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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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it wont change 1 bit if they nerf 1 class all other players look for the next op class


and play that then maybe you see allot off shadow/assassin walking around


oh w8 you cant see them :D


bevore 5.0 jugg/knight was the op class and wola all play that now merc/mando is op all play that

so yea players only looking for a class that is beter atm in pvp and this will keep going on and on


there is no real balance in any pvp game

its most off the hardest thing to do for a dev team


The thing is everyone that saw the leaked data mined seen this coming every single decent pvp'er knew this was going to happen when you give great mobility great burst and then great survivability you get an FOTM this was a short-sided reaction by the design team with a history of short-sided reactions and believe me I never ever seen a more incompetent design team ever (good coder's most of its bug free). I'm sure the nerf well be a serve as the buff. The class has become a bastion for the typical pvp shi*.tter who can't play anything else outside of face tanking everything with the can't touch me buttons and out bursting everyone.

Edited by Kinsal
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I have more issues with sorcerer/sage heal then with merc/mandos.

Of course, the first week, wz were full of mercs and mando but their numbers already drop, 2 maybe 3 by wz. I often see 3-4 sorc/sage (most of them heal).

And you know what? With 3 heals, you don't even need to use a dcd to survive. In addition, dps can guard for free and once again, with 3 heals, the risk is minimal even if focus.

Nobody complain about the ttk and the hps of this "patch", sheep continue to bleat at merc/mando...

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Nobody complain about the ttk and the hps of this "patch", sheep continue to bleat at merc/mando...


Don't worry about it, it's because they can't play using brains, muscle memory and all that, they've been so used to outright killing merc that they can't comprehend actually having to think again. Instead it now goes like "*** it's still alive! It's OP, needs nerfs!"


Instead of stopping to think about how they are playing. I've started to see the smarter players switch when my shield is up, now I'm just debating trolling them by taking a different utility :rak_03:

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I have more issues with sorcerer/sage heal then with merc/mandos.

Of course, the first week, wz were full of mercs and mando but their numbers already drop, 2 maybe 3 by wz. I often see 3-4 sorc/sage (most of them heal).

And you know what? With 3 heals, you don't even need to use a dcd to survive. In addition, dps can guard for free and once again, with 3 heals, the risk is minimal even if focus.

Nobody complain about the ttk and the hps of this "patch", sheep continue to bleat at merc/mando...


Sorc heals are also pretty dumb as well, but that's mainly because of a lack of matchmaking, and that the fact that Guard is pretty broken when combined with multiple healers.


I've heard Tank/Heal combos are also pretty dumb in ranked as well, personally, I'd like Guard to be something more skill-based. Perhap give it a duration and a small CD, or half the DR% it provides and maybe reduce the range.


As for healer output, I do think it's okay for what the damage output is at the moment, but the issue is when there's 2+ healers in every match.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Obviously you can't influence the fact that players will play the "FOTM" unless every class is exactly the same.


However, you CAN adjust balance so that everything is roughly similar, and not massively OP like what Mercenary is, currently.


in all those years merc get crushed by all those juggs walking around killing every merc walking around


and it took years before we get a new update and am glad they did


now you now if you play jugg how we merc feel in that time


and jugg in that time was also insane OP try to fire everything against him he just lol

he jump on you hit you above 30k and your dead in seconds


in all those years i keep trying and trying and hope for beter days

and now ad last we are back in action and am very happy :)

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in all those years merc get crushed by all those juggs walking around killing every merc walking around


and it took years before we get a new update and am glad they did


now you now if you play jugg how we merc feel in that time


and jugg in that time was also insane OP try to fire everything against him he just lol

he jump on you hit you above 30k and your dead in seconds


in all those years i keep trying and trying and hope for beter days

and now ad last we are back in action and am very happy :)


You mean you don't miss when jugs and marauders could melt you in 6 seconds and there was no escaping them? :p

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Yeah, Carnage is very strong right now, and even then, I'm still dying to random shi.tter mercs on my mara when in 4.0 I would've steamrolled them. Really not sure what Bioware was thinking.


Hell, mercs are an issue atm even for like, concealment and deception in 1v1's lol


My, how easily people forget how extremely OP Mara/Sents were from 1.0 until ... well, present.


I have PvP'd a Merc from Day (negative) 7. The new Overpoweredness of Merc has likely led to more Mercs in the WZs, but let's not pretend that this has not been the case with EVERY OP advanced class or spec since day 1.


Mara/Sent =/= Merc/Mando slayer. In all honesty, it hasn't for a LONG time, like somewhere in 2.X. I've been peeling faces off of Mara/Sents for years.

