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How to beat Vaylin in Chapter 9


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So I've run into the issue that I can't beat Vaylin during the last part of Chapter 9. I've tried everything. I can't beat her because I do almost no damage to her, have no ways to heal myself, and she catches me with the force slam and there is almost nothing I can do to beat her.


I play a level 70 Jedi Shadow with the tank build. I seriously need some hints on how to make this fight easier on myself, because all I'm doing is making myself hate this game more and more because I can't beat her.


Anyone have any advice?

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Try to fight her near the throne, when she starts to use her aoe ability, run to the healing thing, lure her into it (she would get some damage) or heal yourself ( you still need to lure her in those things at least twice, though, it would really speed up the whole process), get back to the throne. Repeat till she's dead. I used this tactic on my smuggler and managed to kill in 6-7 min but i can heal myself so it was easier. Hope it helps!
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Stick close to the stairs (underneath the throne) so that she can't one shot you by knocking you off the ledge.


Vaylin reflects all ranged damage that isn't within practically melee range, so even if you're a ranged class you want to fight her close.


Whenever your health drops down to about halfway, run away from her and hit one of the floating healing circles. Since you said you have no way to heal, I'm assuming you haven't seen those yet. There are green circles that keep spawning and roam slowly around the fight area. If you run into them you get healed.


Abilities that give your character a speed boast or leap forward are worth using if you have a class that has one, when it is time to run to one of the healing circles. On my Sentinel I used Blade Blitz. They aren't necessary, but do help in avoiding excess damage or a stun on your way there.


Always return to your spot beneath the throne after healing, don't fight her anywhere else.


Use interrupts whenever she starts channeling an ability.


Run whenever she gets ready to do that AOE (I think it's called Overload, or something similar) that puts a large red circle down on the ground. Putting part of the stair platform between you and her will also shield you from it, even if you aren't completely out of the killzone.


If you do all of the above the fight is actually rather easy, if time consuming. I died a couple times, but once I figured it out it was simple.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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There are friendly orbs floating around that can heal you if you step into the area. Additionally if you don't really need the health boost at the time you can have Vaylin step into them instead and it will deal a good amount of damage to her.

The center of these are marked for some reason as friendly npcs and are susceptible to her knockback attack so they can be blasted out of the area if hit. Took a while to learn it all on my scoundrel healer as well.

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OK Stupid Question time. Do you mean at the Top of the stairs by the throne, or the bottom of the stairs by the Throne...


She's kicked my backside so many times, I could ID every Polygon on that set...



Stick close to the stairs (underneath the throne) so that she can't one shot you by knocking you off the ledge.


Vaylin reflects all ranged damage that isn't within practically melee range, so even if you're a ranged class you want to fight her close.


Whenever your health drops down to about halfway, run away from her and hit one of the floating healing circles. Since you said you have no way to heal, I'm assuming you haven't seen those yet. There are green circles that keep spawning and roam slowly around the fight area. If you run into them you get healed.


Abilities that give your character a speed boast or leap forward are worth using if you have a class that has one, when it is time to run to one of the healing circles. On my Sentinel I used Blade Blitz. They aren't necessary, but do help in avoiding excess damage or a stun on your way there.


Always return to your spot beneath the throne after healing, don't fight her anywhere else.


Use interrupts whenever she starts channeling an ability.


Run whenever she gets ready to do that AOE (I think it's called Overload, or something similar) that puts a large red circle down on the ground. Putting part of the stair platform between you and her will also shield you from it, even if you aren't completely out of the killzone.


If you do all of the above the fight is actually rather easy, if time consuming. I died a couple times, but once I figured it out it was simple.

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Once you know/understand the mechanics of this fight it's fairly easy even playing LS. It took me a few tries to get the hang of it but it wasn't too bad in the end. And I suck at this game at times. :D


First you have to get in Vaylin's face and STAY THERE or at least within the violet circle she has around her as she is vulnerable to all damage dealt WITHIN the circle. Also keep an eye out for green glowing circles that you'll eventually see making their way around the battle area, as this is how you get healed if you don't have the force ghost from the holocron. They're called a memory of healing or something like that.


