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Livestream: December 8th, 2016


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I agree. I myself don't like gambling, so being forced into a 'gambling like' CXP grind, that takes a boat load of time, for RNG that usually gives me useless stuff, doesn't sit well with me at all. Also, even if it the Galactic Command system DID give good drops, I STILL wouldn't like it.


Key word there is 'Forced' by-the-way. The system really wouldn't bother me, if there were 'O-P-T-I-O-N-S' to gear up like, oh I don't know, Green: mods/earpieces/implants/relics sold by a 'lv 70 vendor'.

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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Two tiers of feels:


Tier 1: die in a fire EA, seriously no ops announcement ?! Do you not care? Do you not want to develop this game anymore? What do you want so I know whether to permenantly leave?



Tier 2: ok you hinted at ops, good job get it done now!

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Tier 2: ok you hinted at ops, good job get it done now!




Oh, they've been hinting at "Group Content" -which players assumed meant Ops- for well over a year now. And they STILL didn't say anything about Ops. They said more about "Group Content." And seeing as they consider the Uprisings group content, which is technically true because you need a group for it, be prepared for more of the same.


Be prepared to be disappointed.

Edited by AngFour
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Oh, they've been hinting at "Group Content" -which players assumed meant Ops- for well over a year now. And they STILL didn't say anything about Ops. They said more about "Group Content." And seeing as they consider the Uprisings group content, which is technically true because you need a group for it, be prepared for more of the same.

Be prepared to be disappointed.


lol people spammed NEW OPS in the stream chat......... what did they say?

"we'll think about making the existing ones harder"

where exactly do their eyes/ears grow from? 0.o their a*s?

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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