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My lovely Cathar looks stupid now!


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And it's not just one top that is causing this problem. Unless your Cathar is black or white furred, the head fur simply doesn't match the body fur with *any* top anymore, it's just a shade of color off. I don't think it's the armor that's broken, it's the Cathar fur colors that have shifted slightly, or possibly a combination of the two. But BW definitely needs to look at the Cathar models with any top that shows where the neck and torso meet and fix the shading to match again.
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Did your Cathar spend a whole day under the sun while wearing a round neck t-shirt? :p


Seriously though, I hope this gets fixed, especially since Cathar is a Cartel Market purchase.


Cathar bounty hunter: ...Torian.

Torian: Hm?

Cathar: Why. Did we not. Wear helmets. ON FLIPPIN' TATOOINE.

Torian: *is beet red* I have no idea.

Cathar: *has turned a fine shade of burnt orange* I think I can actually smell my fur burning...


Yeah, this is...more than annoying. Heck, my cathar lady finally got comfortable with her appearance (she was always insecure about her looks, poor thing)...and now her lovely brown fur has been torched to something resembling a roasted carrot.

It badly clashes with blue Mandalorian armor, let me tell you that. :p

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I've had a similar issue with Vette where her torso is "white" and her head and hands are blue, but it only happens in some cutscenes. She looks normal the rest of the time.

That's really odd. I know that used to be a problem with Ashara (the only Togruta companion) - if you put armour on her that wasn't entirely concealing, it revealed that her body was white. It was just the head and hands that were actually coloured. Not sure why a Twi'lek would be running into that issue though.


Cathar bounty hunter: ...Torian.

Torian: Hm?

Cathar: Why. Did we not. Wear helmets. ON FLIPPIN' TATOOINE.

Torian: *is beet red* I have no idea.

Cathar: *has turned a fine shade of burnt orange* I think I can actually smell my fur burning...


Yeah, this is...more than annoying. Heck, my cathar lady finally got comfortable with her appearance (she was always insecure about her looks, poor thing)...and now her lovely brown fur has been torched to something resembling a roasted carrot.

It badly clashes with blue Mandalorian armor, let me tell you that. :p


Haha right?! Totally looks like they've been sunburned! And I don't know if you're rping the insecurities bit about your Cathar, but it took me forever to find good looking appearance settings for mine, and now that I'm finally so happy with her she goes and changes fur colours! Haha

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  • 2 weeks later...
This reminds me of what happened to my female Mon Calamari in SWG. (It was decided that Mon Calamari females should have totally flat chests, so the model was changed, however when they implemented that change to the character models they accidentally reset every aspect of the physical appearance of female Mon Calamaris. In other words, they changed the skin color, height, weight, etc., of ALL female Mon Cals and that game had a lot more customization possibilities in character creation. :mad: .)
Turbine did much the same thing to people when they "upgraded" the graphics for Asheron's Call. Along with the "upgrade", they significantly reduced the customization options at character creation. And that had the effect of altering many players' characters, sometimes rather drastically. But even folks who only had subtle changes to a character's appearance were ... not very happy about it.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just...giving this a leeeeetle bump. My cathar still looks like a roasted carrot. :/ Seems to be only for cathar (possibly only female cathar?) who have the light brown fur color (fur color 1 in character creation). Or what used to be light brown; it's changed to an ugly burnt orange even in character creation screen.


Mayyyyybe this'll be fixed soon...? Hopefully...?

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