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Veng jugs never had burst. They had cc immunity after a leap. It was harder to escape them, but they never burst you down.


Rage jugs had burst. They never had cc immunity. Even with their mini leap, it was easy to cc or root them.


You guys are combining the two (in your heads) into one thing, and then complaining that this "super jugg" was op.


I think the flying spaghetti monster is pretty op too.

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You guys are combining the two (in your heads) into one thing, and then complaining that this "super jugg" was op.


I think the flying spaghetti monster is pretty op too.


Nice try, we're all thinking of 4.0 with Immortal Juggs wearing DPS gear. Stop trying to make out like you haven't had easy kills for years vs Merc / Mando players. Now it's just a load of QQ because we don't melt and can give you a real fight and you have to work for that kill (and you can kill us btw if you play really smart).

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Nice try, we're all thinking of 4.0 with Immortal Juggs wearing DPS gear. Stop trying to make out like you haven't had easy kills for years vs Merc / Mando players. Now it's just a load of QQ because we don't melt and can give you a real fight and you have to work for that kill (and you can kill us btw if you play really smart).


Sorry to interrupt, but by now mercs are way above melting border. In regs i can kite 2-3 melees for a prolonged time while pew-pewing them to pieces and laughing. My PT cannot do this, but merc can. It's just silly. :)

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It's funny reading comments from terribad PvPers who were complaining about each and every other class now claiming to be an expert authority because they're crying about mercs.


No really, you're not awful now! It's all changed. It's not your fault any more. You have an excuse! You were getting globaled by even terrible mercs in 2.x, 3.x and 4.x - but in 5.x It's because mercs are OP!


It has *nothing* to do with you not being able to PvP your way out of a wet paper bag. Nothing.

Edited by Jherad
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It's funny reading comments from terribad PvPers who were complaining about each and every other class now claiming to be an expert authority because they're crying about mercs.


No really, you're not awful now! It's all changed. It's not your fault any more. You have an excuse! You were getting globaled by even terrible mercs in 2.x, 3.x and 4.x - but in 5.x It's because mercs are OP!


It has *nothing* to do with you not being able to PvP your way out of a wet paper bag. Nothing.


Is that why you're so adamant in your defense of your precious cause you can't PVP you way out of a wet paper bag. Myself I'm good I've been KOS since way back in UO. I know how to handle them there bit ridiculous atm but workable as long as all my dcd's are off cooldown. Most are just reroll sh.tters that a easily to kill, you won't beat a good one to many toys.

Edited by Kinsal
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Merc/Mando is a great deal more fun to play now that you can survive if someone wants you dead....and that is the difference behind the complaints.


Burst classes in particular seem to take it personally when they try to shred you and you don't die.....Best part is even if you don't kill them but just survive and get away they will start talking smack.


Merc/Mando doesn't need to kill people to be OP apparently they just need to survive focus fire and pure DPS onslaughts to be "Over Powered".


I had a Slinger calling me names because I bait stunned him and when he CC broke I mezzed him and healed to full....I had zero DCDs at the time so I did what old Merc would do...and he started calling Merc OP.......because I CC'd him to heal myself up.....


So this illustrates another issue....People hear others say Merc/Mando is OP and then mass NERF hysteria spreads and every time Merc/Mando does anything other than die....it's OP.

Edited by Soljin
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Is that why you're so adamant in your defense of your precious cause you can't PVP you way out of a wet paper bag. Myself I'm good I've been KOS since way back in UO. I know how to handle them there bit ridiculous atm but workable as long as all my dcd's are off cooldown. Most are just reroll sh.tters that a easily to kill, you won't beat a good one to many toys.


All I'm hearing is a lot of crying from you about being kited by merc / mandos when you have two gap closers. Are you sure you can play your class? :confused:

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Here is the problem, there seem to be two conversations going on here: regs vs ranked.


First, I want to say, I really don't have a problem with the 5.0 merc. In the ranked venue, yes there are a tone of them, but you can beat them. Just last night, I was in a group that consisted of an assassin tank, jugg, sorc heal, and a Mara vs 4 mercs...one heals....and we beat them. In another match, 2 vs 2, others had been taken out, jugg and a Mara took out 2 mercs. No dodo, I saw this Mara take out a merc in maybe 4 seconds. I literally had a holy**** moment. Don't get me wrong, vs a very good merc, I get tore down on my jugg but, point here is that they can be beaten.


In regs, which to be honest I have a hard time playing atm, it is totally different. Players acting like ants, scattered all over maps, trying to 1v1 mercs wear me out. You can't beat a merc when u pulling 1000 dps. Come on people.

