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Unable to beat the Empire in PvP.


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technically any type of automation is against their rules, but personally with the gcd on this game they wouldn't be of too much use to begin with, outside of a half assed ball click or a call out macro.


Amaste is a bigtime hacker, dont listen to him. Also, continually refer to basic exploits as hacks, he loves that.

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This has been the result for the last half a dozen games I've been in against the empire.

( Sharpshooter Gunslinger )


Has nothing to do with 'against empire'.

It has everything to do with playing gunslinger/sniper without heavy support. Unsupported you get wasted by any team that knows what good for it, which is to get rid of a squishy turret if the opportunity presents itself. But tactical and supported you can be a vicious turret, mercilessly piling lethal pressure onto whoever the team need to burn.


The results between those 2 scenarios are worlds apart. Get used to it or play anything else, sniper/gunslinger is a poor solo-class for wz and will only ever shine solo against newbies/badteams who don't realize that it is you that is picking them apart at range, instead of the tankspecced glowstick hero in their face.


Bottom line is that while the dps is mean and spiky, it has no worthwhile surviveability, others have to take care of that for you (healer attention + only pick targets that are already busy) - and obviously you need to help them in that regard by positioning to not make it too easy to get to you without getting half your team up their nose.

Mostly you will not get taken care of unless grouped ranked, so you will get bad mileage whatever you try the vast majority of the times. Heck, i even make a point of taking out slingers/snipers on my merc, i know very well how much trouble a slinger/sniper can be if left alone, so back to the spawn with them as soon and as frequently as possible, when nothing more urgent demands attention.


You might not take my word for it, but take into consideration that i had valor 70 before first expansion as marksman sniper and got my warhero rifle.

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Has nothing to do with 'against empire'.

It has everything to do with playing gunslinger/sniper without heavy support. Unsupported you get wasted by any team that knows what good for it, which is to get rid of a squishy turret if the opportunity presents itself. But tactical and supported you can be a vicious turret, mercilessly piling lethal pressure onto whoever the team need to burn.


The results between those 2 scenarios are worlds apart. Get used to it or play anything else, sniper/gunslinger is a poor solo-class for wz and will only ever shine solo against newbies/badteams who don't realize that it is you that is picking them apart at range, instead of the tankspecced glowstick hero in their face.


Bottom line is that while the dps is mean and spiky, it has no worthwhile surviveability, others have to take care of that for you (healer attention + only pick targets that are already busy) - and obviously you need to help them in that regard by positioning to not make it too easy to get to you without getting half your team up their nose.

Mostly you will not get taken care of unless grouped ranked, so you will get bad mileage whatever you try the vast majority of the times. Heck, i even make a point of taking out slingers/snipers on my merc, i know very well how much trouble a slinger/sniper can be if left alone, so back to the spawn with them as soon and as frequently as possible, when nothing more urgent demands attention.


You might not take my word for it, but take into consideration that i had valor 70 before first expansion as marksman sniper and got my warhero rifle.


Seriously. Have you looked at that screenshot? Under roughly 10 minutes the guy did 155k damage. With the current health pools it's not even enough to kill 1 person, let alone win a match. Under 10 minutes. And they were defending the 2nd round, so they had a full attacker round before, meaning he wasn't even stuck defending.


It really has nothing to do with being against the Empire. It has all to do with not doing enough damage to kill 1 person under 10 minutes.

Edited by Schoock
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Macros aren't against the rules, because your mouse/keyboard driver isn't considered 3rd party software.

And no, I don't use them.


The post is now in the defunct customer service section of the forums. But here is a copy paste of the Bio post



Beruthien's Avatar


02.23.2012 , 11:55 PM | #48

Greetings everyone,


When talking about anything macro related we would like to provide the following guidelines:

No automation

No delays or looped commands in macros

It is okay to bind a macro that performs abilities after each other as long as it still requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed

These rules apply regardless of which peripheral you are using.


So as you can see, using a Marco that allows automation without hitting a key for each ability or action is against the rules.

By all means if you want to create one, but it then requires you hit a key for each ability and have no automation, go ahead. But it defeats the purpose of what a macro is used for.

Basically it means, real macros aren't allowed.

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The enemy team was overwhelming his team; probably farming them at the spawn point. If its harbinger, then it was a pre-made (most likely). They were the attackers for the first round, and pretty much lost the door in the first minute of defense.


If you pug republic, then you will understand. It hardly has anything to do with your skill, but the skill or mondset of the players on your team.


I do badly on pub toons and way better on IMP because the IMP players are usually committed to winning instead of trying to death match.


harninger is NOT the server to play Pub unless you ok with loosing

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This has been the result for the last half a dozen games I've been in against the empire.

