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Everything posted by -hans-gruber-

  1. He's not rage quiting mate, he just didn't get his pocket money this month.
  2. "more worried at snipers than mercs" Bruh, I want a toke of that spliff you've been smoking.
  3. Havnt played my merc since level 60 was a thing. I hopped on a Bestia train and levelled 60-70. Then immediately proceeded to q solo ranked with no set bonus or augments and i got 1413 rating in two days. Think im like 51 valor? Far too strong even when i have no skill or practice with that class. Merc test over, Nerf please.
  4. Maybe an immunity after the first one? So many merc re rolls now, its almost guaranteed to have 2 or 3 in one ranked match. Chain netting is just too OP.
  5. No in fact we are not bursting ''harder than anyone else in the game in'' 5.0 And if our strategy is to run away for a health node (obviously unable to do in ranked) there must be a balance problem.
  6. How is my argument ''100%'' pointless? if fail to see. Is it not relevant that mercs have the best single target burst? Or that you have the BEST survivability? Or on top of that they are the best at kitting? Which part of that is pointless or nonsense? FYI in fact my question was not ''HOW TO COUNTER MERC DEFENCES'' at all. I suggest you read properly next time.
  7. You forgot to mention that mercs will be hitting Marauders harder then they hit mercs while not suffering the same dps downtime. While simultaneously kitting and electro netting as they see fit. As well during all these dcds that prevent damage directed towards the mercs they have free time to either manually heal or just unleash devastating single target burst while all other classes cannot retaliated. Thus even if we ignore mercs during reflect or shield h2fs they will can still heal or just unleash free damage while taking none. No other class had this many "oh ****" options while outputting top damage. You cannot defend how over powered they are right now by simply conjuring a random encounter making it seem fair.
  8. "If you are unable to take down a Merc in PvP currently......You are not playing well, you are not paying attention." you have to be trolling. Explain to me how exactly as a Marauder with 0 self healing capabilities and being a meele class with much less burst then a Merc. Who by the way can heal to full 3 times!. Not taking into account their base ability to heal anyways. Add to that the fact they can net me for lols while they pop hydraulics and unload a 30k+ heatseker to me is me not paying attention?
  9. So in summary .Nothing about new Operations .Nothing about new strongholds .Nothing about the Hackers plaguing the TRE server in ranked .Nothing about class balance, looking at you mercenaries .Nothing about returning Companions .Nothing about improving awful RNG of galactic command .Nothing about improving alt gearing But hey, they did mention the new cartel market items. And that they are "monitoring" things. Is this the same monitoring you did for sorcs in season 7?? There is nothing left worth more than a months sub for the story content.
  10. Played a devastating ranked game yesterday on my Marauder. Team composition was 3 Marauders 1 jugg vs 4 mercs. We got netted to oblivion and had to keep swapping targets to avoid healing them 2 full again. Add in 4x heatseker auto crits. The jugg just got stun locked and globaled, poor guy.
  11. So, what is the optimal stat ranges for Fury PvP? I take it we don't want accuracy, nor much alacrity. So at what point does adding crit become less useful as to adding power or mastery? Thanks.
  12. -hans-gruber-

    Class Balance

    For your Marauder what augments are you using?
  13. Thanks for the advice, I will put it to use. Are there any good current operative/scoundrel youtubers that you guys recommend for PvP? Preferably with commentary. Shame about the encounters post, would have been very helpful.
  14. Hi, i've recently started getting into concealment with the goal of getting a somewhat decent ranked rating in the future. any tips and tricks or advice for specific 1v1 against certain classes would be greatly appreciated. ATM i'm running with about 40% crit and 70% surge with no accuracy or alacrity. Rest stacked in power. Is this correct? My opener is as follows (from stealth) BS-Volatile-VS-Debilitate-Laceratex2... So on. I find myself rooted/stunned/pushed back before i can get my hard stun off against any good player is there a better alternative or something i can do to prevent this? Any advice would be great, thanks.
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