Edited by Nickodemous
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All I'm hearing is a lot of crying from you about being kited by merc / mandos when you have two gap closers. Are you sure you can play your class? :confused:


Nope i dont begurge a range class there ablity to kite not at all. I do begrudge a range class best choice is just to face tank. If you out kite me /tiphat but facetanking going blow for blow as merc burst/damage is as lethal as anything in this game shows that the class is overtuned


FYI i dont begurge hard damage stop either i just think 3 of them are silly

Edited by Kinsal
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Nope i dont begirge a range class there ablity to kite not at all. I do begrudge a range class best choice is just to face tank. If you out kite me /tiphat but facetanking going blow for blow as merc burst/damage is as lethal as anything in this game show that the class is overruned


First off you would burn all your DCDs to face tank a Mara/Sent just to stay in the fight with them and then they would still burn you down....Unless of course they didn't use any of their own DCDs or CC....In which case yes you could face tank them on a Merc....but at that point face tanking has nothing to do with why you won...


A Mara or a Sin can beat a Merc/Mando easily enough if they know what they are doing...


Honestly the only classes that may be at a disadvantage against Merc/Mando are Sorcerer DPS (Merc's seem to be built specifically to kill them) and Juggernaut/Guardian because they are a bit slow...

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First off you would burn all your DCDs to face tank a Mara/Sent just to stay in the fight with them and then they would still burn you down....Unless of course they didn't use any of their own DCDs or CC....In which case yes you could face tank them on a Merc....but at that point face tanking has nothing to do with why you won...


A Mara or a Sin can beat a Merc/Mando easily enough if they know what they are doing...


Honestly the only classes that may be at a disadvantage against Merc/Mando are Sorcerer DPS (Merc's seem to be built specifically to kill them) and Juggernaut/Guardian because they are a bit slow...


Yeah im sure thats the case that the merc population has sky rocketed cause they are middle of the pack balance wise. I see to many people are invested in keeping their "skill". Ill wait for the impending nerf if it comes as validation. Until then keeping thinking your skilled and balanced. Im guessing you were cm 4xx4 doc 3x4c mr in pre cu and thought you were. Balanced

Edited by Kinsal
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Yeah im sure thats the case that the merc population has sky rocketed cause they are middle of the pack balance wise. I see to many people are invested in keeping their "skill". Ill wait for the impending nerf if it comes as validation. Until then keeping thinking your skilled and balanced. Im guessing you were cm 4xx4 doc 3x4c mr in pre cu and thought ypu wrre. Bslanced


I'd love to know who you are lol. You're on TEH right?

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Yeah im sure thats the case that the merc population has sky rocketed cause they are middle of the pack balance wise. I see to many people are invested in keeping their "skill". Ill wait for the impending nerf if it comes as validation. Until then keeping thinking your skilled and balanced. Im guessing you were cm 4xx4 doc 3x4c mr in pre cu and thought ypu wrre. Bslanced


Actually I was TK/Commando and later BH/medic...By no means one of the OP specs....However I unlocked Jedi through holocrons and became Master saber/Master Healer/Enhancer 4004 with a Pre-CU saber...and that was pretty OP...


I had 3 accounts and did have a Doc for making buffs....If you really wanted to be OP you could run a melee stacker with a Mind fire pike.....that was nasty...Only took about 3 months of farming NS Elites to get a decent Mind fire pike...


I think I ran like 28 professions in that game between the three accounts.....oh nostalgia...


You seem pretty angry jumping to conclusions and attacking peoples gaming abilities....bad form man.

Edited by Soljin
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Actually I was TK/Commando and later BH/medic...By no means one of the OP specs....However I unlocked Jedi through holocrons and became Master saber/Master Healer/Enhancer 4004 with a Pre-CU saber...and that was pretty OP...


I had 3 accounts and did have a Doc for making buffs....If you really wanted to be OP you could run a melee stacker with a Mind fire pike.....that was nasty...Only took about 3 months of farming NS Elites to get a decent Mind fire pike...


I think I ran like 28 professions in that game between the three accounts.....oh nostalgia...


You seem pretty angry jumping to conclusions and attacking peoples gaming abilities....bad form man.


Yeah seems all post 9 not alot of jedi would risk it pre 9. Tkm/mando was awesome at one time early game knock down then flamer but they got nerfed. Pikes was only as you said. Your jedi spec was spot on as the 80 saber block along with healing and fr3 yoy were a wrecking ball, I stayed some form a tkm until the nge

Edited by Kinsal
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