( Sharpshooter Gunslinger )




im one of the players that appears in your screen shot on the imp side of that team.

ive been playing this game under a year but mostly on pvp, one thing ive seen from my many matches while on rep side is that most rep side players are PVERs that think whatever they did to get to end game in pve will get them through in pvp and that is NOT the case.


by no means am i an experienced or even a good pvper compared to some of the ppl that play pvp, at most im decent but i took the time to learn my the classes and what they can do and good pvpers can definitely teach me how to get more out of my chars and mop the floor with me while doing so.


looking at the screen shot you made, your bars... the first thing that came to mind was WTH how can that person even do anything with that mess, put order into your bars, wth you need useless stuff like unity/heroic moment and other pve stuff in the main bars?


and like others said before this comment learn how to play pvp, your a gunslinger/sniper your not supposed to be in the front line... your supposed to be way back pelting ppl with your skills, though even a good slinger/sniper wont be able to do much without good support.

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The enemy team was overwhelming his team; probably farming them at the spawn point. If its harbinger, then it was a pre-made (most likely). They were the attackers for the first round, and pretty much lost the door in the first minute of defense.


If you pug republic, then you will understand. It hardly has anything to do with your skill, but the skill or mondset of the players on your team.


I do badly on pub toons and way better on IMP because the IMP players are usually committed to winning instead of trying to death match.


harninger is NOT the server to play Pub unless you ok with loosing


idk about the other players on the imp side of that team but im guildless and i dont know anyone so i always solo pvps, the team wasnt farming.

the match was played on the progenitor.


but what you said is very true regarding the republic side on the progenitor which is quite symptomatic to that side, pver with no clue about pvp expecting to win by mashing buttons as hard as they can, you wouldnt believe the amount of players that came to L65 wz without pvp gear pre KOTET it was a joke... , now those players dont need to get pvp gear but they still lack the know how of whats going on in pvp.

Edited by Folkrom
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The post is now in the defunct customer service section of the forums. But here is a copy paste of the Bio post



Beruthien's Avatar


02.23.2012 , 11:55 PM | #48

Greetings everyone,


When talking about anything macro related we would like to provide the following guidelines:

No automation

No delays or looped commands in macros

It is okay to bind a macro that performs abilities after each other as long as it still requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed

These rules apply regardless of which peripheral you are using.


So as you can see, using a Marco that allows automation without hitting a key for each ability or action is against the rules.

By all means if you want to create one, but it then requires you hit a key for each ability and have no automation, go ahead. But it defeats the purpose of what a macro is used for.

Basically it means, real macros aren't allowed.



Pretty much half of competitive PVP tanks should be banned in this case.

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Pre-made don't mean all 8 players queued as a group. Sometimes, I end up on a pre-made too and it's faceroll. If you look at the SS you can make informed guesses, if you are an avid WZ player.


No one on the other team died, not even once. This is because they had two healers; and given that the protection on the enemy team was very low, not much damage was focused on healers, or they were just really face rolling his team


Only one person on his team broke the 1 mil mark and did some protection, as well, which means this player was, perhaps, the most competent on his team, except for the healer, who seemed to have put out comparable heals, even under focus.


He had no objective points, which suggests that he either never made it to the door, was farmed at the spawn or was been a typical slinger and trying to pick people off from a distance (typically away from the door, since its usually congested).


The enemy team planted the bomb about 2 mins and 22 secs into the 2nd round, which means, his team was very poor at defending, and most were in the spawn point. its likely that 5 of them were stuck behind the barrier when the bomb was planted.


I think he just got one of those bad queue.

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What do you define as a basic exploit vs a hack?


Ignore him, his mother didn't hug him enough as a child. :rolleyes:


He thinks its funny to mess with me in voice chat and call every exploit, glitch or bug in the games we play a hack to get under my skin. -.-

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Wow, this thread really filled up. Haven't read every reply, but here's a couple of responses.

First off, I'm guilty of using a crappy discount logitech mouse. Didn't think hardware had much of an effect on PvP aside from convenience. I mean, I can do fine in matches against other Rep teams, it's only with Imperial teams that I end up absolutely squashed.

Second! I'm not fully geared, also true. I'm mostly using 224s with the odd 230s mixed in for mainhand, offhand, relics and implants. Thought that'd be... Sufficient for Un-ranked? Dunno.

Thirdly, Yeah my results for the match were crap. Mostly because I decided to sit back and watch about half-way through seeing as we weren't getting anywhere at all. But, that's after 6 consecutive matches of straight losses. At any rate, my team did end up breaching one door in that match at which point I jumped back in, so kudos to them.

Aaaand fourth. It wasn't really a case of being smashed at the door, the Imperial team was divided at around half to one door and half to another. Even when our whole team focused one door with three Imps still guarding the other, we weren't able to make a dent. Even against an Operative I did little to no damage. >_<

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