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Chapter 9 Boss Battle [SPOILERS]


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The green healing circles usually spawn near the entrance where you come in, atop the first set of stairs. Some spawn off to the side but make their way to that same direction. I stayed within melee range of her the entire time with my back towards the second set of stairs (the one leading up to the throne) wedged into a light post, kept her there and hit her with all I got until one of those green puddles would spawn behind her.. kited her towards it making sure she'd soak the first one (while keeping my own shields/heals/dmg reductions up), hit her some more, took the 2nd circle for myself and just rinse and repeat. Seemed to work out fine.
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The fight is overtuned. I have 1 piece of 216 gear plus the small handfull of quest rewards. My other toons are geared lower. i do not see how one will be able to take a fresh toon through kotfe then kotet without grinding between them for weeks to get the average gear level I am seeing posted here. This has taken the wind out of my sails. I am done. Feel free to make yourself feel better and insult me over and over. I don't care. I am done being killed over and over.
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The fight is overtuned. I have 1 piece of 216 gear plus the small handfull of quest rewards. My other toons are geared lower. i do not see how one will be able to take a fresh toon through kotfe then kotet without grinding between them for weeks to get the average gear level I am seeing posted here. This has taken the wind out of my sails. I am done. Feel free to make yourself feel better and insult me over and over. I don't care. I am done being killed over and over.


No, I agree it's overtuned in Story mode. I actually popped open my book to double check it hadn't accidentally activated Veteran mode through a bug or something. I think the fight was designed with the premises of having the companion there (Lord Dramath if you didn't free him from the Holocron) so anyone who made the LS choice of freeing him is struggling quite a bit more.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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No, I agree it's overtuned in Story mode. I actually popped open my book to double check it hadn't accidentally activated Veteran mode through a bug or something. I think the fight was designed with the premises of having the companion there (Lord Dramath if you didn't free him from the Holocron) so anyone who made the LS choice of freeing him is struggling quite a bit more.


This. This is entirely the problem. My Assassin is LS, thus I ended up dying the first 15 times I did this fight. Admittedly, the first 2 or 3 I wasn't understanding the mechanics, but once I figured it out I still kept dying because I was LS and the fight was twice as hard as it really needed to be.

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Spirit Vailyn is tough yes but doable. Did her on my Sentinel one of of the squishyist classes.

Had some trouble but once I figured out what needed to be done it was not too bad. Had to fight her in close, need to stay out of the red circle (like duh) and had to hit every green healing circle possible even if I did not need it at the time since it is a HOT and will keep your life up even as she pummels you.



Yes she is a truck in overdrive when she hits you and she stuns you constantly but definitely doable.


I still find it funny that people cry that the game is too easy and when they give us a fight that is NOT easy and a real challenge they whine that its "TOO HARD" .


OBTW I do not have any set gear I do not have any raid gear I only had two 230 pieces from Command Crates and the rest 216. Yes I died but I learned and adapted. If a squishy Sentinel can do it any other class that is not as squishy can do it too. Going to try it next on my Vanguard and see what the difference is.


Adapt or Die......

Edited by denavin
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The first time for me I got blown out over into empty space. Second time I had no problems as I watched where I was and it helped on the second time when Lord Dramath went after her and had argo out near where the healing circles came by. With that happening I just stayed back by the stairs and let Lord Dramath kill her. When that was happening I didn't fire off a single attack so as not to draw argo. Between the healing circles and Lord Dramath she was dead in no time.
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I'm guessing that this fight is a lot like the eternal championship, where depending on what class you are playing, you will have a very different experience. Then complicate this with the fact that in this fight some people have a companion and some don't, and some people are fighting both Arcann and Vaylin.


I got lucky and did this on a DPS-specced Jedi Guardian, which made it much easier. I'm nervous now about doing it on my gunslinger. :o


For those of you talking about being stun-locked, is Arcann also in your fight? Because that was one of his moves. The first time I did this, Arcann grabbed me and just starting throwing me in the air and pounding me into the floor over and over, and I don't recall my escape working to get out of it. It went on for what seemed like forever, until almost all my health was gone, and then he simply threw me over the edge and I died.


The next time I threw everything I had at him right away and he died surprisingly quickly.


I see someone in this thread mentioned that Vaylin was able to attack them even when they were hiding behind the stairs. I was able to LOS her and I don't recall her being able to hit me. The hardest part was staying in the purple circle...she moves around and I can see this being a big problem for gunslingers and snipers. The fight was tedious, but as long as I ran out of her red circle, I was able to stay out of the bulk of her damage.

Edited by CloudCastle
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No, I agree it's overtuned in Story mode. I actually popped open my book to double check it hadn't accidentally activated Veteran mode through a bug or something. I think the fight was designed with the premises of having the companion there (Lord Dramath if you didn't free him from the Holocron) so anyone who made the LS choice of freeing him is struggling quite a bit more.


