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Abrupt Ending and now what?


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Greetings all,


I realize that this may be a silly question since it's entirely possible that I just missed something obvious, but I hope that you'll bear with me on it... I just finished Chapter 9 of KOTET, and after what struck me as a somewhat abrupt ending, I'm now left with a big question of "Okay... So now what do I do?" What I mean by that is, is there some new EndGame point that I'm supposed to be continuing to work towards, such as building up the strength of the Alliance or destroying Star Fortresses in KOTFE?


Also, with that in mind, is it known if there any future chapters coming as well? Because it seems to me there were still an awful lot of loose ends following the conclusion of Chapter 9...


Not exactly a pressing question of course, but one that I'm rather curious about...

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The ending did feel, weird. I'm actually a little disappointed there was no 3rd option for the throne to like, pass it on to someone else trustworthy. My Jedi would rather return to the Order and go home and finally reunite with her loved ones instead of lurking on Odessen as some peace keeper. I also missed the 'closure' of a post victory party and an official moment to commemorate those we've lost.
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I was disappointed in the lack of a "benevolent empress" option, where you could rule the galaxy but not as some evil conqueror.


I found the ending to be really intense, but the cutscene after you claim the throne is a little weird. My thought is that they tried to finish it so there was a definitive ending, but at the same time have it slightly left open for a future expansion of some kind.


~ Eudoxia

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For as much as was said in the livestreams that the 9 KotET chapters was the conclusion of the Zakuul stuff, DAMN if it doesn't feel like there really should be another batch of additional chapters to come. I know they've said they've got outlines for the next expansion already done, but considering how KotET ended and how many companions still are MIA, I'm really wondering what they've got in mind for what's next.


It makes sense for them to do a return to the Republic vs Empire theme just because everyone's rebuilding and that would be an opportunity for the missing companions to come back, but with how mixed the Zakuul stuff went over, they're going to have to pull out some Nobel Laureate level of writing or the playerbase'll explode.

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The ending is kind of abrupt and canned. Once again I feel like all choices are just skin deep beyond killing companions. Even if it was the illusion of choices mattering I think it could be done a lot better. I mean the old stories all end the same way but gave the illusion that our choice were different and matter. I think these chapter are stronger then the last one.


One thing I don't understand


Why would the Republican declare war on you if you choose the light side choice. I mean you say your going to be a peace keeping force and humanitarian. Seem a little weird that they just declare war or did I miss something? I mean the Empire that typical. It make sense with the darkside choice as you told everyone to get in line. In the end I feel like it doesn't fit many of my characters. My Jedi would use the Fleet to protect and help the Republican rebuild while keeping the Empire in check. Plus why would they not try to arrange peace as they weren't able to beat the fleet before why do they think they are going to be successful now.


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I felt the ending was a bit... abrupt, too. My very LS sith assassin wanted nothing to do with the throne (except for the LS reactor choice chapter 3 thing in KOTFE when he suddenly wanted to rule the galaxy... I blame a head wound.) But the galactic peace keeper thing felt all right. I just don't understand why everyone is preparing for war.


He and a few of my other characters would have been more then happy to hand the throne back to redeemed Arcann or even Senya... for that matter :p He wouldn't have minded hanging around in an advisory position or act as Arcann's moral compass to bop him on the head if he gets any ideas.


There was also a message from the scions. Kinda wish I hadn't deleted it... but there was some kind of foreshadowing at the end. Something about being at the gates of Hell, and being at the center of a maelstrom. That's when they'd come to help.

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From what it sounds like, you're taking Vaylin and Arcann's spot and the Alliance is merged with Zakuul.


It's going to be a 3-way war between the Eternal Alliance, the Galactic Republic, and the Sith Empire.


Something my SI doesn't want.

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I wouldn't say it's abrupt. I mean, from the time you sit on the throne to when you actually make the decision of how to rule, there's two boss fights and lots of dialogue, one fight of which is super drawn out if

you made the LS choice with the holocron a couple chapters back.



You also get, bar none, the best line in the game I have seen so far, if you are a Sith Warrior and

picked the correct final dialogue option with Valkorion :)



What felt super weird to me was the resolution after that. Not because it was fast, but because it just kind of felt like an after thought, sort of like "ok what now?"


