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Command lvl 10 and I'm already sick of it.


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I am not interested in grinding for points to begin with. I can't see what I am grinding for and relying on random chance is not enough reason to play. There is nothing to do but what has always been available to do in the game so I am out to play Elder Scrolls. I'll subscribe again when the next story expansion is released again.
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Let's run some numbers, shall we?


It takes 1.23 million CXP to get to 300, meaning roughly 23,800 CXP a week.


I farmed the crap out of 3 ops and played through 5 story chapters last night. Ravs, DP, and DF. In roughly 2 hours of ops and 4 hours of story I made command rank 8, so roughly in the vicinity of 6,000 CXP. And the amount to the next level keeps scaling up.


It's possible to do 24,000 CXP a week that means, but an absolute pain in the butt to do so, especially considering we can't do HM ops because literally in the time we could have gotten 15 pieces of story mode ops grade (232) gear for our HM/NiM raiding team, we got a bunch of green and blue trash pieces we threw away.


AFAIK (correct me if I'm wrong), but I read Set Bonus pieces don't start dropping until Command Rank 180, and BIS Gear at Rank 240.


~ Eudoxia


As far as I know the cap is higher then 24k per week. I've just looked at Dulfy's guide, and added up the numbers. I know someone who has done a lot of activities and is rank 19. For that he needed 31,911 Command XP. So the truth is I have no idea where anyone is pulling out numbers like 24k or 26k like I've seen on these forums, we don't know how much we can get per week if we're willing to put in the time. From what I've seen nobody has actually gotten to the weekly cap so far.

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As title says.


This is going to be a long *********** grind for one character, not to mention the rest of my alts.


Unless something changes I doub I'll stick around, anyone else feel the same?


PS. Also, DPS guarding in pvp. Seriously?


I feel your pain. They have turned this game into a Korean hell grind mmo. I don't think im going to stay subbed for this.

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None of you are touching on the MOST IMPORTANT aspect to all of this: barely any new content.


If BW released 5.0 with 5 new flashpoints, new unique story arches for each class, and some sort of innovative end game option (Uprisings are pretty sad) grinding for a year of Command Rank wouldn't be that bad.


Instead, they think they're justified adding a year of grind with no new flashpoints, 9 chapters of story that doesn't differ between classes, Uprisings (a lazy joke), and an entire game of 5 year old content that hasn't seen any real change in the last three years.


Subscribers just spent two years playing the same sh*t over and over with only KOTFE qualifying as a "real" update. Now we have KOTET and are left to grind the same old sh*t for another year.


We are like those battered victims that start to justify their attackers actions. We been without new content for so long that we have even stopped wasting our time asking for it. Sad indeed.

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Need to buff command xp big time. PVE should be in line with pvp in terms of how fast you get command xp. You can get 500-600 xp from a warzone which could last only 5-10 minutes. Doing FP takes 20-30 min, doing uprisings takes 15-20 minutes and that is without wiping, afks or whatever and you only get 400 from storymode uprisings for something which you could be doing 3 warzones and get 4 times as much xp.
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I personally like and hate this new system. The idea of it I love. Being able to get gear anyway you play is awesome. It allows people who enjoy other aspects of the game to get the best gear without doing operations. Its awesome to pvp, gsf, heroics or doing daily's and acquiring gear. Now the part I hate about the new system is the RGN and the amount of a grind it takes. So I love the idea about it, just thought they could of implemented it better.
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you guys are lazy just want everything good and fast


and what will happen if your very fast to 300 with good gear then you gonna say this game is boring bla bla bla


those guys can beter quit this game and start QQ somewhere els


Endless grind of boring content is not content. I wouldn't mind playing PvP for a whole day to be able to afford a piece of armour that I was guaranteed to get. But is it stands now I can get 3 useless pieces in a row.


I want to be able to focus my efforts on getting a certain piece, not pray to RNGeesus that he favours me.

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you guys are lazy just want everything good and fast


and what will happen if your very fast to 300 with good gear then you gonna say this game is boring bla bla bla


those guys can beter quit this game and start QQ somewhere els


This player didn't register on the forums back in 2008 for sure. This player along with other new comers is certainly the intended target for BioWare's recycle deception grind because they are blind.

Edited by Gray
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you guys are lazy just want everything good and fast


and what will happen if your very fast to 300 with good gear then you gonna say this game is boring bla bla bla

Thus speaks someone who thinks that getting gear is the end of the game.


Not everyone is like you. Some of us would actually *gasp* keep playing after getting BiS gear.

Edited by Khevar
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Honestly it's really not that bad. Before you call me a Biodrone or whatever feel free to check out the nasty posts on here and reddit I made towards GC pre-5.0. I wasn't a fan at all, but it's not as terrible as I thought.


I'm still not a fan of RNG, but the reality is that we were spoiled with gear in KOTFE. No one should be able to get a full BiS set in a week, it ruins progression and leaves people with nothing to do once they finish the expansion's content (literally what happened with KOTFE). And yet we have people up in arms on the forums because they're GC Rank 20 and don't have a full set of armor yet....after the first day of playing.


Again, I'm not a huge fan of RNG...but it's really not as bad as everyone says it is. I'm actually really enjoying getting jawa scrap, companion gifts, and adaptive gear with each crate as well. This is coming from someone who loathed the idea of Galactic Command before I tried it out.


Maybe if they had kept it to 100 levels players would be a bit more accepting, but tripling the number of levels (thereby putting tier 3 that much further out) PLUS the RNG lottery?

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Maybe if they had kept it to 100 levels players would be a bit more accepting, but tripling the number of levels (thereby putting tier 3 that much further out) PLUS the RNG lottery?


