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What's after Knights of the Eternal Throne


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The problem is they made Vitiate too powerful and they shifted to one story instead of 8 stories intertwined. You have an Emperor of the Galaxy who could be Sith, Jedi, Trooper, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter or Imperial Agent. In all honesty the ruler is Most likely Darth Nox or The Jedi Knight.


Now that you are the most powerful being in the Galaxy (chances are the royal family is dead) what now? I don't want to see a malgus or a Revan again, they are worn out. Lord Scourge is still Immortal and out there, he'd make a more convincing villain and is somewhat new (since we don't know much about him).

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The genius of what was done with Valkorion is to be found in the hints that were dropped along the way (such as Arcann observing to Vaylin that their father had somehow become less powerful), and the fact that Valkorion, himself, was powering you up in a way that specifically enabled you to take him on and finally destroy him completely. In essence, they don't need another enemy as powerful as Valkorion (who was never quite able to bring his full power to bear after Ziost) to continue on to another arc; they just need someone who's a match for the being the Outlander has become.

perhaps they might take a revan style approach where the outlander goes searching for something and disappears, perhaps returning to find zakuul tore itself apart during his absence and the Sith and republic are making war again and perhaps even might have the option to choose allegiance.
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Whatever it is, I continue to hopelessly hope it comes with some manner of skipping the holonet reality show alltogether and never have the character tainted by any Outlander/Zakuul/Alliance association.

Spent 5 years on Csilla learning sub-zero basket weaving would be better than having KotFE/ET played or default choices applied when skipped.


Any choice I made in KotFE/ET that I foolishly thought would "matter" railroaded me into the opposite choice after choosing anyway.

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I think what would be interesting it to have a first chapter where you deal with the issues of ruling and the next chapter or at the end of that chapter have you on a ship with delegates or some kind of party and someone sabotages/destroys the ship. You end up escaping as the ship burns into a space pod that has a carbonate freezing or a form of suspended animation that your are forced to use after not being rescued for like a week since the beacon or comm equipment was damaged on eject since the ejection port from the ship was damaged and then later your found like 50 years later all the companions are basically wiped; besides some chance encounters where they have moved on and aged. The whole galaxy basically went to ***** when you died with all three factions dissolving (or atleast the empire and republic united to destroy the eternal throne; maybe they sabotaged the control chair while sabotaging your ship. Or they uploaded the free thought program and the eternal fleet dissolved going there own ways or back to iokoth) and now the systems are made up of new factions you could have two story lines where you rebuild the republic or the empire or even at that point new class stories as they explore how everything changed. Think what wow did with Cataclysm redesigned vanilla, allowing an increase in textures (even character textures as we saw in the recent expansions) and adding day and night cycles to the planets. The player basically has to start from the bottom once again but in a familiar but different place. Though this would probably cost way to much money.
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Protagonist vs the Alliance.


Malgus Reborn.


Darth Marr's Summer Vacation.


Kill Satele Shan.


Just spitballing a few ideas there. I fear the writers from Andromeda may wander over now said game has been thrown under the bus. Anything could happen.

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