Not as bad as the closing scene of The Graduate, but same kind of feeling. The little epilogue with Theron and Lana was good though. More time with stuff like that could maybe have fixed things.


Would have been a great time for a Scourge walk-on too. Of course, you could say that about every chapter.

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Way too abrupt for me...just broke my heart a little. I get a mail talking about the great celebratory party that i guess i wasn't invited to? And after all we have been through together I don't even get to participate in the final scene like at the end of all the other expansions? Not to mention my LS Knight didn't even get to romance Koth the entire time. Just made me sad.
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I've just completed all 9 chapters and I have to agree with the comments here. Ending was very abrupt and with no hint or glimpse that there is going to be new chapters released on a monthly basis like the last expac to keep the players interested... yeah...I'm concerned as to the game's future.


The expansion is only 3 days old for all and less than a week for early access and yet on the server I'm on...the sheer number of players announcing in general chat "I'm cancelling my subscription" - players who have completed the 9 new chapters and found at the end... absolutely nothing. Its been every day and different people I've seen at least 3-4 people per day on the server saying that. I'd say so far I've seen at least 20-30 different people say it in total. Whether they go through with it is another matter, but the fact that its being said regularly and in such numbers...if it was a handful on the odd occasion I'd ignore it... but yeah - I wonder how many other servers have seen the same thing.


To be honest I felt this expansion was very poor. I like the new veteran mode to make it more challenging, but from Chapter II up its insanely over-tuned compared to Story mode - grand canyon difference in terms of inc damage. I also liked where the story was going - but frankly I felt certain chapters were just "side shows" and felt like they were just "filling" content and the plot holes were gigantic.


Examples - SPOILERS:



The Chapter where SCORPIO integrates with Iokath - I mean really - when you think about the main story arc...point of this? Struggling here. It seems like MAYBE this might be where the new expac might be going, but I never liked SCORPIO going from a bot you found on a scrap heap to an intergalactic warlord story - made no sense to me. No she's back to being your friend again and begs you to let her live to merge with Iokath despite the betrayals...I mean really?


Then Came Chapter 8 - assault on Oddessen - yeah - everything is under attack, alliance lines are breaking - stage is set beautifully as Bioware so often do, its nice and tense... here we go... then... you land 50,000 miles away from the base and its like....Oooook - *** am I doing all the way out here?! Tension gone and 20 mins later ya still rolling across Odessen trying to get to the base and I'm sat here thinking...ok this is getting boring... another walker? come on! Talk about filling in time in the expac! And then there is the plot hole - you release the gravestone...why not omni-cannon Vaylin's command ship? Drive a bus through that plot hole! I did!


And then finally - Chapter 9 - can tell that Bioware were running out of ideas frankly - Valkorian AGAIN? For What.... the THIRD time? Vaylin AGAIN? Oh and btw Vaylin,,, I killed you, beat you to a pulp a second time and now you join forces with me??? Vaylin's character all through has been "you can't defeat me" "I am god" etc sort of deal - psychotic basically - suddenly she grows a brain and says "Hey, I'll help you" - anyone else not think this would make more sense if Vaylin just attacked everyone? I get she wants revenge on her Dad - but yeah she simply doesn't accept help - and if she does she turns and smacks afterwards.


And then.... Senya AND Thrall can somehow use the Holocron to enter your shattered mind... then Valkorian destroys said Holocron - but hey its cool - they're still there in ya mind despite the Holocron being gone?... and indeed - the holocron is in the REAL world - but Valokorian still destroys it whilst in you mind, and you can use it to release Vaylin... I get its meant to be a legendary artifact or something but I am really struggling with this...



I'm gutted honestly, I really am. I love this game, and I loved the last expansion story line. Now its rather anti-climatic and disappointing. I won't be cancelling my sub unlike those who say they are going to, and perhaps most won't feel as strongly as I do about the expac or as strongly as those saying they are cancelling their subs - but... I wonder about the future... this expac might just have killed this game :(


Just my two cents

Edited by Jatello
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