See the green glowing circles? Run over to them ideally with Vaylin nipping at your heels as she won't always follow. Get the healing circle to pop so it heals you and it also seemed to deal damage to Vaylin if she's close enough when it goes off.


Avoiding Vaylin's annoying AoE attack that can knock you off the platform if you're unlucky is a bit of a pain but what I found worked for me was to stay near the base of the staircase with my back to them and slightly to the side so when Vaylin popped her AoE I was knock into the staircase and not blown off the platform.


Hope it helps :D

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Took me a few tries. The key thing is that it's a battle of attrition. You've got to wear her down slowly. Move into her damage zone (the darkish aura that surrounds her) give her a few good whacks or drop your DoTs or whatever, then move out and head for a healing memory to restore your health. And pretty much repeat this process. Her health will slowly buy surely go down.


-- If you have to put some distance from her in order to get to a healing memory, chances are she'll do her force overload. Keep out of its AoE range.


-- Sometimes, when there were no healing memories around, running near their spawn points seemed to bring them up for me.


-- If she catches you with her force slam, which does huge damage to you, use your stun-breaking move quickly to get out of it.


-- If your character can off-heal, this can get you out of some tight scrapes...if you've mistimed something and find yourself in a bind.


-- I think if you can manage to time hitting a healing memory while also within Vaylin's damage zone, it will do damage to her. But that can be a tricky thing and sometimes it's better to just get the heal to stay in the fight. Where possible try to kite her to those memories before hitting them.


That's all I can think of. It's just a matter of slowly grinding her health down. Lots of engage and retreat, engage and retreat.

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I just kited her around the stairs at the bottom of the throne. They give you a great area for it. If I needed healing... I went to the green floaty orbs. When she began casting that really long thing... I ran out of LOS, and hid until she finished.


Takes a while, but it's doable. I had more trouble with Valkorian then Vaylin.

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This fight is either super easy or pretty hard, depending:



- If you picked the "imprison Tenebrae's father in the holocron" option a few chapters back, you get him as a companion, and this is not hard at all

- If you set him free, this fight is solo and is much harder



For me the key to the solo fight is to fight near the bottom of the stairs. It's close to two healing orb spawn points, and those do huge damage if you kite Vaylin into them. Plus, when she starts her giant AE, you can run up the stairs to avoid it.


But yeah, this one took me a few tries. I actually upgraded my field repair droid because of this fight.

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I just wanted to chime in with my strategy.

I fought him solo as a smuggler.

I tried staying near stairs like most suggested but that didnt really work for me. Heres what I did.


Covered at start point , fired one shot to get her to come in. Then I stayed there and fought until she used overload ( the big aoe) . the healing circles will start there and hit you before you die. when she starts overload i ran up the stairs out of the way, after it went off i looked on the side of stairs for the healing circle and then went back to where i started, and repeat that

hope this helps. good luck!

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This encounter is crappy. I'm a sage and I found, to my dismay, that I can no longer easily use my saber because my saber slash was replaced with "impending slash" which allows me to swing my saber ONCE and then a countdown begins before I can use it again. My movements become sluggish and I can't move very well. Even when I kite Vaylin into a healing circle, I can't even reach the other circle or to a safer place without automatically dying. Kinetic throw is useless on her. :mad:
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And another thing; why did those who chose the Dark Side get rewarded with a companion to fight Vaylin? "Oh look! You did a good thing and chose the Dark Side and imprisoned the dark lord to be your slave! Attaboy! Now you get help fighting Vaylin's spirit while the Light Siders can go suck eggs!"
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This encounter is crappy. I'm a sage and I found, to my dismay, that I can no longer easily use my saber because my saber slash was replaced with "impending slash" which allows me to swing my saber ONCE and then a countdown begins before I can use it again. My movements become sluggish and I can't move very well. Even when I kite Vaylin into a healing circle, I can't even reach the other circle or to a safer place without automatically dying. Kinetic throw is useless on her. :mad:


follow my walkthrough above, you can beat her by basically not moving as much at all, i never worried about kite to the healing circles, since if you stay at the start you will get a few on here anyway when they generate there.

