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Your opinion on ability changes?


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Haven`t found any opinion posts ( actually thought that pt/vg was way more popular). So I'd start with my pov.



1)"Death from above" was awesome. One of BH key skills. Onslaught is not as bad as VG skill, but yet it's much worse than DFA. Makes me feel like Optimus Prime actually...meh.10m range also which is ridiculous.

2)"Explosive dart" never was my fav skill, but it atleast was ranged. The new shot is nice, but 10m again?!



1)Mortar has always been meh animation wise compared to DFA, but BW managed to make it even worse. Imagine a soldier carry a 60mm mortar 10m close to enemy, shooting it and calling air support... rly awfull ability.

2)"Sticky grenade" again key skill. If u make a sort of underbarrel launcher than it at least should shoot from longer than 10m.



- Changes to flame/pulse are ok

- Changes to storm/jet are terrible. Since there are no more notable range abilities, it should be a baseline - not lvl 60.


For me PT/VG is now much less attractive since it is now an absolute melee but much more boring and cunky compared to lightsaber dancers... :(

Edited by Nortumberland
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Agreed. PT has always been my main, but with the changes he felt like he was wearing lead boots and the 10m rng bs is to silly, especially when you're armed with projectile weapons. Was gonna take my Jugg as a main until I saw how awful ravage looks. Now I'm gonna reroll as a guardian or shadow
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Yeah it destroyed the whole concept of a semi ranged tank. Now you might as well wield the saber because the range is the same and your abilities don't feel half as clunky Edited by Raynn
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I'm not a fan of any of the changes. Combat feels clunky now and I have to do a lot of (often times slow motion) running from target to target because of the long cooldown on Jet Charge and lack of range on any other ability. I don't see this ever becoming a comfortable setup.


My Powertech was my main character. I'm very disappointed. I likely won't renew my subscription once the current payment expires.

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Well they finally did it. I think this is my last time I will be a sub. they have screwed this game up way beyond what is acceptable. 10 ft really how is this a ranged player.

Im not sure what kind of idiot player they are moving towards but its sad.


the trooper is a joke in battle. the outfits they give us are laugh stock of the galaxy.

I never thought I would leave but when my 6 months is over I think its time to move on.

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I'm doing a playthrough with friends to finish up my last class that I had left unplayed since launch, the trooper, specifically the vanguard. I wasn't thrilled with the up-close and personal combat form of the vanguard even a couple of years ago, when I first tried and dropped the class, and now I think they should just remove the gun, and give them a vibroblade, since the range of shooting the gun is literally 2.5x the range that you can hit people with the gun itself. The only reason I'm continuing to play the class is to finish it up and get the shiny nameplate from finishing the game with all classes.


My biggest gripes:


1) They gave me a gun, then forced me to fight in melee range, even against enemies with guns. If this is what you're going to do, just make the only tanks be the jedi, which would make sense to fight in melee range. With the latest patch, all but my default attack are 10 meters or less. I remember the description of the class before the game was launched was that it was meant to be a ranged tanking class, but the direction it has gone is completely the opposite.


2) They removed or ruined the most fun abilities. Sticky grenade was a useful CC against regular enemies, and let's face it, one of the more fun trooper abilities when you consider just getting an enemy down to the last little bit of health, and then popping a sticky grenade on him to end the fight with a laugh. Mortar volley is horrible now. At least give us back the 30 meter range on the new pixy dust cannon. And the mortar round's replacement wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't replaced with a 10m range attack.


I don't like losing abilities at all. Every DM in a role playing game knows that you don't take things from your players, because it sours the experience, and I feel now that an already bad class was made ridiculous with the new changes. The ultimate weakness of the class as a trooper is the lack of actual ranged abilities. I could deal with everything else if my gun wasn't meant to launch spitballs at the enemy from a range that's close enough to reach out and slap them. I wanted to play a ranged tank, like the orginal class was advertised, but as it stands, as soon as I finish the story, I'll never play it again. If the point of playing the trooper was to differentiate them from the Jedi classes, which I enjoy, then it should have catered to the ranged combat style to make them a more effective tank against ranged enemies than the Jedi, who would be ideal for the up-close tanking jobs.


I know this post is basically just a rant, but if the Devs do read this, I'd like them to take this as constructive criticism in terms of class direction.

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When the new xpac launched the first thing I did was grab my PT to finish up the new story. He lasted all the way to the end of Chapter 1............ I tried to run a few heroics to help get me in the groove to the new style and................................


