in crafting could do the same thing solo in about the same time if they planned it out in advance. Perhaps a little slower, depending on how much time they had to cycle crew missions.


Now.. if they had put some significant changes into crafting, rather then just an incremental on materials, recipes, and skills.... we would have had to rethink some things. But 5.0 was a very smooth crafting progression from 4.0.

Edited by Andryah
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I don't get why they got rid of the commendations. At least with comms you knew on what type of gear you want to spend them on. As for the drops on Operations, a guaranteed drop and run with a guild was a lot of fun. There is no longer the drive to gear up for Nightmare mode operations for the precious 224 gear..


The last 6 GC crates have been horrible loot, and I'm beginning to doubt wether or not I should stay at this game.

Don't get me wrong, I love the story content but I just am not fond of the rest of the changes.

I like crafting but the way the schematics drop and the overpriced gear at the GTN, it has been almost impossible to gear Alts from head to toe.

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personally I dont think you play at a high enough level to understand set bonuses. That is fine, but dont try to make others play down to your level.


You already said that, and I already responded. But you can keep posting it if you need something to do.

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Personally, I think you guys are inflating the value of set bonuses just to validate your claim. I like set bonuses (boni?) but they aren't as huge a boon as some would have you believe.


You probably never set foot in an HM ops (EV and KP don't count), let alone a NiM op. Those set bonus provide ~5% DPS/mitigation/HPS. This may not seem like a lot, but makes all the difference in the world. Particularly in NiM, the DPS requirements for example are really tight and those set bonus are what make the differrence wetween kill and enrage. Let's take an example. Average theoritical DPS in 230 is 7923 including set bonus. That do ~7545 DPS without set bonus. Is a difference of 400 DPS still negligible ? I could do the same for healing and tanking set bonus, but that'd be repeating myself and not really useful.

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