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How Long You Gonna Ignore Us?


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It's really sad that neither Eric, Ben nor Tait have said anything or even apologized for the uproar caused removing the DvL Event achievements but to add insult to injury post at the very last minute of yesterday that we will not be getting our rewards from the Event until Saturday. :( This hurts Bioware, you can't just keep last minuting this stuff on us and not expect us to be upset and then just ignore us. Can you at least apologize for doing this stuff to us? At least acknowledge that you have upset us and hurt us. Ignoring us and saying nothing isn't going to stop the insults anymore than answering us will but at least being able to have the guts to apologize for these atrocities is better than nothing.


Eric, Tait and Ben, I honestly did enjoy the livestream I was in with you guys and Eric I really did appreciate your answers here on the forum. But I'm really disappointed right now with you guys for this and ignoring us and not at least acknowledging that you upset us and apologizing for these last minty decisions that you didn't specify at either the announcement or through the entire DvL Event, you did not once say that you intended to wipe it and it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes so that's not cool to hide something like that. And now on the last minute yesterday you push our rewards we were told we would receive today back a day. It's not that one more day won't hurt but there are many people who don't come onto the forums and don't know about it and are going to be upset and disappointed with this because they expected their prizes today and to do this on the last minute yesterday was unacceptable.


So how long are you going to ignore us?

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Have you ever played a game where the devs apologize for anything? You're still getting your rewards, it's just later. I'm sorry, I do sympathize, but this came across as whiny and petulant. You're still getting your rewards, you just need to be patient. Not every single line of code is going to be perfect, it's likely that an error got accidentally introduced at some point, leading to the discrepancy. I mean, I failed high school comp sci and I know that, so... yeah. Be patient and be glad that the devs are actually working on the problem. They could choose to ignore the problem altogether. Just sayin'...
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You realize they specifically stated (I believe in the Nov. 17th livestream) that the DvL achievements are being set to 0 because they may use the event in the future...this doesn't mean you don't get the rewards, it just makes it easier on them. Also, the achievements literally don't mean anything, and people will know if someone finished it based on the rewards handed out. As for the rewards, chill out man. The new expac just went live for all today. Constantly hounding about it will solve nothing. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the devs read posts like yours and delay the rewards even further, just to troll you. You don't like it? Well then, unsub. Edited by Mokuyobi
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I don't really care about the rewards as much as the Galactic Command Situation to find out if its working as intended, but I do agree the lack of any communication aside from posting delays and removal of options in the game isn't good.


Be nice to hear what a success this has been or what they have seen surprised them or changes they are looking to make. Cause sadly I don't think 5 uprisings and Galactic Command gearing system is going to work as well as they hoped.

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It's really sad that neither Eric, Ben nor Tait have said anything or even apologized for the uproar caused removing the DvL Event achievements but to add insult to injury post at the very last minute of yesterday that we will not be getting our rewards from the Event until Saturday. :( This hurts Bioware, you can't just keep last minuting this stuff on us and not expect us to be upset and then just ignore us. Can you at least apologize for doing this stuff to us? At least acknowledge that you have upset us and hurt us. Ignoring us and saying nothing isn't going to stop the insults anymore than answering us will but at least being able to have the guts to apologize for these atrocities is better than nothing.


Eric, Tait and Ben, I honestly did enjoy the livestream I was in with you guys and Eric I really did appreciate your answers here on the forum. But I'm really disappointed right now with you guys for this and ignoring us and not at least acknowledging that you upset us and apologizing for these last minty decisions that you didn't specify at either the announcement or through the entire DvL Event, you did not once say that you intended to wipe it and it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes so that's not cool to hide something like that. And now on the last minute yesterday you push our rewards we were told we would receive today back a day. It's not that one more day won't hurt but there are many people who don't come onto the forums and don't know about it and are going to be upset and disappointed with this because they expected their prizes today and to do this on the last minute yesterday was unacceptable.


So how long are you going to ignore us?


You don't speak for me so don't say us. I'm not flipping tables and screaming like an escaped loon because I'm not getting my digital awards for another day or the big bad meanie took away some silly achievements. I suggest you settle down before you work yourself in a tizzy.

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Have you ever played a game where the devs apologize for anything? You're still getting your rewards, it's just later. I'm sorry, I do sympathize, but this came across as whiny and petulant. You're still getting your rewards, you just need to be patient. Not every single line of code is going to be perfect, it's likely that an error got accidentally introduced at some point, leading to the discrepancy. I mean, I failed high school comp sci and I know that, so... yeah. Be patient and be glad that the devs are actually working on the problem. They could choose to ignore the problem altogether. Just sayin'...


Actually, I have played more than one game that the devs had an actual dialog with their customer base. City of Heroes devs played the game alongside regular players all the time. they would discuss issues in the game and take suggestions for features of the game. They even took on board one of the players that loved to run models and would show them problems in the game before they even found them. There is no good excuse for the complete stonewall between devs and players that we have here. yes we have had some idiot players, but they do not represent most of the player base.

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There is no good excuse for the complete stonewall between devs and players that we have here.


They have said previously that they had a player tracking down staff members and making death threats. Because of that, they maintain distance between the players.


I would like to continue that discussion but I've been told that I'm not allowed to here on the forums.


edit: Considering there are so many "I filed "x" number of tickets" posts floating around, maybe Tait and Eric and sitting in front of the computers answering them and that's why they're not here.

Edited by dr_mike
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They have said previously that they had a player tracking down staff members and making death threats. Because of that, they maintain distance between the players.


I would like to continue that discussion but I've been told that I'm not allowed to here on the forums.


edit: Considering there are so many "I filed "x" number of tickets" posts floating around, maybe Tait and Eric and sitting in front of the computers answering them and that's why they're not here.


We have all heard that story. which should have been handled by the appropriate law enforcement authorities. That does not remove the need for a dialog between bw and their customers. If 1 nutjob is all it takes to make them crawl into a bomb shelter and hide, they might need some new and intelligent management. This is the reason they cannot get ahead of the dataminers and other source sites. As long as they let other set the conversation, they will never like the directions it takes. The white knights tend to piss off the people they try to convince because it is obvious they have no idea what they are talking about. It wouldnt take all that much dialog to put the majority of the illicit information brokers out of business or at least lessen their influence while at the same time setting the tone and direction of the conversation.

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We have all heard that story.


I know. I have my own story concerning dealing with these folks but we're not allowed to discuss it here either.


I was just trying to answer someone who had posted.

Edited by dr_mike
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