Both my PT and my Vang are FOREVER benched. I get that them being "tank" classes they needed to be melee ranged(STUPID) really...... but with these new abilities we are nothing but AoE turrets and our threat in damn near null. I ran a few heroics and about 1second after the pull my Companion is taking on threat from mobs... ***................


Having the Cells/forgot baked into the specs was STUPID.. They are trying so damned HARD to make the classes so damned EASY to play that they are RUINING this spec..


There is NO reason why we should NEED to be within 10meters to be a "threat" as a tank. but well RIP my Vang/PT. It was fun while it lasted

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All that is needed to answer this question conclusively are Bant the Fat & Pink's comparative rankings for DpS and Tanks in 5.0, available here.


Powertech/Vanguard Tanks are now taking even more damage than before, with their few defensive CDs nerfed needlessly. And as DpS, they now rank near the bottom of the list.


On top of that, the developers forced their bizarre idea on players that a class armed with guns and rockets must not have more than 10 meters range, even as a tank.


5.0 simply sucks for Vanguards and Powertechs. Thank you, Bioware.

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Yeah my PT BH is pretty much sidelined. I made him look pretty and he's sitting at the beginning of KOTET. I'm rolling a new Merc to replace him as I will likely NOT be moving him along.


Sad really I liked PT/VG but now they're gutted. Just XP pinatas in pvp.


Really need to give them BACK the 30m range they had. Or give us the ability to FINALLY equip tech staves and blades.

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All of the class changes are extremely bad and were completely unnecessary. I can't stomach to even log in my Vanguard and powertech anymore without feeling angry, disgusted, hurt. My powertech was my first imperial side character that I made about 3 years ago. I left World of Warcraft to escape the development environment present at blizzard, which was making decisions exactly along the same tune as Bioware just did. I also left the game, because the community there was HORRIBLE, also because this game offered something nobody else had in any MMORPG (stressing RPG, not PVP) had: RANGED TANKS! This was a very new idea at the time. I loved playing my powertech and later vanguard up until the point about 10 months ago when Bioware nerfed the range of their rail shot, missile blast, Vanguard counterpart powers respectively.


The idea of someone shooting a blaster pistol or especially rifle (Purpose of which is to give a fighter range to target) out to only 10 meters is absolutely absurd!


No war fighter would EVER design a ranged weapon of any kind, especially one that explodes, to reach out to 10 meters and stop there to blow up in their own face. Railshot? Sure let's design a hypersonic magnetically propelled projectile weapon to travel at mach 4 out to 10 meters and magically STOP!


What I feel is this: Bioware essentially stole my characters away from me. I cannot play them anymore. I cannot accept the ignorance of physics (The force being my only allowable exception) that Bioware is asking me to swallow here, nor can I accept the unplayability of these characters now. I cannot find one change in any character class that actually improved the class. The Sage/Sorcerer loosing one of only two lightsaber powers that it had when the lightsaber is iconic as a weapon used by Jedi and Sith ever bit as much as the force is also too much for me to endure. That class is nothing more than a world of warcraft mage now.


Bioware you are taking the "Star Wars" OUT of these classes and it stinks!


Please revert all class changes as if you do not, when my subscription runs out in February, I am not resubscribing and I will not play the game any longer at all. I feel like you just repossessed what I paid for. This feels like Bait'n Switch which is illegal. Although you did not technically break the law from I can see It's ethically the same concept. Reset the range of all Vanguard/Powertech shots back to 30m and give the sage/sorcerer back their lightsaber power and add another one. While you're at it, revert that Operative area attack from that impossible fanned knife throw back to the blaster suppressing fire. What moron is going to try to throw knives out in front of themselves (an impossible maneuver without the force: try holding that many knives in one hand let alone throw them accurately to hit anything without injuring yourself and friends) instead of just shooting their blaster rifle? This is Star Wars not World of Warcraft! The Operative is not a WoW rogue, and that attack is a WoW rogue attack that is in the game. It's dumb there too.

Edited by CobaltCannon
Changes made for accuracy, grammar, and reduction in emotional emphasis
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  • 1 month later...

I had fun with the most classes before. But every new animation (changed for which reason?) i don't liked much.

Started with the new surronding plates:mad: animations from the sin tanks and the flying stones:mad: from the shadows. Only this little change made me playing less those classes. The new Juggernaut animation with the jumping at end maybe some like it ,but not me sorry. Wish the old animation back regardless if it last longer.


