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What's after Knights of the Eternal Throne


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There seems to be a finality to this game. The entire MMO was made to stop Vitiate/Valkorion and now that he's been stopped, what can they possibly do next? They can't make an even more powerful villain at this point. I was shocked at the ending because I didn't feel that kind of ending gave them any wiggle room for the future.
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The genius of what was done with Valkorion is to be found in the hints that were dropped along the way (such as Arcann observing to Vaylin that their father had somehow become less powerful), and the fact that Valkorion, himself, was powering you up in a way that specifically enabled you to take him on and finally destroy him completely. In essence, they don't need another enemy as powerful as Valkorion (who was never quite able to bring his full power to bear after Ziost) to continue on to another arc; they just need someone who's a match for the being the Outlander has become.

Edited by Nocturnalchemy
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There definitely seems to be some finality to it all. Particularly for my character, a Jedi Knight. From the moment she stepped on Tython, she was being groomed to stop Vitiate/Valkorion. Now that that's done, her destiny is fulfilled in true Star Wars fashion.


From a writing point of view, I feel like BioWare has kind of written themselves into a corner. As a another poster said in a different thread, you as the Outlander are now the emperor/empress of the galaxy's only remaining superpower. You have the Eternal Fleet - including the Gravestone - at your command with an entire legion of skytroopers and Knights to back that up. Not to mention incredibly powerful companions like Arcann, Senya, and for some of us Shae Vizla, aka Mandalore the Avenger.


Then there's the Outlander him or herself. They are now the most powerful being in the galaxy having been boosted by Valkorion. And if you played a Force user, you were already extremely powerful even before KOTFE.


So where do we go from here?


No idea. The only thing I can think of is they might go the Riddick route. He became the Lord Marshal of the Necromongers and seemed to be the most powerful thing ever. But I guess he got bored of it and then there was betrayal in his court and his throne was taken.


It was incredibly stupid. And the third movie was terrible.


But I honestly don't know how they can continue the story now without doing something like that.

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Space Jesus Scorpio and the Genocidal Droid Planet Army.


Bout to cleanse the Galaxy of them organics.

Time for SWTOR / ME crossover!



@OP: I think the better question is, can they forge another story that lives up to what they just made? Finding something to tell a story about is not as hard as it sounds. It's more a question of, "Will anything they come up with seem underwhelming by comparison?"


My thought would be, they go back to their roots... make full planet or two, complete with heroics, daily hubs, etc. Then dial back the auto-play, epic Outlander form of storytelling a bit and go back to some slower-paced, class-based stuff. There's still a lot of potential material in what the classes are.


That or not go the class route, but still go back to their roots a bit with planets. And instead of classes, have a story about trying to keep the throne. Someone on the inside betrays you. Some people aren't happy with how you rule and want to get you out of the picture. The material is there for the making.


(This is, of course, assuming they get the funding to continue.)

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Space Jesus Scorpio and the Genocidal Droid Planet Army.


Bout to cleanse the Galaxy of them organics.



It did seem odd I was able to kill her with a simple lightsaber thrust. I was like, that's all? Could have done that a long time ago.


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It did seem odd I was able to kill her with a simple lightsaber thrust. I was like, that's all? Could have done that a long time ago.



She touched that console before we had the option to strike her down. I'm pretty sure that's a big enough opening for when and if they bring Scorpio back.


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There seems to be a finality to this game. The entire MMO was made to stop Vitiate/Valkorion and now that he's been stopped, what can they possibly do next? They can't make an even more powerful villain at this point. I was shocked at the ending because I didn't feel that kind of ending gave them any wiggle room for the future.


....Your point doesnt make any sense there is a whole bunch of lore in the thousands of years beteween now and the films which they can manipulate into the the game. We could accelerate through time a bit and end up in another era with new leaders and abilities or go back in time as one of the old There is billions of years worth of lore which dont go into much depth the game could go into the past to the time of Freedon Nadd or Tulak hord of even the infinte emipire as becoming the emperor is seemingly a final milestone but in the future and the legends and lore there is no such alliance it could instantly crumble and we could take on a role of the new heros/villians of their time maybe even take the role of actual characters like darth bane the game could go anywhere at this point the end of an era and a hell of allot of lore they could do literally anything

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Judging by their track record, the writers will probably just forget/ignore the outcome of KotFE/KoTET and make up another mediocre storyline where some random bad guy shows up so you can defeat him. And then buy his armor set off the Cartel Market!
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There seems to be a finality to this game. The entire MMO was made to stop Vitiate/Valkorion and now that he's been stopped, what can they possibly do next? They can't make an even more powerful villain at this point. I was shocked at the ending because I didn't feel that kind of ending gave them any wiggle room for the future.


