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Why romance instead of new things?


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Story and romances are what bioware do best, why wouldn't people want this?! Why would anyone play a bioware game who DOESN'T want this? :eek:

That always blew my mind! There are people who skip all conversations and cutscenes, don't read any in-game letters or codex entries in a BIOWARE game, like ***? I've talked to people who play DA2 for the combat (that horrible, streamlined parade of parachuting human meat explosions), DA:I for the "exploration" (despite there being nothing interesting or cool to find), SWtOR for the combat despite it being super generic MMO combat that has been done to death by now and they just skip every story aspect. Why? There are other games that do combat, exploration, etc...SO much better than BioWare games, BioWare's strength is story aspects.

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That always blew my mind! There are people who skip all conversations and cutscenes, don't read any in-game letters or codex entries in a BIOWARE game, like ***? I've talked to people who play DA2 for the combat (that horrible, streamlined parade of parachuting human meat explosions), DA:I for the "exploration" (despite there being nothing interesting or cool to find), SWtOR for the combat despite it being super generic MMO combat that has been done to death by now and they just skip every story aspect. Why? There are other games that do combat, exploration, etc...SO much better than BioWare games, BioWare's strength is story aspects.


I read all conversations, watch cutscenes, read codex entries (everything if first time). I got fun from doing great SWTOR story, but after first time its boring. I got more fun to play with friends and doing group content. Its mmo, not a single player game for paying XX$/month. BioWare know its a good deal for them. But servers are empty (well 70% less population than on Revan Expansion) so it speak for itself. Game is still becouse of group of people that enjoy these few chapters. Old Veterans, best PvP and PvE players left or want to leave swtor becosue nothing to do, and there's less players to do group content. In past finding PvP match was 20s. max, not 2 minutes. Now instead of LFG/LFM for OPS on fleet, we can see only gold sellers.

Edited by tummiswtor
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I read the letter that the NPC sent for Vette, then the follow up, I spent 5 mins on Oddesson trying to find said npc, it is a shame the NPC wasnt there, a cutscene force choking him would have been hillarious.


Maybe if BioWare added these little cutscenes from the NPCs people would read the in game mail.

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I read all conversations, watch cutscenes, read codex entries (everything if first time). I got fun from doing great SWTOR story, but after first time its boring. I got more fun to play with friends and doing group content. Its mmo, not a single player game for paying XX$/month. BioWare know its a good deal for them. But servers are empty (well 70% less population than on Revan Expansion) so it speak for itself. Game is still becouse of group of people that enjoy these few chapters. Old Veterans, best PvP and PvE players left or want to leave swtor becosue nothing to do, and there's less players to do group content. In past finding PvP match was 20s. max, not 2 minutes. Now instead of LFG/LFM for OPS on fleet, we can see only gold sellers.


Why not play something else with better group content after that first story run though?

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I don't get it either. I mean; its kind of cool having a Rattataki sniper since launch and having the romance with Kaliyo the entire time, but what does it get me? A 30 second "good luck" scene here or there. The chance encounter when I found her in KOTFE and that has been luck since she wound up being part of the story. Probably won't ever hear from Risha ever again on my gunslinger. The depth of the story died when the class story ended.
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People who don't do the light side story, and guys not being into other guys.:rak_03:


I'm a woman who likes men, but I still do the female romances on my male characters. Because they're, ya know, characters, and not actual avatars of myself. People wanting to romance Arcann doesn't necessarily mean they themselves would want to romance Arcann (though it could). For some of us, we just think it'd probably be an interesting story. Guys who avoid the male romances because they're not gay probably need to examine their own personal emotional connection to their characters. They're not you, dudes. They're characters. Does watching a movie with a female lead who falls in love with a guy squick you as well?

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I'm a woman who likes men, but I still do the female romances on my male characters. Because they're, ya know, characters, and not actual avatars of myself. People wanting to romance Arcann doesn't necessarily mean they themselves would want to romance Arcann (though it could). For some of us, we just think it'd probably be an interesting story. Guys who avoid the male romances because they're not gay probably need to examine their own personal emotional connection to their characters. They're not you, dudes. They're characters. Does watching a movie with a female lead who falls in love with a guy squick you as well?


Finally, someone said it! lol


It's just like watching a movie, only in this instance you get some say in the outcome of said movie, or at very least some say in the journey of it - I love that. It's still a movie though, more or less. I love seeing different romances for the story of it.

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I'm a woman who likes men, but I still do the female romances on my male characters. Because they're, ya know, characters, and not actual avatars of myself. People wanting to romance Arcann doesn't necessarily mean they themselves would want to romance Arcann (though it could). For some of us, we just think it'd probably be an interesting story. Guys who avoid the male romances because they're not gay probably need to examine their own personal emotional connection to their characters. They're not you, dudes. They're characters. Does watching a movie with a female lead who falls in love with a guy squick you as well?


