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Romance with Lana Beniko glitched? Did I did something wrong?


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I will give as much information as I can so I can receive a precise reply.


My character is a lv 68 Jedi Shadow with max light side allignment

So I just became again a sub and didnt finished knight of the ethernal empire chapters, was missing 3 chapters to complete it. Before you depart with the Gravestone to battle Arcann in the battle of Odessen I noticed I didnt get flirted option with Lana neither ahead and if my memory doesnt fail I didnt kissed her on Chapter 9 which is supossed to be a romance lock with her and neither on Chapter 8 (when I first played it when I was a subscriber), didnt gave me flirt option and I dont have a romance with Koth neither Theron, in addition I flirted with her in every oportunity that I had and still nothing.

When I played Shadow of Revan I always Flirted with her and actually romance gave and kissed her, even in Ziost gave me Flirt option and romance appeared

Since the new patch came out I decided to re-play the chapters ( not in veteran) from 1 to 9, I always choosed the options where I get influence with Lana and selected the following options in Knight of the Eternal Empire:


1. Chapter 4: When you are at Zakuul checking the water with her I selected light side option that where my character is honest with her and tells that Valkorion is on his mind alive.


2. Chapter 5: When Zakuul troops atack the gravestone and trooper is about to hit Lana I choosed dark side option, save her with Valkorion powers ( even so the first time that I played I choosed light side option).

After the battle with Zakuul troops I always chose to check on her first and flirt with her, I get the scene where I am about to kiss her and Koth interrupts.


3. Chapter 8: When my character walks away with Lana from the bridge I get the flirt option but after my character doesnt kiss her

Outlander: I've got you to rescue me

Lana: Im serious..if anything happens

Lana: 1h if i dont hear from you I will reap sanctuary appart

And no kiss


4. Chapter 9: When I go to the Cantina I select to have a moment with Lana and dont get flirt option either, flirt option should be number 1 but instead I just get: Only with your help , select that option and there is no romance lock


5. Chapter 16: Before aboarding on The Gravestone you get to talk to Lana in Odessen, flirt option should be number 2 and it doesnt appear, I get instead ''Im done hidding'' and no kiss...


I honestly dont think i did anything wrong flirting with her so I could get a romance, I also have options to flirt with Koth and Theron but I dont select them.

By logic romance lock its on Chapter 9 and when that doesnt happend there are no flirting options on the following chapters.

I married Nadia and had a romance with her on jedi consular story but that shouldnt affect, if i had a romance with lana on SOR it shouldnt break :S and on the most important decision I always chose the option that gives me influence with her and if there is a flirt option I always take it.


Not sure either if by playing again the chapters that I completed something will change ahead or maybe if I play them on Veteran. But well anyone knows if I missed something or did something wrong? , Any sugestions?, What if nothing works? Please help :(:(:(:confused

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I also rode some post about patches reseting romances on Fallen Empire expansion , maybe thats what happened or i dont really now.

Dam :/, hope it gets fixed if they release a new patch, I will still submit a ticket to see if at least they can fix it for my account, if not well nothing none of us can do . So sad :(

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So, even if you go back and replay all the Chapters and select [Flirt] options, you're still locked out. Thanks for presenting it so clearly for those of us who might have considered going back and replaying in hopes of fixing the character choices. That's a big bug. I submitted a ticket for it as well, but if they have let this sit unfixed for so long, it doesn't speak well for the development team. It's arguably a minor issue, but it's still a bug resetting story choices, which really ought to have been top priority.
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This is a bug that happens if a game update happens while you are playing chapters 3-8 of KotFE. Any update erases the romance flags.


For players who don't see a [Flirt] option in chapter 9 in the cantina, there's hope now: ESC out of that scene, reset the chapter, and play chapters 3,4,5 and 8 again. That way you can re-apply the romance flags, and you will get the flirt option in the cantina and romance lock-in. I did that 2 days ago, it works.

But ONLY if you haven't completed chapter 9 (and probably the cantina scene). That is a point of no return.

