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Senya can't even use her Lightsaber Pike?


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  • 7 months later...
I'm still mad about this. Why bioware? Why would you do this? We know for a fact that items can be restricted to a companion's exclusive use, so there is no cm sales based argument for this. Why do you do these things? Is there a sociopath in your midst that cackles upon seeing players agitated over such small but important details?
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I'm still mad about this. Why bioware? Why would you do this? We know for a fact that items can be restricted to a companion's exclusive use, so there is no cm sales based argument for this. Why do you do these things? Is there a sociopath in your midst that cackles upon seeing players agitated over such small but important details?


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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I'm still mad about this. Why bioware? Why would you do this? We know for a fact that items can be restricted to a companion's exclusive use, so there is no cm sales based argument for this. Why do you do these things? Is there a sociopath in your midst that cackles upon seeing players agitated over such small but important details?


Because a lightsaber pike is, for all gameplay intents and purposes, a double-bladed lightsaber - usable only by shadows and assassins (and a select few companions who can use double-bladed sabers). For Senya to use "her" lightsaber pike, she'd have to be reworked to use only double-bladed lightsabers, which means redoing every single cinematic she's in, or else have her constantly bisect herself and utterly ruin every cutscene she's ever in.


Also, it's called "Senya's" lightsaber pike because she uses it, briefly, in the "Betrayed" cinematic trailer. Ever notice how her "lightsaber" isn't the one she uses in-game? It's the *other* lightsaber she uses in the trailer.


Don't get so worked up about this extremely tiny, nearly nonexistent issue.

Edited by Jagaimee
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Senya can use a saberpike just fine, Lord Dramath uses a saberpike that can be used by single blade users, BW recoded that saberpike to be used by Dramath only, because people using the pike (which has no stats) for aesthetics only hurts their bottom line.


Having worked in something similar, i'm almost sure this is a case of people being over zealous, someone in charge at some point said something like "we can't give them exactly what they want, otherwise they will have it an not buy anything else", and someone ran away with that notion, hence all the absurd armour with bizarre appendages, backpacks ruining nice armour, antennae on backpacks etc, over time they just make these player unfriendly decisions out of habit, and once it's done BW really really hate admitting to mistakes.

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Why even put it in the game then?


Yeah if it's named after a character that character should be able to equip the item... That said since it is a weapon I'm sure there are issues related to the animations. I'm guessing this is why players are restricted to one weapon type for eternity as well...


I agree they should have named it something else...

Edited by Soljin
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For the brief period when Lord Dramath's saber pike was open to all saber characters, including companions, it worked just fine single handed. My Shadow's Lana Banana got to use it and we were twinsies because I use Senya's pike. Super bummed they changed it, but it's obviously something they could code or it wouldn't have worked in the first place.


How about you can exchange a copy of your unlocked Senya Pike at a vendor for a green, no stat, Senya restricted version like Dramath's that works single handed?


I'd also like to get back old move sets for companions that used to use different weapons, like all the ones that used to use auto cannons and now don't. Alternately, swapping move sets within the current ranged or melee or Force ranged or Force melee groups would be pretty sweet and also shouldn't be too hard, since the companions are essentially just skins at this point. Vette could then use spewie. Mako could use a sniper rifle. Kira could go single blade. On and on.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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This is kind of lame that Senya cannot use Senya's Lightsaber Pike. LAME LAME LAME.


She can use Senya's Lightsaber. It's just a naming convention, that Senya's Lightsaber is available in both saber and saberstaff variations.

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Reading some of the responses against the argument I felt a need to point out the following:


Senya's lightsaber and Senya's lightsaber pike are used differently. They look different. One uses single saber animations the other uses double bladed animations.


Equipping Senya with a unique pike has negligible impact on CM sales if only she can use it.


As someone pointed out Lord Dramath's saber didn't require the doublebladed saber skill to equip or use for the right animations to work. So the scripting for its animations is clearly there without having to overhaul the companion.


Senya is not a Jedi Guardian. She is a Zakuul knight in a part of the galaxy where the Jedi order doesn't exist. There is no reason Jedi rules should apply to her. For all intents and purposes she could (and does in the cinematic trailers) fight like both Knight and Consular classes.


Someone intentionally making moves to hinder players' enjoyment of the game for no clear reason may not be a sociopath (I was half-heartedly joking) but that does make them a (fill in the blanks with whatever expletive you like) in my opinion. I would think that such a move needs an explanation through story. Initially revealing Senya through a series of exciting cinematics, wielding a new weapon the way they did comes across as false advertising to me.

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