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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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Have you been on Harbinger? The servers have been packed recently. Yes, there are some technical mishaps. However, the server has just been incredibly active at all times of the day since the expansion released.


Again, BioWare would be the best judge of that. What is definitely clear is BioWare is looking to appeal to a new audience as it doesn't seem to be able to rely on its old audience anymore. We'll have to see just how successful BioWare is in appealing to new players.


I live on Harby, and while it is stuffed more than usual it isn't near boardline full with tons of instances. We had like 20 instances when KOTFE launched, there were like 4-5, given some of the chapters are split up more but as I got through the later ones it was practically empty.


Regardless if the expansion was successful or not, there is no denying that the population in KOTET is significantly lower than KOTFE, regardless if they paint a bad or good picture.

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I do not need any statistics or paragraphs, when I spend more than 2 hours in queue in server peak hour, I know its bad. Harbinger and The Red Eclipse have fastest pops, Harbinger especially for wz (less than 5min, sometimes instant), but 40% of them are bots so... My home server is Ebon Hawk (2d most populated US server, 3d overall) and if I did not have guild and friends to invite I would not play group content because when I try, 30min-60min is regular queue wait for tank role in peek hour, longer for other roles, and many times I must quit in middle of the run because I am out of free time to play the game, most of it spent waiting to play. Whatever are numbers telling, 100% of servers are marked as Light population for 90% of the time on its official swtor server status. Edited by BoySaber
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Have you been on Harbinger? The servers have been packed recently. Yes, there are some technical mishaps. However, the server has just been incredibly active at all times of the day since the expansion released.


Again, BioWare would be the best judge of that. What is definitely clear is BioWare is looking to appeal to a new audience as it doesn't seem to be able to rely on its old audience anymore. We'll have to see just how successful BioWare is in appealing to new players.


and have you been on Prophecy of Five? it's like a graveyard. Harb is doing good because people transfer to it from all the other servers. that's why we should just go like ESO and have one huge megaserver, or be like WoW and enable groupfinder to be cross-server for both pve and pvp:D:D

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Yes, the OP is surely right. If you are not excited about RNG then you're just BW haters

do i sense sarcasm there :eek::eek::eek: or did fall off the the wrong side of the bed after the stream?:D:D


there is NOTHING exciting about grinding the same old content over and over and over and over and over..... and did i say over? again endlessly lol. and even less exciting about getting boxes that only have a chance possibility of having something useful in it

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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and have you been on Prophecy of Five? it's like a graveyard. Harb is doing good because people transfer to it from all the other servers. that's why we should just go like ESO and have one huge megaserver, or be like WoW and enable groupfinder to be cross-server for both pve and pvp:D:D


As long character transfers make profit, there will be no mega servers. Cross-server groupfinder would kill character transfer profit, so again it will not be a thing. :(

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do i sense sarcasm there :eek::eek::eek: or did fall off the the wrong side of the bed after the stream?:D:D


there is NOTHING exciting about grinding the same old content over and over and over and over and over..... and did i say over? again endlessly lol. and even less exciting about getting boxes that only have a chance possibility of having something useful in it


I thought given my sig the sarcasm was obvious.

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Galactic Command is a system that benefits all, not just the few. I am a veteran player and I support this new system.


Galactic Command is not what you titled your topic with. We all agree that Galactic Command, this new version of Group Finder is good way to go to benefit veteran and newcomers. RNG does not benefit anyone and is entirely different topic that sucked on Galactic Command as a parasite. You said you played since beta. I may not be veteran by your standards but I play since 2012 and I hope you will take my opinion into count. I never did NiM runs but I am not one to say no if opportunity happens, I play this game first and foremost for the story, because its Star Wars. But I also enjoy group activities.


I suggested compromise because current system does not benefit non heavy players at all. With already long queues as it is, we pay to wait to farm CXP to get a Crate that may or may not give us item we want and may never give us item we want, because RNG has no guarantee that your invested time and money (in 90% identical content that use to be free/GTN) will pay off. Playing swtor in terms of grinding CXP as a full time job may have some nice results, but what is to expect from players that have jobs, families, and the free time they invest to complete content in game bares no significant reward for months? Which current state of the game is. I don't get it how can your topic title wield word of "perfection" in this case, its beyond my understanding, and would like you to explain this to me because so far I fail to understand. I understand why company did it and they will think of any justification. But I don't know why you share their goal, as a fellow player to player, I really do not get you.

