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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW : you expect me to grind for more than 20 years


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Getting to command level 300 requires around 1.2 M command points

People with family and job may collect on average 1000 CP --> 1200 days --> 3.3 years

( unless performing excessive PVP win trading )


An SM operstion nets around 800 to 1200 CP and I do not run them daily, HC ist out of reach with 230-equippment


With a minimum of 6 chars, 3 roles per side this requires 20 years of grinding and I doubt that this game will see the year 2018


This game makes no sense anymore

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Getting to command level 300 requires around 1.2 M command points

People with family and job may collect on average 1000 CP --> 1200 days --> 3.3 years

( unless performing excessive PVP win trading )


An SM operstion nets around 800 to 1200 CP and I do not run them daily, HC ist out of reach with 230-equippment


With a minimum of 6 chars, 3 roles per side this requires 20 years of grinding and I doubt that this game will see the year 2018


This game makes no sense anymore


It's the same thing in all games, the guy or girl with most free time will complete it faster then the guy with family and a job, maybe it's time for you to put the game behind you if you lack the time for it. It's the same thing with a job, the guy who works harder and more often earns more $.


I think it's a bit nuts too but hey you'll be able to buy the best gear from crafters too remember that with the only difference being the lack of set bonuses.

Edited by Gray
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Story Uprisings and warzones are both pretty quick, ~15 and ~12-10 respectively and each net around 500. Play 2 hours a day and you're looking at 4000/day. 312 days to hit max, and you'll probably be fully geared well before then. I do expect them to make CP easier to get over time, but this is very alt unfriendly.
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It's the same thing in all games, the guy or girl with most free time will complete it faster then the guy with family and a job, maybe it's time for you to put the game behind you if you lack the time for it. It's the same thing with a job, the guy who works harder and more often earns more $.




Interesting, the hard core raiders already left the game and now any non-24/7 grinder shall also leave?


How many people will remain and why?

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Why are you so focused in reaching 300? You'll be receiving great gear before 300.

I can't speak for the OP, but for myself, my primary way of playing SWTOR since my guild evaporated (over lack of new group content) is to pug flashpoints and operations and PvP.


Perhaps you're mainly a solo player, in which case, lack of gear won't affect you very much. But for myself, when I have excellent gear, it is easier for me to "pick up the slack" if I run with a poor group.


When my characters were geared, I didn't suddenly say "well, there's nothing left to do". Instead, it was "now I can play any group content with a random group and have a better chance of succeeding"


Do you follow? Gear wasn't the END, it was the MIDDLE.


Then there's PvP. I had 208s on my main PvP toons really quickly. Along with most everyone else. Meaning that (for the most part) everyone had good gear parity. Which is more fun.


Now, with 5.0, we have the lengthiest PvP gearing process since Battlemaster bags. No longer can you quickly catch up with PvP gear. Instead, you're either going to


a) Grind grind grind grind grind, or

b) Fall behind others that grind grind grind grind.

Edited by Khevar
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Command Levels are meant to be a long term goal.

Something to be slowly ground out for as long as you play the game.

You aren't SUPPOSED to max the things out, at least not for a very, very, long time.

Command Levels represent your advancement after you have hit Max. Level, ground out all the best gear, and completed all the repeatable missions a million times each.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I know as well as you do that some maniac out there will find a way to do it in, like, a week.

And then show up on the Forums demanding massive Nerfs because it is "too easy". At least if you follow their instructions. Which requires a 500 person Guild, 150,000,000,000 Credits, beginning with all the very best Gear in the game, using exactly the 'right' skills, every Companion maxed out at 50 influence, and for you to replace all food, sleep, and human interaction with Monster Energy Drinks.

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I can't speak for the OP, but for myself, my primary way of playing SWTOR since my guild evaporated (over lack of new group content) is to pug flashpoints and operations and PvP.


Perhaps you're mainly a solo player, in which case, lack of gear won't affect you very much. But for myself, when I have excellent gear, it is easier for me to "pick up the slack" if I run with a poor group.


When my characters were geared, I didn't suddenly say "well, there's nothing left to do". Instead, it was "now I can play any group content with a random group and have a better chance of succeeding"


Do you follow? Gear wasn't the END, it was the MIDDLE.


Then there's PvP. I had 208s on my main PvP toons really quickly. Along with most everyone else. Meaning that (for the most part) everyone had good gear parity. Which is more fun.


Now, with 5.0, we have the lengthiest PvP gearing process since Battlemaster bags. No longer can you quickly catch up with PvP gear. Instead, you're either going to


a) Grind grind grind grind grind, or

b) Fall behind others that grind grind grind grind.


I have 220 gear and every rng box has given me some sort of 230 gear. I'm on level 4. First box gave me a modable 230 lightsaber. I'm quite happy. I don't know can you still do ops in 220-230 gear?

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I have 220 gear and every rng box has given me some sort of 230 gear. I'm on level 4. First box gave me a modable 230 lightsaber. I'm quite happy. I don't know can you still do ops in 220-230 gear?

No wonder you're so chipper. Mainhand in the first box.

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Nevermind if/when or ever you reach level 300.

They will abandon this system also eventually, just like about everything in this game, commendations, crystals, reputations, achievements, command levels are just the new shiny system to be abandoned in the future, having all your investment in it wiped.