The next little change: merc heal was everytime funny. I was able to heal my companions or shoot my enemys with one button. Now i had 2 buttons instead and for me it makes harder to farm or interrupting enemys in pvp. Now abilties are removed to get space thats okay. But why split up a working abilty into 2 abilities before? :confused:


I was always Powertech Tank since beginning, but with a little bubble every class is able to tank without giving up any abilities. So i changed to prototype because i m tanky aswell and i can defend my self. I thought they will change this bubbling in the future and remove this completley and give the tanks viable defense skill which is not meant for other. Instead they give the ability to every damagedealer now, that makes pvp extraslow now. :(

We also have enough bubble animations which could be better formed to the silhouette. (Like the short shieldprocs for example with the orange shieldnet.)


Death from above was one of the best bountyhunter animation, because that is what every bountyhunter class should do. Flying in the air!


This animation now reminds me more to those japanese super robots, sorry. :p

The vanguard are not better, with those pew pew super orbs. Maybe they should paralyze the enemys for watching the awesome fireworks. :eek::cool

After the enemy stopped laughing, i fire up my other skills which look like "Oh sorry, i forgot to load my batterys."

Edited by Moonshift
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  • 2 weeks later...
Revert searing wave, even if it's only for Pyro. I don't think searing wave is even getting the bonus from pyro procs. Even if it is, it doesn't hit what one tick of flamethrower used to. It's depressing, I loved Pyro pvp, even though I take 3m damage on it average. Now it's like, do I really want to upset myself.
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I simply can't stomach to play my PT anymore. I'm not going overly dramatic, but it's very sad, as it was my long time favorite, the one that I did all the content I could with.I came back after a break at the end of KotFE and most of the changes feels horribly wrong. Worse, nearly every change makes me think: WHY? Like, seriously, WHY?


For instance, Why did Death From Above had to change? No offense to the people who did the new ability animation, but it doesn't look half as good as the DFA animation (it was the coolest animation we had, btw.) Why stripping down abilities instead of reworking the less useful one?


I can somewhat understand the reasonning behind the reduced range, even it quite frankly look and feel stupid as hell, but some other change are just completely unnecessary and just drive me away from playing my PT ever again.


And don't start me about weird nerf such as Oil Slick. Like "yeah, that already not-so-stellar feat was just to good folk, so we nerfed him to the point of irrelevance. Enjoy your 15% accuracy reduction in a world where everyone and their dog have >110% accuracy anyway".

Edited by Jaedelyia
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  • 1 month later...

My opinion?


My opinion is that Bioware have killed two of the fun spec i loved and left us with a slow and so close you might as well headbutt them abilities that VG and PT have ruined two of my most cherished characters.


Now im left with either re rolling which means i loose some items that they have that cant transfer or they stay exactly where they are because i cannot play them at all they are not fun.



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What's up with PT animations? Immolate is the fugliest thing I've ever seen, i'm not sure it's even a complete animation, and that Rocket Punch/Flaming Fist pirouette is extremely dumb looking. Edited by Vember
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Flamethrower (as a PT) and Ravage (as a Jugg) were two of my favorite abilities because they looked and felt powerful to use. I don't play either of those classes anymore, everything else just feels like I'm dancing around.
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It is pretty much a mixed bag. Animation wise, it can pass(except the DFA / MV replacements). Gameplay wise, it is pretty much awful. Here's why:




-> New Flamethrower looks good(imo). I like how responsive and quick it looks.

-> New Immolate animation is AWFUL. Can we get that nice cloud of flame back? Please?

->More on Pyro in joined Pyro / Plasma section

-> I actually agree with the removal of Death From Above. It should be a Mercenary skill and an Arsenal Mercenary at that. I just don't agree with Optimus Prime replacement.

-> More on AP in joined section AP / Tactics




-> Ion Wave looks good imo.

-> Plasma Pulse is awesome actually. MUCH better than whatever that Fire Pulse was supposed to be.

-> I haven't even seen the Mortar Volley replacement. I actually liked Mortar Volley. It made sense for a Tactics Vanguard.


Pyro / Plasma:


-> Horrible changes, they gutted the discipline. Prior to 5,0, it used to be average, maybe slightly above average. Now...lol, just lol. It is like Telekinectics, just with HORRIBLE energy problems.

-> Rework of Flamethrower / Pulse Cannon left a single GCD open, which means more energy problems. Did BW do ANYTHING about this? No, of course not.

-> No, I didn't roll Plasma / Pyro to shoot an enemy with a Rifle(Hammer Shot). I rolled it because Plasma Gun with additional electric goodness or because of all that Flamethrower goodness. Can we get back to the right track, please?