Couldn't agree more :) There are some of us men who'll happily play through the female romances. Though from experience we tend to be far less vocal than the ladies are about their pixellated men. I doubt I'll be running any of my other toons through KotFE/KotET until we can get all the old romance companions back. My male JK and BH will be very lonely without Kira or Mako.


To answer the original question, why romance instead of new things? Because romance is fun and doesn't make me want to blow my brains out...like the new 'content' does lately. :/


Quoted for truth! Bioware have dropped the ball yet again like they did with a certain ending to another game of theirs that shall remain nameless. They didn't get the fanbase backlash then and they sure has heck aren't getting the fanbase backlash over Galactic Command now.


Right it's gone three in the morning back to bed for me!

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It's official, I'll never understand women ;)

:D This answers ALL the OPs questions and is basically all you need to know about why we want our romanced companions back and new romances, no matter how weird (Arcann, Lord Scourge) or crazy (Malavai, Vector-hive-mind).

And it's all a fantasy break from real life; a game story where unconditional love actually exists. It feeds our imaginations & immersion in the story - what you see as crap we see as important to our gaming experience (something the DEVS clearly did not get - guessing they have very few women in that department). Just accept you will never understand! As and example I bet there were very few women who didn't love that

Aric Jorgan turns from total and utter git to absolutely devoted husband. Or Vector goes to the extreme of disengaging from his beloved hive to be with your character as himself for a night, or Malavai pledges his utter devotion to you for the rest of his life after his betrayal or Theron Shan. Just EVERYTHING Theron :)

For a dark side sith, Arcann would fit really well into a romance - an opportunity missed by the writers.


I'm primarily a solo player and have no interest in new ops or group content, however I do understand that there are many who do - some people love to be part of a pack. New story content with added & returned romances however - bring it on immediately. I would pay double sub for that!

Interestingly I sometimes play with 2 real life friends a man and woman and we women were horrified when our male friend said he just space-barred through companion conversations, (randomly clicking responses) and had no interest romances, other than a female-female snog with Lana. It's Venus and Mars in here! Men just don't get us.

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I'm a woman who likes men, but I still do the female romances on my male characters. Because they're, ya know, characters, and not actual avatars of myself. People wanting to romance Arcann doesn't necessarily mean they themselves would want to romance Arcann (though it could). For some of us, we just think it'd probably be an interesting story. Guys who avoid the male romances because they're not gay probably need to examine their own personal emotional connection to their characters. They're not you, dudes. They're characters. Does watching a movie with a female lead who falls in love with a guy squick you as well?

Same here, I like to experience all the story things. I will play both genders, all classes, both LS and DS and almost all of the romances. I'm a straight woman but Vette is probably my favorite vanilla romance/companion ^_^ If I only played characters that were me, they'd run away and go work in a shop instead of doing their first "fight these monsters/enemy soldiers/go into haunted tomb and fight slugs/etc..." quest and they'd lead a boring and safe life. :D

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I'm a woman who likes men, but I still do the female romances on my male characters. Because they're, ya know, characters, and not actual avatars of myself. People wanting to romance Arcann doesn't necessarily mean they themselves would want to romance Arcann (though it could). For some of us, we just think it'd probably be an interesting story. Guys who avoid the male romances because they're not gay probably need to examine their own personal emotional connection to their characters. They're not you, dudes. They're characters. Does watching a movie with a female lead who falls in love with a guy squick you as well?


Ugh, I had a whole post written out but as I pressed submit, it just erased.


There are certain types of players, the role players who like to relate to their character as much as they can, with their decisions, their preferences, and their characters looks.

Then there players who sort of loosely relate to their character, making their appearance similar to them but don't go as deep as the ones mentioned above.

And then there are those who just play as if they're telling a story and don't care about what they do, which are often i'd say the males playing a female toon and vice versa.


There isn't anything wrong with either of them and saying they need to check their emotional connection to their characters is just silly. Do you think that when you're uninterested in seeing same sex relationships, that it means you're bothered by them or insecure about them?


While there's nothing wrong with men and women wanting to see romance from a male toon's perspective, it isn't something that everyone is going to be interested in. I'm generally not, though I wouldn't completely write it off.

while I'm playing a character, I'm still a person behind my screen and there are going to be things that I myself am not interested in seeing.


If I have to give an example, I'm not interested in playing the gay romance for Dorian in DAI, I know I'm not my character, but it doesn't appeal or relate to me. Does this make me weird?

When I watch a movie and it has romance in them, I don't make the decisions in that movie, unlike in swtor where I can decide where the story goes. I don't see how that and a movie compare to each other. Also a movie hardly follows one certain character alone, again unlike swtor, where you "are" the character.


I do think you have some valid points, but I don't agree with everything you say.


I'd totally romance Arcann myself though.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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