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Its time for you to stop. You've constructed fantasy bunker that could withstand a multi-gigaton nuclear factsplosion.


Have you been on Harbinger? The servers have been packed recently. Yes, there are some technical mishaps. However, the server has just been incredibly active at all times of the day since the expansion released.

Only one of the german servers can be defined as active. The other two are literally graveyards. If you are lucky you see 10 players on the fleets. On my server there are about 100-150 players during the day. No change since 4.0. There was no increase. The veterans simply didnt start playing again but new players came. If anything, you had a spike, nothing else.


Again, BioWare would be the best judge of that.

Oh, that’s so typical. Whenever worshippers run into a simple logical inconsistency that cuts directly to the viability of their entire belief system, they resort to the only “argument” left to them. Which is that we inferior players, who are so pathetic that we think it’s a good idea to use our rational minds to help us understand things that don’t seem to make sense, can’t possibly begin to fathom bioware’s “mysterious ways.” At the slightest challenge, you absolutely abandon logic. It’s ridiculous and at best should be embarrassing to you. If you can’t explain the simplest, most obvious contradiction in the qualities you say bioware possesses, much less in the primary quality you say they possess, which is his love for all servers/players. Then how in the world do you expect anyone but a sheer moron to take you or your claims seriously?


What is definitely clear is BioWare is looking to appeal to a new audience as it doesn't seem to be able to rely on its old audience anymore. We'll have to see just how successful BioWare is in appealing to new players.

Isnt able or deliberatly doesnt give a damn? Because rubbing an expansion into the face of people foreign to a game is a different situation when it comes to players that played the game for several years. Again, something you would know if you played this game for as long as you pretend to.

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Those are decent reasons to *add* GC, but not to *remove* PVP/ops comms/tokens. GC isn't bad as *an addition* to the previous gearing system, it's bad as *a replacement*.


My assumption has been the old gearing system went away because:

1)Buying statted gear through vendors was (is, still, even though you do it by buying mods instead of prebuilt gear) a poor user experience. The vendor UI does not present enough information at once to make comparisons easily.

2)Gearing under 4.x was "too quick", both via comms/crystals and via tokens.

3)End-game PvE gear availability was entirely dependent on "social" aspects. You either got into a guild with strict rules on gear distribution and point 2 applied, or you had to roll off against everyone else in the raid, and had no guarantee of getting anything out of your 1-6 hours of operations. Or your guild doesn't do raids at all and you have to hope you can get into a pug raid.


I'm at the point where I have to say, if your argument involves "guild membership" in any way, shape, or form, it is invalid. If it involves "if your guild is any good," that goes double. How does one get into a "Decent guild?" The tools available for vetting a guild (or an applicant, incidentally) are non-existent. You have to trust in the force to get into a decent guild. Anecdote time: all my Pub alts are in one, social/casual guild. There's talk about putting together raid teams, but so far it's just been talk. We do conquest and ad-hoc flashpointing and team PvP. If someone gets into an ops group and needs to fill a slot , they might advertise in guild chat. OTOH, the guild fits me socially and personally like a glove. I just have no expectation of being able to obtain end-game PvE gear through Ops, because the guild doesn't do that sort of thing. One the Imp side, though, while I have characters in guilds, if I have more than 2 characters in the same guild, I'd be surprised, and none of the guilds are particularly active in chat or anything. I've guild-hopped occasionally, but not gotten any better results. "Find a guild to get the gear" isn't working. At all.

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Ah, well I answered your question then. Regardless of whether the game had this system or not, it would still exist. As I said, EA does not have a history of shutting down its MMOs. However, I do believe the community would be a lot smaller and that major updates and expansions would likely cease due to half of the studio being laid off.


You really didn't answer my question. I asked how long, in terms of time.


Its like we're driving somewhere and I ask you how long you think it will take us to get there. Instead of giving me a time you give a history of the highway system, why the interstate was built, how an ICE works, but you never said how long it would take us to get there. But like I said before, don't worry about it. carry on

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Its time for you to stop. You've constructed fantasy bunker that could withstand a multi-gigaton nuclear factsplosion.


This is probably the best sentence ever written.


That said I'd prefer she keeps posting. Any time she tries to make a point, it's opposite becomes more credible.


