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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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It becomes legacy wide or they scrap the WHOLE system and replace it.




SWTOR turns off the servers in 6mo


It looks like it will swing that way. They cut off revenue streams in terms of passes and the like, they alienate the players we usually get re-subbing and oh, by the way- the amazing Ashfall Tauntaun mount I paid money for and a collection unlock now needs to be ridden continuously post 5.0 otherwise, when my character and mount is still, the character goes all contorted- but they found time out of their busy schedules to nerf Command Experience so that a loathed system gets even worse than just fix an exploit. Oh, and the game still has the unfortunate issue where quitting is an active gamble where it'll freeze up your entire system. (Protip, logoff and then quit)


Frelling amazing job there, Bioware.

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i now see no point in doing GC at all. before i mentioned it wasn't a priority or a concern, it didn't mean there wasn't some interest but now this change.. if i can't do this grinding of crates through means acceptable in game then how the hell am i supposed to do this?


champion level bosses on repeatable content and pvp. this galactic command thing is a big red herring without any additional ways of making up cxp and now they nerfed their own system so badly that i can't see the point in it.

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...and here I was actually looking forward to logging in after the patch. I didn't think things could get any worse, but the joke's on me.


This must be THE MOST STUPID kneejerk reaction I've ever seen in a game. One guy farms 15 hours a day and reaches the cap and THIS is the result? Not changing the actual thing this person did?


HOW MANY OTHER PLAYERS would actually do that? Do we all need to be punished because of something one person did? Really???


Well. Off to unsub.

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Well. Off to unsub.


and done. Sub ends January 24th. Maybe they will find their brains again before that and do something smart for once. If so, I may consider re-subbing. ...so no, you can't have all the stuff I've accumulated during the last 5 years.

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A bad joke just gets worse! Of course this needed to happen because SWTOR command points aren't about playing the game, they are about getting people to spend $ on cxp boost from the CM. For the first time SWTOR will be pay to win. In the past you could by xp boost which would get you to max level faster but being max level didn't get you gear. You still had to have the time and the skill needed to clear content to get the best stuff. Now getting gear doesn't require skill and if you're willing to fire up your credit card you can get cxp 25% faster than those that don't.
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My guess is that this was done due to the one guy who hit the weekly cap for command xp in a few days by doing nothing but grinding gold mobs.




There is one issue with this and nerfing the Golds, was this guy PUNISHED for this? Because he should, as per their statement that 'Weekly cap cannot be reached unless by cheating'. Although it was (maybe) done a legitime way, by allowing him to run with his hard worked 100GC lvl BW gives a clear message: Don't listen to us, until you are paying money to us we won't do anything to you.

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...and here I was actually looking forward to logging in after the patch. I didn't think things could get any worse, but the joke's on me.


This must be THE MOST STUPID kneejerk reaction I've ever seen in a game. One guy farms 15 hours a day and reaches the cap and THIS is the result? Not changing the actual thing this person did?


HOW MANY OTHER PLAYERS would actually do that? Do we all need to be punished because of something one person did? Really???


Well. Off to unsub.


a little over dramatic really..

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One of the few things I was actually enjoying about this expansion was that I no longer felt like all the mobs being thrown at me were just boring obstacles used to keep me away from the enjoyable stuff. They were actually rewarding to kill and I found myself looking for new ways of getting around areas i could navigate in my sleep. Doing bonus missions i would have never considered otherwise. It opened up a completely new way to play for me and now i feel like I've just had a door slammed in my face.


Well i guess its right back to stealthing through as much content as possible.




What an incredibly stupid move on Biowares part. 3 days of people posting that GC is a terrible system, RNG blows, and we will have to spend 18 hours a day, grinding the same old content ad infinitum, until we get something better than jawa scrap and a fluffy dice to give to one of our companions! And what do they take from all this?


"Seen the forums? Lots of people are ************ about GC and the CXP grind!"

"Yes.....lets look into that.........no wait.......let's make it harder for them!!!"

*Cue evil laugh*


Words fail me.

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In the 5 years I've been playing I can't say I ever really been quite as annoyed as at this level of fail.


The whole CXP grind itself was bad but not horrible bad, now it's mind boggling bad.


Sub still has a couple months to run, don't see it being renewed at this point and in 5 years that's the first time I've even seriously thought about it.


Good job BW, Good job

Edited by AccountnotKnown
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This is getting stupid now IF this was Legacy wide I might have some patience for it but per toon it's plain crazy. Playing the same content over and over again... for casual players like me playing with family/friends (most of whom came back for 2 days and left again already).

Keep in mind that a lot of this "content" has been in the game since beta.


I can now grind the same old heroics that I ran in beta. Those heroics on your starter planet? Grind them AGAIN. Then grind them all AGAIN on another toon if you want stuff there.


At the same time, the entire legacy system is stuck at lvl 50 and serves no purpose anymore, other than unlocking a few gimmicks for new toons every now and then.


I've played grindy Korean MMOs that had more to it than this.


Not sure what the hell BW is thinking at this point. This is an IP that should be printing money, but they're doing their utmost to drive away people.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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Ok Bioware...you win. I give up.


I'm not going to continue playing a game that has turned an enjoyable experience into a mindless annoying grind...THEN make it worse by making it harder to do that grind!


I hated EVERYTHING about the new system from the start. But I was willing to give it a shot and see how well such a flawed concept could be implemented. In the four days I've been playing it, it's proven to be the disaster I thought it was. A gearing system that is a grind combined with a reliance on an RNG system that is notoriously one sided has proven to be a frustrating waste of time.


Now, you've taken that broken even further by reducing the command experience points you are giving. And for no good reason.


You have an already established weekly cap which you the developers put in place to prevent exploiting the system. I find it hard to believe that in the four days the expansion has been out that you've determined you've been too generous in your command XP rewards.


Or is this just a way to force people to buy the command xp packs when you put them up on the cartel market? Is that really what this is about. A pitiful money grab from a company who has consistently failed to properly monetize a product and a brand that a six year old could turn a profit on.


I've been a subscriber since pre-beta. I've maintained a six month subscript plan since they became available. This latest slap in the face has convinced me that Bioware doesn't deserve my money anymore. I won't be renewing my subscription when it's due. Congratulations Bioware, you've turned off yet another loyal subscriber.

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Well.... After seeing this update I am canceling my sub. I have played off and on since beta and after I finish the story I am leaving. This is unacceptable Bioware! We are your customers and you spit in our faces! You took an already ridiculous system that only rewards the people with no life and made it impossible for all. If you wanted to kill the game for everyone you should have walked out and said that the game was coming to an end.
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