Edited by Amazombie
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follow my walkthrough above, you can beat her by basically not moving as much at all, i never worried about kite to the healing circles, since if you stay at the start you will get a few on here anyway when they generate there.


Sorry, but no, that doesn't work for me. I don't have the freedom of movement that you're describing. I'm always getting caught and mercilessly slammed to a point so close to death that I haven't got a chance before she catches me again.

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Ok. I tried to do this. A lot. Failed and was ready to scream.


Then magically, I don't know how this worked, but next to the front of the stairs (not underneath). There are some rocks. i was standing there, and somehow, vaylin electrocuted herself. fight was over in 30 seconds. I haven't repeated it, but i'm assuming those rocks absorb and redirect the lightning.

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quest is alot easier if you kept valk's father sealed. he would have joined you for the fight


I have to agree on this. I had him on heals so I had the extra heal plus Vaylin will switch back and forth between you and him. When he had her aggro is when I could damage her a lot. And when she turned to me, I just kept running, kiting until she stopped her channeling. Staying out of the circles she creates as much as possible. I know its harder if you are a melee class but still doable.


If you don't have Valk's father then you have to use the healing things that float around. It does make the fight last longer though.

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And another thing; why did those who chose the Dark Side get rewarded with a companion to fight Vaylin? "Oh look! You did a good thing and chose the Dark Side and imprisoned the dark lord to be your slave! Attaboy! Now you get help fighting Vaylin's spirit while the Light Siders can go suck eggs!"


Because, if you are a full DS char...



...and killed Arcann, on chapter 9 you'll fight Vaylin and Arcann's spirits at the same time.


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Beating Vaylin in 5 minutes ( does not matter what class you are)


1. Get some heal pots from fleet for emergency before starting fight


2. When fight starts either hit Vaylin with a range strike or melee just once. Then run around the stairs avoid the purple circle. When the heal circles appear if you are under half hitpoints use the circle to heal. If you are above half hps, then train Vaylin into circle. The circle will do massive damage to Vaylin. Once Vaylin is in circle she will loose about 1/4 total hps and be stunned. Use Force power and run away to make her run toward you. Use the next healing circle on yourself. You need to put Vaylin in 4 circles and the circles will kill her.

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Beating Vaylin in 5 minutes ( does not matter what class you are)


1. Get some heal pots from fleet for emergency before starting fight


2. When fight starts either hit Vaylin with a range strike or melee just once. Then run around the stairs avoid the purple circle. When the heal circles appear if you are under half hitpoints use the circle to heal. If you are above half hps, then train Vaylin into circle. The circle will do massive damage to Vaylin. Once Vaylin is in circle she will loose about 1/4 total hps and be stunned. Use Force power and run away to make her run toward you. Use the next healing circle on yourself. You need to put Vaylin in 4 circles and the circles will kill her.


Nope, it doesn't work for me. She grabs me too fast and knocks me up and down like a yoyo. I don't have time to heal before I die. Either they have to make changes to the game, or I'll have to abandon that mission and see if I can start again to where I can enslave the dark lord so that he can help me.

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All the help from you guys helps me getting Vaylin down to about 60 - 50%. After that it does not matter what I do, she always gets me. She does something and my character cannot run or move. By the time it can move again I'm so far down on health that I cannot make it to any healing circle. No, I'm not stunned or similar - after a few times hitting jump I suddenly can move again, but its way too late.


As a trooper I must say this is near impossible if not impossible to win.

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