She may not make sense, but she sure is loud.

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Its time for you to stop. You've constructed fantasy bunker that could withstand a multi-gigaton nuclear factsplosion.


OP never stops. They will respond to near each reply and argue it vehemently until people simply give up trying to engage in a discussion with him/her, I've seen it from this person before. The moment anything happens, or even nothing happens, he'll bump the thread again to try and suck people in once more with his entire "I know everything, I'm right and let me tell you how it is because I know best!" preaching. Not really worth anyone's time tbh, let him live in a rose tinted world where he's king.

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What's RNG?


Random number generation. A phrased used for a lot of things but mainly when something is just randomly generated.


Like in a casino. Pull the slot machine handle and hope for the best.


Thats how swtor is played at end game now. It not only hurts new gamers but even returning or veteran gamers as well. This game doesn't deserve to be changed to that type of game from where we were.

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I'm at the point where I have to say, if your argument involves "guild membership" in any way, shape, or form, it is invalid. If it involves "if your guild is any good," that goes double. How does one get into a "Decent guild?" The tools available for vetting a guild (or an applicant, incidentally) are non-existent. You have to trust in the force to get into a decent guild. Anecdote time: all my Pub alts are in one, social/casual guild. There's talk about putting together raid teams, but so far it's just been talk. We do conquest and ad-hoc flashpointing and team PvP. If someone gets into an ops group and needs to fill a slot , they might advertise in guild chat. OTOH, the guild fits me socially and personally like a glove. I just have no expectation of being able to obtain end-game PvE gear through Ops, because the guild doesn't do that sort of thing. One the Imp side, though, while I have characters in guilds, if I have more than 2 characters in the same guild, I'd be surprised, and none of the guilds are particularly active in chat or anything. I've guild-hopped occasionally, but not gotten any better results. "Find a guild to get the gear" isn't working. At all.


I hear you man. But it's like life bro. You get out what you put in. You can hope for something to happen, or you can make it happen.


I found my guilds simply by pugging stuff. Seeing who was good, who played together. When I saw a few people from one guild in the same run, and if they were good players, I'd ask what their guild was like. It's not difficult. I've done it on multiple servers.


I joined one way back in 2012 but they tried to run Operations via signup. I asked the GM if I could start a set team, and he said no, so I left. I kept talking to people and eventually found the right place, created a team and that was that. I had my team. There were 12 others. We'd sub for each other when needed. We'd organize open raids where anyone, with any gear could go.


We'd teach mechanics, gearing, class play etc. Eventually some of those players joined or formed their own teams. I'd run weekend open HM runs or overleveled NM runs. Those were loads of fun. I'd post early in the week for signups and follow up with the roster and strats. We killed a lot of stuff, and got a lot of people a lot of cheevos they otherwise might not have.


We weren't hard to find. From 2012 through 2015 that guild was usually in the top half of the front page of the SL guild forums. And during that time - at least most of the earlier part of that period - there were dozens of guilds like that on a lot of servers.


Listen, the point is moot now - RNG is here. But until it was, no one will ever convince me good gear was not obtainable by anyone. During 4.0 BiS gear was like rain. It was trivial to get. Pre 4.0 maybe not so much, but a full set of say, mid-tier (a la equiv of 220) set gear was there for anyone to take.

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Listen, the point is moot now - RNG is here. But until it was, no one will ever convince me good gear was not obtainable by anyone. During 4.0 BiS gear was like rain. It was trivial to get. Pre 4.0 maybe not so much, but a full set of say, mid-tier (a la equiv of 220) set gear was there for anyone to take.


I find it hard to agree with you. Sure, people can find guilds and groups, but SWTOR has a large population that isn't interested in playing with random people. This game has catered to players interested in playing alone or with a group of people they know for a long time now and asking them to participate in something they have no interest in to continue gear progression wasn't a good system.


SWTOR hasn't had a new raid in 2 years and it will be at least another year before they get one. In what world does it make sense to have the gear progression system live within a system that does not receive attention? Moving to the galactic command system is an extremely smart decision for BW based on the content they offer and the player base they are supporting. But, being BW, they made some enormous mistakes in implementation, never realizing that players aren't interested in playing hundreds of hours on each character to gear up.


I say this as someone who has been PvPing and raiding since launch. I'd love to have that strong community back, but it simply isn't an important part of this game any longer.

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