I'm in the same boat, my Jedi Shadow freed him as well and then died over and over in this fight fighting alone against Vaylin. I will say the advise given here about the circles helped a lot and I was eventually able to beat her, but OMG was that a long and tedious fight....thank the Force for sprint abilities :)

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I'm guessing that this fight is a lot like the eternal championship, where depending on what class you are playing, you will have a very different experience. Then complicate this with the fact that in this fight some people have a companion and some don't, and some people are fighting both Arcann and Vaylin.


I got lucky and did this on a DPS-specced Jedi Guardian, which made it much easier. I'm nervous now about doing it on my gunslinger. :o


For those of you talking about being stun-locked, is Arcann also in your fight? Because that was one of his moves. The first time I did this, Arcann grabbed me and just starting throwing me in the air and pounding me into the floor over and over, and I don't recall my escape working to get out of it. It went on for what seemed like forever, until almost all my health was gone, and then he simply threw me over the edge and I died.


The next time I threw everything I had at him right away and he died surprisingly quickly.


I see someone in this thread mentioned that Vaylin was able to attack them even when they were hiding behind the stairs. I was able to LOS her and I don't recall her being able to hit me. The hardest part was staying in the purple circle...she moves around and I can see this being a big problem for gunslingers and snipers. The fight was tedious, but as long as I ran out of her red circle, I was able to stay out of the bulk of her damage.


I had Arcann and Vaylin to fight. Took out Arcann first. He doesn't hit like Vaylin so is easier to kill. Then after he is down I went after Vaylin. All the while I had Lord Dramath. I was on my Damage specc'd Sentinel

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If anyone is going into this with a sorc/sage and having trouble, switch into heal spec. Even in pretty crappy gear (200s mostly, few higher) I was able to heal myself faster than she could damage me while slowly chipping away at her health.


What I did was just sit at the bottom of the stairs bashing her at melee range healing myself as needed (did more healing than bashing TBH), then when she starts charging her overload ability, I run up to the throne, heal up to max, let force recover and after she fires off the ability I run back down, rinse wash repeat.


Takes a long time to finally get her down but pretty safe.


As an alternate, you could not bother trying to damage her yourself and just lure her into the health clouds. Would probably be faster.

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That fight is actually preety easy, you have to fight her in close range, inside that purple circle, then when she starts charging up her big attack that throws you around, there is going to be a big red circle on the ground, you have to get out of that whole area and she wont hit you at all. And remember to keep an eye out for those green healing circles that go around the area


Actually, you don't really have to get out of the red circle. As long as you can put a solid object (pillar, corner of the steps, etc.) between you and Vaylin when she lets her charge go, you'll be fine, whether you're inside the circle or not.


Also, keep your eyes open for the green circles floating around the ground. They pop up pretty frequently and will keep you alive for that fight. Honestly, it's not a hard fight if you learn the mechanics. It's just long and drawn out. I did it just fine without the ghost companion. The only reason I died my first time through was being thrown off the edge, but then I learned that getting behind something when Vaylin pops protects me, and it was an easy fight from there on.

Edited by DarthPrimus
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Curious. Are the people being stunlocked by Vaylin making sure they are CONSTANTLY running away from her? I found that actually trying to stand in there and fight her is precisely the wrong thing to do.


I beat this fight as a fully LS sentinel without the companion and died the first few tries, but then figured out the mechanics. Basically I ran like hell and kept popping transcendence and all my other defensive cooldowns every single time they were up.


Vaylin's myriad of CCs can be broken by your movement breaking ability. And Force Overload can simply be avoided. When you see the giant red circle, just run out of it.


The reason you want to constantly keep running is because of her purple aura, her stuns, and the memory healing. I read some people are saying stand in it but there's no way my sent can withstand 5k damage every second or so. Seriously just stay the eff away from her and use a combination of your ranged abilities and defenses. When your at 100% health, charge in and start hitting her as hard as you can as fast as you can. Then get the eff away from her again, find a green healing circle, and go back to range.


It takes a while to beat her this way but it worked for me. Combat sents have good DPS and powerful defensive cooldowns. I would imagine this fight would be no problem at all for sorcs and SAGES with their dots, bubbles, instacast procs, and phase walk.

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Spirit Vailyn is tough yes but doable. Did her on my Sentinel one of of the squishyist classes.

Had some trouble but once I figured out what needed to be done it was not too bad. Had to fight her in close, need to stay out of the red circle (like duh) and had to hit every green healing circle possible even if I did not need it at the time since it is a HOT and will keep your life up even as she pummels you.



Yes she is a truck in overdrive when she hits you and she stuns you constantly but definitely doable.


I still find it funny that people cry that the game is too easy and when they give us a fight that is NOT easy and a real challenge they whine that its "TOO HARD" .


OBTW I do not have any set gear I do not have any raid gear I only had two 230 pieces from Command Crates and the rest 216. Yes I died but I learned and adapted. If a squishy Sentinel can do it any other class that is not as squishy can do it too. Going to try it next on my Vanguard and see what the difference is.


Adapt or Die......


You realize its only ever the try hards that say its too easy right? Like I have never posted that, 90% of players have never posted that, but we will cry when you make something mandatory (ie in the story chain), too hard. It's why they made all those story chain FPs with a solo mode god droid for us.

