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Eternal Throne, Chapter 1, Wrath and Ruin, Bugged


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My main I have been playing is a bounty hunter and I'm on chap 1, wrath and ruin in the shadowlands server. I am running into a problem and I may be the only one, but in the mission it's asking me to speak to my companion Theron Shan. Of whom is not with my toon, and I can't speak with him as he is not there, and now I can't get my other companions because it's not showing a companion bar on my screen. He still does not show up after I logged out and back in even when I exit the game completely I have left the area, and returned; however he still does not show. If anyone else is encountering this problem please post, also the crew skills screen comes up blank unless I click B Edited by DeamonOmega
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Having some what of the same issue, tho my client crashes/unresponsive when launching "Wrath and Ruin". Made sure Win8 was completely updated, Videocard running latest update, even reinstalled game client and bitraider. I do not know what else I can do the new chapters will be off limits untile Bioware acknowllages this as an issue.
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Having some what of the same issue, tho my client crashes/unresponsive when launching "Wrath and Ruin". Made sure Win8 was completely updated, Videocard running latest update, even reinstalled game client and bitraider. I do not know what else I can do the new chapters will be off limits untile Bioware acknowllages this as an issue.


I'm having the same problem too! I hope they fix it soon... Twenty dollars down the tubes...

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same problem she is not in the room to talk to and i cant even leave the room unless i use the exit area which exits me out of the story so im stuck i have my 1st ticket open and closed and all they said was progress further so i would like to know HOW when the room is sealed of? they have one day or im unsubed and gone ive been waiting for 3days to get a reply like that
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