-> Plasma Barrage should either get changed so it procs from ShockStrike(1 or 2 charges, doesn't matter really, two is better ofc) or leave it at Plasma Pulse and give it two charges. It should also swap places with Assault Frame.


AP / Tactics:


-> This discipline got so horribly changed too. Prior to 5,0, I remember I used more skills than just spamming Tac Pulse over and over and over with an occasional Hammer Shot and HIB + Stockstrike.

-> What I'd love(but will never witness) is that Hammer Shot became a replacement for Gut. It'd apply the current DoT + Stockstrike's sunder. Rename current Hammer Shot to Rifle shot or something.

-> This discipline definitely does need more nuance. Currently it's even simpler than the likes of Dirty Fighting, Arsenal or Balance(lol)


Overall changes:


-> Range: While I never thought that Vanguard / PT were supposed to be fully ranged(30m+), they should be close range NOT melee! To use a perfect analogy, they should be just like Path of Skirmisher Shadow Warriors were in WAR. First step is to give Vanguards / PTs 15-20m range. Second is, remove the dependence on Stock / Shock strikes. Make them defensive skills(like punts or whatever). Third, address the issues plaguing the class(namely, horrible gameplay).

-> If you don't want to do that, just give Vanguards / PTs Techstaves / Techswords. Lord knows they're currently useless. So, maybe give them a job?


Well, that's it for now.

Edited by Cuiwe
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It is pretty much a mixed bag. Animation wise, it can pass(except the DFA / MV replacements). Gameplay wise, it is pretty much awful. Here's why:




-> New Flamethrower looks good(imo). I like how responsive and quick it looks.

-> New Immolate animation is AWFUL. Can we get that nice cloud of flame back? Please?

->More on Pyro in joined Pyro / Plasma section

-> I actually agree with the removal of Death From Above. It should be a Mercenary skill and an Arsenal Mercenary at that. I just don't agree with Optimus Prime replacement.

-> More on AP in joined section AP / Tactics




-> Ion Wave looks good imo.

-> Plasma Pulse is awesome actually. MUCH better than whatever that Fire Pulse was supposed to be.

-> I haven't even seen the Mortar Volley replacement. I actually liked Mortar Volley. It made sense for a Tactics Vanguard.


Pyro / Plasma:


-> Horrible changes, they gutted the discipline. Prior to 5,0, it used to be average, maybe slightly above average. Now...lol, just lol. It is like Telekinectics, just with HORRIBLE energy problems.

-> Rework of Flamethrower / Pulse Cannon left a single GCD open, which means more energy problems. Did BW do ANYTHING about this? No, of course not.

-> No, I didn't roll Plasma / Pyro to shoot an enemy with a Rifle(Hammer Shot). I rolled it because Plasma Gun with additional electric goodness or because of all that Flamethrower goodness. Can we get back to the right track, please?

-> Plasma Barrage should either get changed so it procs from ShockStrike(1 or 2 charges, doesn't matter really, two is better ofc) or leave it at Plasma Pulse and give it two charges. It should also swap places with Assault Frame.


AP / Tactics:


-> This discipline got so horribly changed too. Prior to 5,0, I remember I used more skills than just spamming Tac Pulse over and over and over with an occasional Hammer Shot and HIB + Stockstrike.

-> What I'd love(but will never witness) is that Hammer Shot became a replacement for Gut. It'd apply the current DoT + Stockstrike's sunder. Rename current Hammer Shot to Rifle shot or something.

-> This discipline definitely does need more nuance. Currently it's even simpler than the likes of Dirty Fighting, Arsenal or Balance(lol)


Overall changes:


-> Range: While I never thought that Vanguard / PT were supposed to be fully ranged(30m+), they should be close range NOT melee! To use a perfect analogy, they should be just like Path of Skirmisher Shadow Warriors were in WAR. First step is to give Vanguards / PTs 15-20m range. Second is, remove the dependence on Stock / Shock strikes. Make them defensive skills(like punts or whatever). Third, address the issues plaguing the class(namely, horrible gameplay).

-> If you don't want to do that, just give Vanguards / PTs Techstaves / Techswords. Lord knows they're currently useless. So, maybe give them a job?


Well, that's it for now.


I disagree with the death from above/mortar volley. PT and VG should of kept it and been removed from the Merc/Comm. Why? Because Merc/Commando already have an amazing area attack in Hail of bolts/sweeping blasters. And it's SPAMMABLE!


Hell if anything I'd of taken all the explosive abilities and given them to the PT/VG and given all the gun abilities to the Merc/Commando.

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