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Vaylin should be hotter...


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Eye-candy matters?


I personally thought that Vaylin was a rather forgettable character in KotFE, very one-dimensional. On the other hand in KotET she became very much more interesting. Sadly, they didn't take this one single great character development KotET and KotFE had to offer and ended it before she could really grow into possibly one of the most amazing characters in SWTOR.


A real shame.



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Same here. When I read that they cut KotET short due to complaints about the KotFE delivery pace, I assumed that some great story-telling involving Vaylin and Senya was left on the cutting-room floor.

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Same here. When I read that they cut KotET short due to complaints about the KotFE delivery pace, I assumed that some great story-telling involving Vaylin and Senya was left on the cutting-room floor.


Honestly, hearing they cut down KOTET and removed a third KOT.. expansion was possibly the biggest disappointment I've ever had with SWTOR, ever.

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As it turns out, there's really no good reason for the women in SWTOR (or anywhere, really) to need to conform to anyone's particular standard of "hot."


Yeah because hot women have never increased the sales of video games. Or clothing. Or beer. Or food. Or gym memberships. Or electronics. Or web sites. Or supplements.


Climb down off of your phony high horse and grow up. Sexuality and attraction matter. It's not a debate. That's how we all got here.

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I actually like how vaylin looks. If she looked like a hot high school cheerleader it wouldn't fit her character at all.


Although if that is suppose to be vaylin in the launcher window. She looks terrible. It looks like a man on the screen where you log in to the launcher.

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Something I learned a long time ago.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I learned a long time ago not to judge a person by how they look but what they do. Beauty is only skin deep where true beauty is more than that.


My two cents.




So stop judging me and the OP for liking what we like: Vette, Kira, Dorne, Watcher 2 ect. We like what we like and you can like whatever you like. And the deal is neither of us judges the other else they wish to surrender their immunity to judging. Kapeesh?



Compared to Thana Vesh they are all dogs


Amen to that dear brother, amen to that! There is just something about a hot, feisty, redhead who hates me and wants to kill me and will "never" ;) let me seduce her that just gets my engine going! XD I do so love a worthwhile challenge!



I read the title of the thread and came to agree that yes...we should get to roast Vaylin over an open fire until her flesh melts off...imagine my disappointment when I find a bunch of hor.ny Outlanders wanting to get it on with Nasty Pixel Barbie.


Luna my friend, While I too hate Vaylin and even if she was hot would probably never touch her (I like crazy but she's TOO crazy) I would advise you to remember that the OP is really just expressing his opinion. He (or she? so hard to tell these days) is not saying all the female characters in every MMO only matter for their looks, simply that he wishes certain characters were hotter because some people enjoy looking at attractive people, or at least pixels arranged in the pattern of an attractive person. It's not wrong or a thought-crime to wish female characters were more attractive, and the same goes for male characters too. You'll notice that a few of the people in this thread have expressed their desire that Theron be more attractive. I can sympathize with them just as well as with the OP. We all like what we like and its no-one else's right to judge that or judge us for that.



While the moddable resculpt seems much different, and it seems they've made her a 2 there, the KOTFE/KOTET Lana's a 3 or 4. If she's standing next to a character with a type 2 or 3 female body type, you can see she's bigger.


It's completely true that not everyone finds the same thing attractive. While the majority in the game might lean toward the skinny Barbie doll and 'big strong men' body types for their toons it doesn't mean that the other body types aren't attractive at all - just that one is preferred more.


Thank you, and those types are preferred because they are a collection of (harmless) idealizations of the biological qualities that make the most attractive human mate for each respective gender. I'd say the body-type representation in this galaxy far far away is pretty darn accurate unless we're comparing it to America, Canada, or Britain in which case the majority of people should all have male body type 4 with females being given a similar one lol


Though I'm pleased that Lana got an upgrade of her graduated bob style after the Revan's expansion -- because let's be honest, the other one was terrible. Honestly I think it's nice to see that not all women in SWTOR are drop dead gorgeous.


I guess you're right. I'm not a huge fan of Lana, but she's a nice girl with a fairly decent body, so I romanced her just because Ashara was taking so damn long to come back to me...


I guess if you don't have the 7's to compare the 10's to you'll never really notice how awesome the 10's are...as long I get to keep my 10's and am not forced to love a 7 unless I want to :$



Honestly, hearing they cut down KOTET and removed a third KOT.. expansion was possibly the biggest disappointment I've ever had with SWTOR, ever.


Really? You wanted that sub-par, unstar-warsy writing to keep going? Are you MAD?


Yeah because hot women have never increased the sales of video games. Or clothing. Or beer. Or food. Or gym memberships. Or electronics. Or web sites. Or supplements.