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When KOTFE recently came out I played chapters from 1-9 but I think I stoped at 5 or 6 and probably the game got patched and reset rommance, however In my particular case I already completed Chaper 9 and Im screwed, neverless I am thinking that probably I can do romance lock with Lana if I re-play Chapters 1-9 in Veteran with no pause, patches or rollback from the game maaayybbe it will work but im not so sure since that dificulty recently came out there could be bugs or I dont know. Also I was thinking to play Chapters with another toon and see if that would work but my Shadow is my main.


Influene with companions and romances in my opinion are part of the main story and plot, its so sad that we pay money and besides the dev team havent fixed it in a long time now.


I will try to give myself time to play Chapters in Veteran and see if it works, or if someone knows that has already done it that had or has the same issue we would really apreciate to know that information

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When KOTFE recently came out I played chapters from 1-9 but I think I stoped at 5 or 6 and probably the game got patched and reset rommance, however In my particular case I already completed Chaper 9 and Im screwed, neverless I am thinking that probably I can do romance lock with Lana if I re-play Chapters 1-9 in Veteran with no pause, patches or rollback from the game maaayybbe it will work but im not so sure since that dificulty recently came out there could be bugs or I dont know. Also I was thinking to play Chapters with another toon and see if that would work but my Shadow is my main.


Influene with companions and romances in my opinion are part of the main story and plot, its so sad that we pay money and besides the dev team havent fixed it in a long time now.


Character interactions involving player choices and dialogue are the main story. It is unacceptable to have this sitting unfixed for so long.


I will try to give myself time to play Chapters in Veteran and see if it works, or if someone knows that has already done it that had or has the same issue we would really apreciate to know that information


If you go ahead with that, let us know if it worked.

Edited by Altus_Esterhazy
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I cant even complete Chapter 1 lol, mobs do to much dps.


I talked to a few people and guildmates and they have told me that they have played chapters in Veteran but it doesnt overrwrite the choices that you made, a guild mate tried to romance someone else in Veteran while he already lock romance with Lana in story mode normal and couldnt because he had lock, but in my case lock didnt poped , when I get better gear I will try and hopefully I can lock it :confused::(:(

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I made a ticket and here is the response




Thank you for contacting Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Support.


We wanted to let you know that we identified the problem you ran into as a bug. We’ll fix it in a future game update.


Keep an eye on http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for details on bug fixes included in each game update.


Galactic Support is our specialty….


Thank you,


The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Support Team.


If you have the same issue make a ticket and report it as a bugg, this needs to be fixed and has come a long way since, if more people report they should make it a priority to fix

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Whoa I'm shocked! Normally they've said.. well sucks to be you. Goodbye. That's awesome that it'll be fixed in a future update.


Hey, maybe that means that they actually have a plan to fix it and can now say "keep your eye on the patch notes, it'll pop up" when before they were just avoiding saying, "we know this exists, but we've no plans to fix it, busy doing important #$!t like nerfing gold mob CXP". :)

Edited by Altus_Esterhazy
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Yeah you are right, im surprised they replied to me 1 day after I submited the ticket. I actually played again Chapter 8 and I got the flirt option and kissed Lana when rescued me from Arcann , after that I played Chapter 9 and actually got the flirt scene and romanced lock Lana , it appeared below with a checkmark that I started a romantic relation with Lana but when i completed the chapter and game loaded that was gone. So yeah... if you are bugged and player Chapter 9 ahead you are pretty much screwed and cant do anything about it becaue you cannot onverwrite the choices that you already made the first time that you played Chapters, a work around is to create another Character but not really a fix. Maybe if they would introduce a feature where you could reset Story or Chapters; start fresh that will solve the problem but I honestly think that its not going to happen, u.u


At this point there is no fix and I gave up, Im already leveling up a sentinel to play story from the beggining

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I got a reply too, saying they recognize it's a fault on their end, and are working to fix it. We'll see, I guess. :confused:


But now, if they really want to keep people happy, they're gonna need to add a "kill Lana out of the blue" option for all the psychopathic Sith violent offender types who felt like Lana spurned them all this time. :D

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I got a reply too, saying they recognize it's a fault on their end, and are working to fix it. We'll see, I guess. :confused:


But now, if they really want to keep people happy, they're gonna need to add a "kill Lana out of the blue" option for all the psychopathic Sith violent offender types who felt like Lana spurned them all this time. :D


So, for now, wheres no chance for anyone who catch that bug/glitch/4everalonetag?