Edited by Galahard
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I would be much much happier if they allowed us to earn the command xp over legacy, so that I don't always have to play the same character. I'd like a bit of variety when I play, especially when I have to repeat content over and over...at least one variable should change and that should be the PC. At least that would change it up a little bit.


I would like to earn command xp in a reasonable fashion. I spend a fair bit of time playing, but I do have a life and don't wish to devote 20 years to pixels that will eventually vanish through no decision or control of my own.

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I have 220 gear and every rng box has given me some sort of 230 gear. I'm on level 4. First box gave me a modable 230 lightsaber. I'm quite happy. I don't know can you still do ops in 220-230 gear?


That's nice for you. But your selfish white knighting of EAWare is ignoring the many other people who have posted on this forum saying they haven't received ANY gear from the boxes AT ALL. Good for you on the RNG liking you, but you alone are not the be all and end all determinant on whether this system is good or not for the game. Get your nose out of your rear end and look around.

Edited by AscendingSky
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you don't start getting the top tier gear until level 200 or so so not for 2 years.


This. This so much. I play this game to have fun, not as a second job, and thanks to the idiotic Command crate RNG gearing system I would need to treat it like a second job to have ANY chance of a worthwhile payback--and just a chance, because all the boxes are random and not at all reflective of the effort I put in!

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Some of the posters seem to be unaware that there is a 23,400 or so weekly limit on CXP which the team has said they don't expect to be achieved without an exploit.


So, you can't do 4,000 or more per day regularly.


THANK YOU. Another point the mindless, ignorant white knights for EAWare are avoiding addressing that proves this whole RNG gearing system is awful.

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Some of the posters seem to be unaware that there is a 23,400 or so weekly limit on CXP which the team has said they don't expect to be achieved without an exploit.


So, you can't do 4,000 or more per day regularly.


There is a cap, but I'm fairly certain that 23,400 is not the real number. I've been playing somewhat casually and just hit command rank 13, which requires 17k or so CXP, and there have been posters here saying that they are much higher than I am. This would be impossible if the cap were as small as 23,400.

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Command Levels are meant to be a long term goal.

Something to be slowly ground out for as long as you play the game.

You aren't SUPPOSED to max the things out, at least not for a very, very, long time.

Command Levels represent your advancement after you have hit Max. Level, ground out all the best gear, and completed all the repeatable missions a million times each.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I know as well as you do that some maniac out there will find a way to do it in, like, a week.

And then show up on the Forums demanding massive Nerfs because it is "too easy". At least if you follow their instructions. Which requires a 500 person Guild, 150,000,000,000 Credits, beginning with all the very best Gear in the game, using exactly the 'right' skills, every Companion maxed out at 50 influence, and for you to replace all food, sleep, and human interaction with Monster Energy Drinks.

That would be fine if it wasn't tied to end-game gearing.


Post-max-level progression systems (let's call it a PMP for short) are fine on paper, but to tie one into the only, and RNG, path for gearing is asinine. The two philosophies don't mix. PMP systems are meant to give people something extra to progress on the side at max level; something distinctively non-essential but nonetheless interesting. In this way, people don't burn through it as fast and they aren't bothered if it takes a while, as it's just icing. It's a motivation to keep logging in, but it's not what you log in to do.


Post-max-level gearing (we'll call it PMG) is meant to prepare people for different tiers of power/difficulty at end-game; thus there is always a push to gear up fast, so that the top tier can be played, competitively.


What BW ended up with is a system where the success of one end is the failure of the other.


If Player A plays the system like a PMP (e.g. slow and steady, as a side attraction) then they take forever to gear and never get to play the game at the level they want to play it at... they then lose interest because they never reach the level that they are intended to be able to play at.


If Player A plays the system like a PMG (e.g. fast and furious, trying to gear up fast) then they burn through the side attraction aspect of it and although they can play at top tier, they now have no PMP to help hold their interest in the game. Progression is now meaningless for them, aka: they are back at square one, pre-5.0 environment.


What BW has essentially created is a system that unwittingly forces players into a position where they have to chose between wasting the motivational value of the PMP, or not participating in top tier competitive play.


In this system, everyone loses. BW and us.

Edited by Rolodome
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There is a cap, but I'm fairly certain that 23,400 is not the real number. I've been playing somewhat casually and just hit command rank 13, which requires 17k or so CXP, and there have been posters here saying that they are much higher than I am. This would be impossible if the cap were as small as 23,400.


You've only gotten 17K, how does that prove that the weekly limit cannot be 23,400 (or 23,800)?!


Anyone who has hit the limit or reached 24K this week can post a screenshot and we can go from there.

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Getting to command level 300 requires around 1.2 M command points

People with family and job may collect on average 1000 CP --> 1200 days --> 3.3 years

( unless performing excessive PVP win trading )


An SM operstion nets around 800 to 1200 CP and I do not run them daily, HC ist out of reach with 230-equippment


With a minimum of 6 chars, 3 roles per side this requires 20 years of grinding and I doubt that this game will see the year 2018


This game makes no sense anymore


Well there are ways around it, Im a family man myself and am able to play 12 hours per week, still i was able to get it to 52k achievement points (just saying cause those take time). Like yesterday we did premade ranked groups with friends and since there was bonus for ranked i was getting over 1000 cxp for each match (i won all 7 matches) so i gained 7 ranks just yesterday.

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