Climb down off of your phony high horse and grow up. Sexuality and attraction matter. It's not a debate. That's how we all got here.


You just won this thread. Way to nail em to the wall!


Just because I'm not attractive doesn't mean the video game characters in every video game I play MUST BE AS UGLY AS ME! Attitudes like that were part of the reason Andromeda was such a terrible disaster.

Edited by MayhemofChaonus
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Thank you, and those types are preferred because they are a collection of (harmless) idealizations of the biological qualities that make the most attractive human mate for each respective gender. I'd say the body-type representation in this galaxy far far away is pretty darn accurate unless we're comparing it to America, Canada, or Britain in which case the majority of people should all have male body type 4 with females being given a similar one lol



Outside of the game I would argue that the idealizations are not necessarily harmless if they're expected to be universal (ie, if we expect everyone to look that way), and I'd also argue that "most attractive" is a very, very subjective thing. Short men or larger-framed women can be smoking hot and very sensual, for instance, even though that's not what Madison Avenue considers "the most attractive," while someone who looks like a model can be repugnant.


Inside the game, I think that we can concede that if we don't expect every single male character or NPC to look like the Thunder from Down Under, then not every female character needs to be a Hooters girl. We're all going to appreciate certain characters to our own taste, but not all of them are going to be (or should be) consistent with that (so if Vaylin's not "hot enough" - she doesn't have to be). And that will have to do. The same as, IRL, we hopefully act respectfully to both women and men regardless if we would like to shag them or not.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I know that I will get laughed at for this, but all of the female toons introduced after 4.0 aren't as attractive as the ones before that. Vaylin, Lana, Senya, Acina are all pretty plain to look at. A lot of female toons before 4.0 were presented as attractive. Risha, Mako, Temple, Dorne, Watcher 2 were all good looking toons.


Not sure if it is because they changed the models a bit in 4.0, but I pretty firmly believe: Vaylin should be hotter...


If you want to spank the monkey use pornhub, this is Star Wars not **** Wars.

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Be grateful that vaylin didnt turn out like the patato nose thingy from the kotet intro.


Im grateful that lana looks much more realistic and less edgy since kotfe. She looked odd before.


Senya looked young in kotfe but got really old in kotet.

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Same here. When I read that they cut KotET short due to complaints about the KotFE delivery pace, I assumed that some great story-telling involving Vaylin and Senya was left on the cutting-room floor.


The delivery pace was a problem. One chapter a month wasn't really that great, but...


The real problem for me with the KotFE stories was something entirely different and probably contributed to this feeling that it took too long: lack of story in the story.


What I mean with that is that there were chapters that were completely superfluous. They had no point in the story. I suspect they were throw-in stories to please the tech classes but in fact they distracted from the real story and broke the pace. There's nothing worse than waiting a month for the next episode only to find out that it has very little to do with the main story, doesn't progress character development and is a lot of "kill moar skytroopers".


Next to that there was the quality of the story telling. When I first played through the chapter where you craft your new weapon I thought the concept of it was cool. However, there was no explanation of WHY you needed to craft a new weapon and go beyond dark and light to beat Arcann. It said THAT you needed to do this but not WHY. I use caps simply to emphasize the difference between the two. So when I crafted a weapon and had to pick what sort of focus it would get, I had absolutely zero understanding of what these choices entailed. So I went into the chapter not knowing what was going on and I left the story not knowing what was going on. I learned nothing from Marr and Satele. They just spouted their lines of WHAT but no explanation as to WHY or HOW. As a sidenote, I still don't see the point of that fight with Vaylin there.


Then when I confronted Arcann and the cut scene led straight into the fight I had no chance to equip the weapon. Turns out, I didn't need it. So why even go through the whole ordeal in the first place?


Then in KotET we find out that this going beyond dark and light is actually total bull crap and Valkorion is just a Dark side Sith who wants to take over your body (Zash II anyone?). So again that whole chapter with Marr and Satele is just pointless.


So now I know it's all bull...why would I want to repeat any of that?


And this is just one example. So imagine getting 9 chapters in one go where the biggest memory that sticks out is sky troopers and then waiting for one chapter at a time to be disappointed more and then have a whopping 16 chapters that I just really don't ever want to go through again.


Too many sky troopers, too many plot faults, too little character development and too few companions coming back.


Why couldn't we've had stories bringing our companions back instead of nonsensical story lines and moar sky troopers?