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I absolutely cannot beat her as Marauder, and I don't know why. I've been following the advice of the forums, but I've been running into these issues;


- Kiting her doesn't do anything, as she continues to jump to me, and the moment that happens it is all over because then I get stuck in a stunlock.


- I rely heavily on those green orbs to survive, and because of that, I get no damage out to her. I've tried grabbing the first one and then getting her with the second and vis versa, but she always manages to get me into a stun lock afterwards. The longer the fight drags on, the more of a chance I'm going to mess up. Last time I got her down to 25% and she decided to run through the stairs to get to me.


Do I suck? Sure. I play the game for the storyline and experience, I'm not the best player and I know there are mistakes I'm making while playing this class, and because of that I wish I had known keeping that spirit would have saved me a lot of frustration at the end of the game, at the time I thought keeping him would have caused a lot more issues down the road.

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I absolutely cannot beat her as Marauder, and I don't know why. I've been following the advice of the forums, but I've been running into these issues;


- Kiting her doesn't do anything, as she continues to jump to me, and the moment that happens it is all over because then I get stuck in a stunlock.


- I rely heavily on those green orbs to survive, and because of that, I get no damage out to her. I've tried grabbing the first one and then getting her with the second and vis versa, but she always manages to get me into a stun lock afterwards. The longer the fight drags on, the more of a chance I'm going to mess up. Last time I got her down to 25% and she decided to run through the stairs to get to me.


Do I suck? Sure. I play the game for the storyline and experience, I'm not the best player and I know there are mistakes I'm making while playing this class, and because of that I wish I had known keeping that spirit would have saved me a lot of frustration at the end of the game, at the time I thought keeping him would have caused a lot more issues down the road.


My discipline's Annihilation and I treated Vaylin like I do players in PvP, I slammed on what damage I could when I was full health and saved things like Undying Rage for when I was desperate. My first four attempts were all pretty bad, she stayed above 75%. Fifth attempt, I did it despite some close calls. It's an unfair fight, truly and LS notwithstanding, I will suck up the DS points on every character just not to go through that again.


At the moment, at least on Harbinger, the lag is insane (and it doesn't really seem to be any more populated than peak times so hopefully maintenance will fix things). I'm also playing from Australia so double joy for low responsiveness. It's times like this I remember no matter how bad my lag is, I'm still relatively decent at my main class. The only reason I was able to get through that fight was from lessons learned in PvP and tactical FPs and the stun locks... at least in PvP, I eventually go white bar and can't get stunned for a moment.


For me, it was risk management and sometimes letting bleeds lapse to stay alive. That idiot complaining about the amount of defensive moves Marauders have- they were all lifesavers. Her AOE attack at 30 stacks was really easy to avoid, the best was when the green health circles were at the entrance because she lets off you for a moment and you can heal.


Any time I could pop Bloodthirst, Berserk or Predation I was doing so, the latter was a good cleanse, run like hell and the first two let me up damage and bleed heals. This said, I was in mostly 208 PvP gear with a few of the green drops with my complete PvP set bonus, which essentially was good for endgame all the way up to story mode Operations pre 5.0.


The fight as said, badly tuned and really needs work on Story Mode.

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My discipline's Annihilation and I treated Vaylin like I do players in PvP, I slammed on what damage I could when I was full health and saved things like Undying Rage for when I was desperate. My first four attempts were all pretty bad, she stayed above 75%. Fifth attempt, I did it despite some close calls.


At the moment, at least on Harbinger, the lag is insane (and it doesn't really seem to be any more populated than peak times so hopefully maintenance will fix things). I'm also playing from Australia so double joy for low responsiveness. It's times like this I remember no matter how bad my lag is, I'm still relatively decent at my main class. The only reason I was able to get through that fight was from lessons learned in PvP and tactical FPs and the stun locks... at least in PvP, I eventually go white bar and can't get stunned for a moment.


For me, it was risk management and sometimes letting bleeds lapse to stay alive. That idiot complaining about the amount of defensive moves Marauders have- they were all lifesavers. Her AOE attack at 30 stacks was really easy to avoid, the best was when the green health circles were at the entrance because she lets off you for a moment and you can heal.


Any time I could pop Bloodthirst, Berserk or Predation I was doing so, the latter was a good cleanse, run like hell and the first two let me up damage and bleed heals. This said, I was in mostly 208 PvP gear with a few of the green drops with my complete PvP set bonus, which essentially was good for endgame all the way up to story mode Operations pre 5.0.


The fight as said, badly tuned and really needs work on Story Mode.


The fight is tuned for 204 if you have Lord Dramath and 208 if you don't.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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this is undoubtedly the stupidest fight I have ever tried to do in my life. oh I just love getting bounced around like a basketball on my bounty hunter it's so fun NOT...who the hell ever thought up this fight ought to be fired. I have tried over 10 times now and die everytime. this is NOT a fight for a solo player. seriously bioware you need to rethink this fight or give us a way to heal. at this rate my bounty hunter will not finish this as it is just impossible for me to do. for those saying it's not hard I beg to differ. :mad:
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