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(Thank you thread) IF everyone is unsubbing, then why...


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casuals don't make the game hardcore people do.


it's why ffxiv and wow are huge and this is dying. when you win the raiders and pvpers you got a game when you don't? well tons of subs leaving play pops dying out. casuals just come in and play for an hour once or twice a month then find something else to do.


Disagree. It's the elitism of hardcore people that's killing the game.

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casuals don't make the game hardcore people do.


it's why ffxiv and wow are huge and this is dying. when you win the raiders and pvpers you got a game when you don't? well tons of subs leaving play pops dying out. casuals just come in and play for an hour once or twice a month then find something else to do.


Actually its more that you need to make content with something for everyone. Its why FFIV ARR has succeeded so well, its why Wildstar failed, its why swtor is failing.

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So what are you basing your comments that pvp players are happy in general with GC on then if not public statements?


On the only metrics I have access to. Basically how fast the warzones pop up or sometimes on what is being said in chat IN GAME and not on the fora accessed only by 10% of the game's population.

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On the only metrics I have access to. Basically how fast the warzones pop up or sometimes on what is being said in chat IN GAME and not on the fora accessed only by 10% of the game's population.


So basically even more unreliable than those drawing conclusions from the general reaction on forums and other social media. This is tantamount to saying you have support based on emails received.

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So basically even more unreliable than those drawing conclusions from the general reaction on forums and other social media. This is tantamount to saying you have support based on emails received.


Please keep believing everything you read on the internet. That will do you good for sure.


How about stepping out in the real world sometimes. Or in our case, IN GAME?

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I can't do the math. Only the devs can. You guys are basing your opinion on a very small sample. And that's all I am saying. Nobody likes grinding and I fail to see how this is more grinding than before. (actually in my case, but I agree I have been lucky, it's LESS grind than before)


Honestly, did you expect to be geared in FIVE DAYS? And then complain how there's no carrots in this game and nothing to do?


You still seem to be thinking people want BiS in 5 days. That isn't the complaint. The RNG and the hundreds of hours to get gear is the complaint. It seems to be you're being purposely obtuse.

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You still seem to be thinking people want BiS in 5 days. That isn't the complaint. The RNG and the hundreds of hours to get gear is the complaint. It seems to be you're being purposely obtuse.


White knight is always blind :cool:

It's pointless mate.

White Knights are always like this...

Bioware give them a plate with pile of horse s***t and tell them that this is steak. And Knights eat it...

Becouse Bioware cannot be wrong :D

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Two easy answers:

  1. a spike right after an update, which is neither unusual nor an indication for retention, as the launch and 3.0 resp. 4.0 demonstrated
  2. the player base changes. It has been stated before that it may turn out to be an OK deal in numbers for Bioware, but the players making up those numbers are different ones than before


(Personally, I'm unfortunately subscribed until mid February because I let the shiny promo deal blind me before any official news about the update and expansion went live. So far I have only logged in to clean out the mailboxes.)

Edited by KyaniteD
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Disagree. It's the elitism of hardcore people that's killing the game.


You're not very intelligent are you?


FIrst of all, who's saying everyone is unsubbing? That's just bull, we may have had one or two doom threads as we always do but there are a bunch of people unsubbing, but certainly nowhere near everyone. So the whole premise of your thread is ridiculous.


Elitism and Hardcore players cannot possibly kill the game. There is no doubt in my mind that the hardcore players have already left this game over the years. Certainly 4.0 did when they rehashed endgame with the same ops as we had before.

There aren't that many left that hang around for that, so they couldn't possibly be killing the game, because they are too small a part of the current player base.


So really, I agree the game is not dying, at least I cannot prove it is, but your comments here are absolutely preposterous.

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Denial in the early morning, better than freshly brewed coffee.:rak_03:



You're not very intelligent are you?


FIrst of all, who's saying everyone is unsubbing? That's just bull, we may have had one or two doom threads as we always do but there are a bunch of people unsubbing, but certainly nowhere near everyone.


I don't think he was saying it in a literal sense Tsillah.:rak_03: I'm sorry but come on!

Edited by Eshvara
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Disagree. It's the elitism of hardcore people that's killing the game.


hmmm...and you donning your spit polished armor to carry the EA/Bioware banner across the forum battlefields to crusade and champion the 5.0 "expansion" is not just another shining example of hardcore elitist human behavior?!?

Further, since you have denied to allow other folks opinions, which do not happen to coincide with your own, to have equal import and just as much equality in not only representation but in meaning and comprehension, then you are again demonstrating elitist behavior. Truly my friend, we can counter your behavioral traits without so much as even discussing the topics at hand, much less the one you chose to post. Come back again, in a few decades, when you have learned to behave and respect other human beings as equals....

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You're not very intelligent are you?


FIrst of all, who's saying everyone is unsubbing? That's just bull, we may have had one or two doom threads as we always do but there are a bunch of people unsubbing, but certainly nowhere near everyone. So the whole premise of your thread is ridiculous.


Elitism and Hardcore players cannot possibly kill the game. There is no doubt in my mind that the hardcore players have already left this game over the years. Certainly 4.0 did when they rehashed endgame with the same ops as we had before.

There aren't that many left that hang around for that, so they couldn't possibly be killing the game, because they are too small a part of the current player base.


So really, I agree the game is not dying, at least I cannot prove it is, but your comments here are absolutely preposterous.


Please by any means, continue insulting me, you are just proving my point.


By the way, you are just talking about one particular point of mine, it's indeed, in reference to all the doom threads, and there are way more than two, just because you decide to ignore them, doesn't prove you right. You missed the WHOLE point of the thread. Please continue talking about intelligence, I need a laugh.


And before insulting me, please have a look at YOUR signature. You are proudly displaying that you canceled your sub, like anybody here cares about you do with your $15/month, or that you are entitled enough to show that because of a decision you have been living with for one full week (sarcasm as you will probably not understand it), you will make any difference by putting it in purple in your signature, now THAT is a reasonable and adult decision. Bravo for showing the community the example... (Once again, sarcasm)


You are not very bright, are you?

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Hey, look, another "everybody gets gear now" white knight!


Come back when you manage to gather single full set. Not even BiS - just full set of, let's say, HM-ready gear. I'll be waiting. And counting time passed.

Edited by Frenesi
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Denial in the early morning, better than freshly brewed coffee.:rak_03:





I don't think he was saying it in a literal sense Tsillah.:rak_03: I'm sorry but come on!



Looks like you are one of the few who understood the sarcasm. Damn the community!


Oh and by the way, I do want Arcann romance-able too! ;)

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He really is! Best looking companion ever.:rak_03: He looks even better than the actor they got his face from. And no not Musco, don't even get me started.:rak_03:


Does he get his face fixed or something? Because to consider him hot in his default state, you must have serious fetish for machines :rak_09:

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