I believe the intention of the Command Rank Cap increase was to make **** loads of money out of CXP boosters on the Cartel Market in a near future.


100 sounds reasonable and would've been enough but 300.... this is madness.

Edited by Gray
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I'm right there with you OP. This system is neither fun or motivating. It's depressing, I feel like I'm going to work and at the end of the week I draw an envelope out of box and inside the envelope is a check for somewhere between $3 and $3000 but there's a 99.9% chance it will be a check for about $5. If I put the work in I expect to get paid, if I clear bosses I expect gear, if I pvp I expect to be rewarded. What I get is a stupid box full of crap I don't want and the promise that maybe after an endless grind I might get a stupid box with something I do want at some point. What's abundantly clear is that it will take a ludicrous amount of time to get gear for one toon, nevermind 20+ alts. How can this system possibly make sense in a game that has always encouraged you to roll lots of alts? No new ops and now the promise of an indefinite wait before I'll be geared enough to go back and do the content I was already clearing. Who wanted this system? What was wrong with doing the content and getting the gear? If story loving casuals are butthurt because they can't get BiS gear they should remember they don't NEED BiS gear for faceroll easy story content.


This system isn't bad, it's god awful.

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I can't see what I am grinding for and relying on random chance is not enough reason to play.

This is the crux of the RNG Command crates for me. It isn't a matter of, "gee, that's a lot of CXP to grind." It's a matter of, "I don't know what I'd get (or when, or even if), no matter how much CXP I grind."

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Yeah after getting a couple crates in a row of duplicates or inferior gear I'm already getting tired of it. I'm only like 10 levels in but no set bonus gear and getting duplicates already is just tiring. Probably even more tiring is if you get your full 230 gear in like 30 levels then you have 60 levels until tier 2 just praying for set bonus and everything else will be trash.


Atleast make the orange gear legacy and not BoE cause even that is useless.

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Pleasantly surprised that I could craft 228 mods (finally gave in and powerleveled crafting skills). I guess my characters can run slicing and scavenging missions to get enough mats and just keep the old armorings. At least that is a grind with an achievable goal, not just a hope of getting good gear from a lottery.
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. . . you guys do understand that this system is meant to not be something you max out right? It's like the paragon system in Diablo, the higher you go the better it gets, but you're not expected to actually 100% cap.
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. . . you guys do understand that this system is meant to not be something you max out right? It's like the paragon system in Diablo, the higher you go the better it gets, but you're not expected to actually 100% cap.


Diablo is a hack and slash RPG...are you now saying that that's what SWTOR has become? If I play Diablo for 6 hours I get a lot more gear than 5.0 does here. Besides, the Paragon system gives you some bonuses but it's not the gearing system in Diablo and we're talking about gearing here. So do us a favour and don't start comparing apples with pears here.


Also the Paragon system is now account wide, which makes the game more alt friendly. SWTOR 5.0 is currently totally not alt friendly. Honestly, if this were the last expansion of SWTOR going into maintenance mode I would've understood this move.


At the moment though the gear drops per hour are a LOT worse than 4.0 ever was and where in the past I could quickly gear up a few alts with baseline gear so I could support my guild with various roles to fill out the team as needed, that's no longer possible for me.


Some people feel that people are unhappy because they have to work on it but that's complete and utter bull. When I go to work, at the end of the month I expect a paycheck to reward my efforts. I do not expect a lottery to see how much money I get this month and whether or not I will be able to pay my bills or not.


I do not suddenly have more hours to play in the week, so everything will take much longer. Problem is, I don't know how much longer and that means that I won't be able to say for example when we will have a team ready to do the HM content like Rav or Tos that we were doing last week. And if someone can't make it, we won't necessarily have people with the right alts geared to fill the right roles. It's a big step back for people who do the harder content in the game and the fact that it's now a matter of luck whether you get to play those parts of the game is just a big turn off and in my view a huge mistake.

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Diablo is a hack and slash RPG...are you now saying that that's what SWTOR has become? If I play Diablo for 6 hours I get a lot more gear than 5.0 does here. Besides, the Paragon system gives you some bonuses but it's not the gearing system in Diablo and we're talking about gearing here. So do us a favour and don't start comparing apples with pears here.


Also the Paragon system is now account wide, which makes the game more alt friendly. SWTOR 5.0 is currently totally not alt friendly. Honestly, if this were the last expansion of SWTOR going into maintenance mode I would've understood this move.


At the moment though the gear drops per hour are a LOT worse than 4.0 ever was and where in the past I could quickly gear up a few alts with baseline gear so I could support my guild with various roles to fill out the team as needed, that's no longer possible for me.


Some people feel that people are unhappy because they have to work on it but that's complete and utter bull. When I go to work, at the end of the month I expect a paycheck to reward my efforts. I do not expect a lottery to see how much money I get this month and whether or not I will be able to pay my bills or not.


I do not suddenly have more hours to play in the week, so everything will take much longer. Problem is, I don't know how much longer and that means that I won't be able to say for example when we will have a team ready to do the HM content like Rav or Tos that we were doing last week. And if someone can't make it, we won't necessarily have people with the right alts geared to fill the right roles. It's a big step back for people who do the harder content in the game and the fact that it's now a matter of luck whether you get to play those parts of the game is just a big turn off and in my view a huge mistake.


I was using Diablo as an example because the system in spirit is similar. A fair number of people are complaining that they have to grind out a ton now to get to lvl300, and my argument is that you're really not supposed to grind it out like that. It's not the point.


No, as for other issues with the system, those complains may or may not be valid.

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