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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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but its all about team work if you cant do that you beter quit this game

if you think merc is so OP then you play it wrong


but atm am more woried about sniper/gunslinger then any trooper/merc ore jugg


ad redeclipse i see many play that class now and so 3 a 4 in a row are a pain to deal with

with a saga/sorc close to them to heal them and so on


then try to get close to them you mostly dead XD


"more worried at snipers than mercs"

Bruh, I want a toke of that spliff you've been smoking.

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The reason why people can't beat a merc is because people are extremely bad. They want to win only by pressing all available DPS buttons in a row.


Learn to use your interrupts + don't do brainless dps while the merc's shield is up + use your cc wisely + use the environment for los + learn to focus together with others -> profit.


(You didn't like this advice? That's funny! Cause after all, it's exatly the same kind of hypocritical distraction tactic that you used to use when your sorc was op.)

Edited by Cretinus
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The only Jugg spec that isn't glass right now is Immortal, and they just don't have the damage output that people like to claim they do.


DPS-geared Immortal juggs can still hit for ~25k+, more than I can hit for on my operative easily and a bit more than I hit for on my marauder.


But yeah, the guy thinking that a jugg will always beat a merc is just lol.

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its all about who stun first and if more players focus on merc.s and they use stun ore other things a merc is as good as dead


because this game is all about stunning fear blind sleep


and you cant remove them all every time


opertive/scoundrel have a very nasty reputation to really kill 1 class very fast


and a Op merc cant do **** about it


so in terms merc/mando are not Op ad all

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opertive/scoundrel have a very nasty reputation to really kill 1 class very fast


Think you're thinking of sin. Or PT. Or marauder. Or Merc. Or really pretty much any other class than an operative DPS.


If you're dying to a DPS operative in a pure 1v1 with full CDs under like.. ~1m 30s at least, you're doing something wrong.

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That was only for a couple of months after launch. After that gradually we were turned into rolling trolls.


Yeah lol, at this point, DPS op is basically a troll class or a good node guard/node delayer.


They are still a guaranteed win 1v1 Skill=/=Skill against any other class. Just because Operatives are not able to knock someone down and 100% to dead them before they stand up does not mean they are not in a ridiculous place.

Edited by Soljin
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Sithbracer was kind enough to chart out the ranked situation in a thread today.




Six out his eight pie charts were dominated by mercs. A seventh pie chart was narrowly won by sorcs over mercs. The eighth pie chart was won by PT tanks due to op cleave mechanics.


All of the classes are horribly balanced right now, but the merc god shield + reflect + heal to 70% while still doing the same dps needs to be addressed before the community as whole can address other class issues.


Playing my merc for now, because I don't trust Bioware to handle things quickly.

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Just tell me when my nerf back into uselessness is coming, so I can say that I've legitimately come full-circle in the five years I've been playing/maining Mercs, and then I can finally un-install this broken piece of bloatware **** and have done with its repellent little community of try-hard kids with daddy's credit-card.


Until then, I'll enjoy the Schadenfreude.


Cry some more, little baddie-kids.




More, you know you want to!


Your tears keep my car's windscreen nice and clean.

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They are still a guaranteed win 1v1 Skill=/=Skill against any other class. Just because Operatives are not able to knock someone down and 100% to dead them before they stand up does not mean they are not in a ridiculous place.


What's with this skill=/=skill. Last i checked =/= means not equal.

back on topic: i have no idea what's the current class balance in 5.0, since i don't play anymore but even in 4.0 a good arsenal merc had the best chance in 1v1 vs conc operative of all the other dps disciplines in the game.

Edited by Tsetso
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What's with this skill=/=skill. Last i checked =/= means not equal.

back on topic: i have no idea what's the current class balance in 5.0, since i don't play anymore but even in 4.0 a good arsenal merc had the best chance in 1v1 vs conc operative of all the other dps disciplines in the game.


I actually never had any real issues against mercs in 1v1s, (good) Skanktank juggs were much more of a threat for me. You can't afford to fight in melee range with them constantly, and you have to be quick about doing damage because otherwise their DCDs can have them living forever, basically.


But to reply to Soljin, 1v1ing people on operative is not as easy as it seems. Like, I'd wager that 99% of DPS operatives are complete cannon fodder. There's a reason a small number of people play the class.

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Merc/Mando is making players unsub from the game because it is so broken and warzones are full of them.


Honestly, if I had to resort to playing merc in this game I would just uninstall. Talk about telling the entire game you're a shi.ttter and need a class to carry you.

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But to reply to Soljin, 1v1ing people on operative is not as easy as it seems. Like, I'd wager that 99% of DPS operatives are complete cannon fodder. There's a reason a small number of people play the class.


That might be overselling the case a bit. I agree that 1 v 1 isn't as effortless as people think. But the idea that 99% are cannon fodder is just silly. You would have to be brain dead to die a lot on this class. Sure if you get focused, but there's literally no class including other operatives who an operative can't escape from.

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I've now had 7 ranked matches in a row where the majority, as 4+ players, are commando. Both sides then take turns killing off anyone unlucky enough to play non-mando, and then have a mando circle jerk in mid until they blow snow packages on each others faces. Sorc was bad a few seasons ago, PT had its day, but this may be the single most broken yolo class to date.
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I've now had 7 ranked matches in a row where the majority, as 4+ players, are commando. Both sides then take turns killing off anyone unlucky enough to play non-mando, and then have a mando circle jerk in mid until they blow snow packages on each others faces. Sorc was bad a few seasons ago, PT had its day, but this may be the single most broken yolo class to date.


It's definitely the most OP thing we've seen since smash marauders.

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it wont change 1 bit if they nerf 1 class all other players look for the next op class


and play that then maybe you see allot off shadow/assassin walking around


oh w8 you cant see them :D


bevore 5.0 jugg/knight was the op class and wola all play that now merc/mando is op all play that

so yea players only looking for a class that is beter atm in pvp and this will keep going on and on


there is no real balance in any pvp game

its most off the hardest thing to do for a dev team

Edited by ShadessaWayland
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it wont change 1 bit if they nerf 1 class all other players look for the next op class


and play that then maybe you see allot off shadow/assassin walking around


oh w8 you cant see them :D


bevore 5.0 jugg/knight was the op class and wola all play that now merc/mando is op all play that

so yea players only looking for a class that is beter atm in pvp and this will keep going on and on


there is no real balance in any pvp game

its most off the hardest thing to do for a dev team


Obviously you can't influence the fact that players will play the "FOTM" unless every class is exactly the same.


However, you CAN adjust balance so that everything is roughly similar, and not massively OP like what Mercenary is, currently.

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