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I never thought back on the Satele and Marr chapter other than what they said so I think this is pacing. I played through pretty fast I think. I often forget things like that until looking back in many things. TV, movies, books. Video games, MMOs in particular, are usually full of contrived fluff to give why we have to do something which makes sense because the game player is usually there to do that stuff without then need of it. I came away from that whole chapter that I needed to break from the old ideas of the light and dark which I did by not actually listening to either former master. I thought I should forge my own path which they were still telling me to walk a certain one. The lightsaber just looks cool and I'm planning to use it from now on :)


This hotness thing is just getting weird. Are some just entering puberty? That's the only time I can think of when a cartoon would look doable to me. It seems we've just left attractiveness and gone into sex with.

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I love this thread. People with different opinions who don't feel the need to make personal attacks are the win.


Tsillah, nice post. I agree, lots of problems with KotFE/KotET's execution, although I still like the fundamental story arc as it relates to Vaylin and Senya - I think there was a gold mine there that was either ignored or just not handled correctly. Here's to hoping we get something good for Umbarra and the future.

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Luna my friend, While I too hate Vaylin and even if she was hot would probably never touch her (I like crazy but she's TOO crazy) I would advise you to remember that the OP is really just expressing his opinion. He (or she? so hard to tell these days) is not saying all the female characters in every MMO only matter for their looks, simply that he wishes certain characters were hotter because some people enjoy looking at attractive people, or at least pixels arranged in the pattern of an attractive person. It's not wrong or a thought-crime to wish female characters were more attractive, and the same goes for male characters too. You'll notice that a few of the people in this thread have expressed their desire that Theron be more attractive. I can sympathize with them just as well as with the OP. We all like what we like and its no-one else's right to judge that or judge us for that.


Hey, I'm just expressing my opinion too, and if he has a right to do it on an opinion forum so do I. And to imply that anything is wrong with Theron is crazy, Theron is hawt. He's fine as he is (One of the few male toons that is, along with Malavai, Scourge and Vector). I don't welcome any changes there. I went back through the thread and no one said Theron was unattractive. One person said he grew on them because of his personality. Mayhem, you're the only one who said that Theron could be more attractive, there are no 'few' that said he wasn't attractive.


I suppose I get that people like attractive pixels, I do too, but really what more do they want for Vaylin? It's funny in a way, that it's always the female toons that are getting picked at, Lana isn't pretty enough, Vaylin isn't hawt enough and yet they make fabulously hideous male toons and I never see anyone posting that hey, so and so isn't sexxxy enough.



Isn't that what you lot do for Quinn? :D or Pixel Ken.


Haha, point taken. :p

Edited by Lunafox
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I love this thread. People with different opinions who don't feel the need to make personal attacks are the win.


Tsillah, nice post. I agree, lots of problems with KotFE/KotET's execution, although I still like the fundamental story arc as it relates to Vaylin and Senya - I think there was a gold mine there that was either ignored or just not handled correctly. Here's to hoping we get something good for Umbarra and the future.


Thanks. I mentioned earlier also that I felt it was a shame that Vaylin died at the end of KotET because I actually started liking her in KotET and how she started to develop. I didn't care much for her in KotFE as she was too one-dimensional but in KotET her character started to show and I wish that she'd survived and became a bit more of a balanced character going back and forth a bit between her power madness and the realisation that she's still that broken child that never had a chance on happiness. She's truly the most tragic character in the whole of this story line and I wish she'd had a chance to develop more.


I don't share this opinion that she should've been hotter. I would've liked her to get the look from the video and become some hermit that you can visit again as part of your further adventures. That could be a story by itself.

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MayhemofChaonus;9375566]So stop judging me and the OP for liking what we like: Vette, Kira, Dorne, Watcher 2 ect. We like what we like and you can like whatever you like. And the deal is neither of us judges the other else they wish to surrender their immunity to judging. Kapeesh?


Interesting you think I was judging you when my response was way back on page 3 and I quoted no one yet for some unknown reason you think I am judging you. When my comment was simply saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder, nothing about judging anyone but whatever.

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Hey, I'm just expressing my opinion too, and if he has a right to do it on an opinion forum so do I. And to imply that anything is wrong with Theron is crazy, Theron is hawt. He's fine as he is (One of the few male toons that is, along with Malavai, Scourge and Vector). I don't welcome any changes there. I went back through the thread and no one said Theron was unattractive. One person said he grew on them because of his personality. Mayhem, you're the only one who said that Theron could be more attractive, there are no 'few' that said he wasn't attractive.


I suppose I get that people like attractive pixels, I do too, but really what more do they want for Vaylin? It's funny in a way, that it's always the female toons that are getting picked at, Lana isn't pretty enough, Vaylin isn't hawt enough and yet they make fabulously hideous male toons and I never see anyone posting that hey, so and so isn't sexxxy enough.





Haha, point taken. :p


Theron has gone up precisely 400% in attractiveness since I took that damn jacket off :D

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