There are some loose ends. I don't want to get into spoilers now so I'll remain vague and say two words: SCORPIO, Saresh. .... .... alright one more word along with a remark: Acina. And I find the emails you receive in-game regarding the political situation in the Republic and their stance towards the alliance very interesting.


Apart from that I wouldn't mind something something different now. The story has been told, the book is closed, now something new, please. Maybe something deeper, more sinister and less obvious. "New Ideas" are generally unpopular with Star Wars authors, they prefer to recycle old ideas. Boba Fett, the Emperor etc. In part you can't blame them. It's horrible writing, but the fans are asking for it and find it unacceptable that someone just introduces a new story with new elements.


Frankly, every time someone asks for Revan back it causes a serious nausea for me. While I could live with the The Maelstrom Prison / The Foundry, Shadow of Revan was too much for me. As far as I am concerned, my first playthrough of Knights of the Old Republic, back when it was released, is what matters. But no, they just had to slap me in the face that I was playing a game 15 years back "wrong" and how it's right.


I bet if SW:TOR ever has a successor, all characters who are not male white human jedi knights are "wrong" and the only "true" way to have ever played this game, is by playing a jedi knight who always clicks the light side choice.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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According to this article they are done with Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorion and are moving on to a new antagonist. Thank god! http://massivelyop.com/2017/01/18/hyperspace-beacon-swtor-creative-director-discusses-a-new-adversary/


I hope the will bring a new antagonist. But you know... they might just recycle another one. Who knows. Maybe they even bring a companion back in the form of a villain. "Kira" as zealous commander of the 6th line, who ultimately strayed from the light side or something. Because, you know, the community has been asking to have Kira back.


PS: Very interesting link, though, thank you. :)

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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What would be cool (to me) would to adopt a cannon dark side story, where we essentially become a Revan-like character and the new "antagonist" is actually everyone else's hero. It would even let them solve their problems with returning companions/unavailable voice actors. They will never do that because the snowflakes will need therapy dogs, but I would love to play a dark-side themed redemption arc.
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The only thing I can think of is they might go the Riddick route. He became the Lord Marshal of the Necromongers and seemed to be the most powerful thing ever. But I guess he got bored of it and then there was betrayal in his court and his throne was taken.


It was incredibly stupid. And the third movie was terrible.


Watch the director's cut. Fleshes everything out much better with a MUCH better ending.

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Knights of the Fallen Throne. That's when the Alliance falls apart and the Eternal Throne collapses. It's hinted at at the end of KoET. :)


Can we have bounty hunters of the damn throne for a change? Or smugglers or troopers? I'm tired of all my characters being knights.

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There seems to be a finality to this game. The entire MMO was made to stop Vitiate/Valkorion and now that he's been stopped, what can they possibly do next? They can't make an even more powerful villain at this point. I was shocked at the ending because I didn't feel that kind of ending gave them any wiggle room for the future.


They don't need a villain. All they need is to build the struggle to keep your throne/alliance.


Just like in real life; if you think getting to the top is hard... try staying there!



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Knights of the Fallen Throne. That's when the Alliance falls apart and the Eternal Throne collapses. It's hinted at at the end of KoET. :)


Now this I would love. I don't want my characters to be the Outlander. I'd rather they be jedi, sith, soldier, smuggler, mercenary, spy. I know I'm going to have to force myself to finish KOTET eventually on all of them but I'll take my time because honestly, I didn't like being shoehorned into that role.


I'd love for Zakuul to become free, appoint a new democracy and let my characters go back to what they were.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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Now this I would love. I don't want my characters to be the Outlander. I'd rather they be jedi, sith, soldier, smuggler, mercenary, spy. I know I'm going to have to force myself to finish KOTET eventually on all of them but I'll take my time because honestly, I didn't like being shoehorned into that role.


Why do you have to force yourself? You can level with other content and do the endgame (what little there is) without ever touching KOTFE or KOTET. I've completed it on two characters. I started on a bunch more I wish I hadn't. If I could reset them to the end of 3.0 It'd be great. Hell, if they'd reset the game to the end of 3.0 with that gearing I'd be happy and still willing to pay as long as they are working on real end-game content.

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