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I agree that this needs to be fixed. A lot of us only play for the story, and romances are part of the story. If they let bugs happen with the story and our choices, and let those bugs go on unfixed, eventually it gives us story players no reason to continue playing. Kinda seems like something that should be a priority to them.


On a related note, I've seen people complaining that their romanced class comps are bugged too. I logged in on a couple of older characters who I haven't played for a couple years at least, but who had gone through all the class story and companion missions. I noticed that the tooltip for courting gifts said that they'd give no influence to fully romanced companions (though the online influence tables I've seen said they should give at least some). Is this an indication that my characters' spouses are no longer their spouses as far as the game is concerned? Because that would be very not okay.

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On a related note, I've seen people complaining that their romanced class comps are bugged too. I logged in on a couple of older characters who I haven't played for a couple years at least, but who had gone through all the class story and companion missions. I noticed that the tooltip for courting gifts said that they'd give no influence to fully romanced companions (though the online influence tables I've seen said they should give at least some). Is this an indication that my characters' spouses are no longer their spouses as far as the game is concerned? Because that would be very not okay.


Nope, that's just the courting gift bug that's been around since 4.0. It's the courting gifts that are bugged, not the companions. Your characters' spouses are still their spouses/in a relationship.

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I actually think it's rather terrible and poor from bioware on this. Players have complained about this for a year and bioware to my knowledge have never even acknowledged this bug let alone fixed it.


Honestly I am almost too scared to run kotfe just in case it bugs out on me, it's too much work to re do just because bioware can't be bothered to fix it.

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Nope, that's just the courting gift bug that's been around since 4.0. It's the courting gifts that are bugged, not the companions. Your characters' spouses are still their spouses/in a relationship.


Thank you. That's a relief to know.


This thread was also useful in letting me know that apparently on the characters I want to do the Lana/Koth/Theran romances with, I should power through the chapters so I get them done without a patch happening (hopefully).

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I made a ticket and here is the response




Thank you for contacting Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Support.


We wanted to let you know that we identified the problem you ran into as a bug. We’ll fix it in a future game update.


Keep an eye on http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for details on bug fixes included in each game update.


Galactic Support is our specialty….


Thank you,


The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Support Team.


If you have the same issue make a ticket and report it as a bugg, this needs to be fixed and has come a long way since, if more people report they should make it a priority to fix

This is the support giving your the middle finger. They know it an old bug as old as the Kotfe expansion itself. The devs even acknowledged it on this very forum nearly a year ago.


I said it before and I continue to say it: Bugs only get fixed if it prevents people to progress in the game or if they can exploit something. All other bugs, like the list I made just in about 8 days which is longer than my arm, got zero attention in years. They simply dont care about such bugs that people encounter every day.

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  • 11 months later...
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This is what I get for not religiously following forums and patch notes. I had no idea this was an issue until I stumbled over "Lana Beniko Proposal" videos last week.


Same here, flirted and romanced Lana all through Revan, Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne. Spoke with her in the cantina, flirted, kissed.


Only just now learned that I never got the romance flag that was supposed to happen. Only just now learned about the proposal option, which I also never got. Only just now learned about the fix mission issued in August, which I also never got (and probably wouldn't have helped anyway, since I never got the romance flag).


Response from customer service was basically "tough luck".


If these things are just flags on my character, why is it apparently so difficult for someone to take a couple of minutes and just set them manually? Wouldn't that be better than pissing off a paying subscriber? And I AM pissed. That relationship with that specific character of mine is important to me, and I really hate being brushed off when I ask them to fix THEIR mistake.

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