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So I'm guessing 5.0 rocks.


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Yeah, the bugs are pretty bad. The one for my Darkness Assassin is actually beneficial, but for my Shield Tech it practically breaks the class for me. I don't understand how the shield tech bug got pushed through, it is really obvious and completely breaks your rotation. I noticed something was wrong within the first 5 seconds of hitting a target dummy. They would have to basically never try to QA run the new changes to not notice it. Edited by Rhagthar
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I haven't played much, just testing things out and reporting bugs I find. Found two so far besides the ones that others have found.


I'm not playing myself, I'm going to wait until they fix all of the bugs and maybe, hopefully, change the RnG system a bit. So maybe be back in about 6 months? If at all?

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Yeah, the bugs are pretty bad. The one for my Darkness Assassin is actually beneficial, but for my Shield Tech it practically breaks the class for me. I don't understand how the shield tech bug got pushed through, it is really obvious and completely breaks your rotation. I noticed something was wrong within the first 5 seconds of hitting a target dummy. They would have to basically never try to QA run the new changes to not notice it.


Sigh.. I figured as much, haven't been a fan of 5.0 since I figured out what it really was.

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Yeah, the bugs are pretty bad. The one for my Darkness Assassin is actually beneficial, but for my Shield Tech it practically breaks the class for me. I don't understand how the shield tech bug got pushed through, it is really obvious and completely breaks your rotation. I noticed something was wrong within the first 5 seconds of hitting a target dummy. They would have to basically never try to QA run the new changes to not notice it.


About as good as the tooltips for Arsenal Merc Threat Sensors vs the tooltip for Gunnery Commando Suit FoE. One shows that you have extra stealth detection while the mirror doesn't show that, if it even has it.


These are schoolboy errors, and yet BioWare are meant to be experienced developers.


If they have done QA, then they ignored the feedback from that QA and didn't resolve the problems prior to going live. It's getting old now.

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I've been one of the game's biggest critics in the past month or so, but 5.0 is actually great so far. There are bugs and stuff that happen with any early access, but beyond that I'm actually surprised at how good it is.


The chapters are fun so far, performance upgrades are great, uprisings are better than I thought they'd be, and although I'm not very far into galactic command, I don't think I'll dislike it as much as I thought I would. In fact if I can force myself not to worry about gear this expansion, I'll actually rather enjoy GC. :cool:


I REALLY want them to keep customization on Shae and add that option to the other new companions, but we'll see.

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I've been one of the game's biggest critics in the past month or so, but 5.0 is actually great so far. There are bugs and stuff that happen with any early access, but beyond that I'm actually surprised at how good it is.


The chapters are fun so far, performance upgrades are great, uprisings are better than I thought they'd be, and although I'm not very far into galactic command, I don't think I'll dislike it as much as I thought I would. In fact if I can force myself not to worry about gear this expansion, I'll actually rather enjoy GC. :cool:


I REALLY want them to keep customization on Shae and add that option to the other new companions, but we'll see.


Nice optimism, I wish I could say the same. Unfortunately I have no interest in story content or single player stuff.

Edited by Lithdox
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If minor like unable to play due to freezing and having to headbutt everything


Don't blame the game for your systems inability to preform. I am using an 7 year old system with an old GTX 560 Ti SLI video card. My game only took about 30 min to download and install and the game plays @60FPS with all graphics setting set to max.


The story is very interesting it makes you use your brain to figure out the puzzles and the combat is fast paced and intense.


I am truly sorry if you are having issues but maybe you should look into your internet connect or your system if you are having problems. The performance upgrades they did are spot on.


As far as bugs they minimal and few. The only bug I have run into is the companion crafting interface but that is easily resolved. The credit issue I have been hearing does not exist for me and even if I did loose 2400 credits out of my 15 million then I did not even notice it.


Everyone says Lana and Senya face are wrong.... Don't see it so no idea what they are talking about.


Been reading that people have done the 9 chapters in a few hours.... I call bull scat on that. I have been at it now for 12 hours and still have 4 chapters to go.


Been hearing the exp is broken. Well I hit level 70 at chapter 5 so no idea what the problem is. With only a 25% booster and not using the DvL boost gear, completing a chapter gives me 70% of a level.


Though the whiners will whine and complainers will complain, just to hear the sound of their own voice, I find 5.0 well done, interesting and fun to play.


So yes OP 5.0 rocks... play it and make up your own mind if you like it or not and forget the whiners and complainers since they will always moan and complain no matter what.

Edited by denavin
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I'm not playing myself, I'm going to wait until they fix all of the bugs and maybe, hopefully, change the RnG system a bit. So maybe be back in about 6 months? If at all?


Considering there are still bugs ingame that have been around since the beta, I'd rather say 6 years, give or take :p

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Been reading that people have done the 9 chapters in a few hours.... I call bull scat on that. I have been at it now for 12 hours and still have 4 chapters to go.


Your inability to do something doesn't mean it's impossible. :rak_03:

(French time zone so GMT +1). And I didn't spacebar, not even once and I used my jugg.


Back to topic, there's a lot to say about 5.0. Uprisings are a bad joke and boring. The tuning of veteran KOTET is broken. There are numerous bugs (yet to be discovered).

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What 5.0 delivers


Story-far better than kotfe in pretty much every way. No filler chapters and they all have some interesting mechanics, cinematics, or new gameplay to keep it fresh. If you were worried about having choices actually change things and getting a satisfying payoff then this will be worth it. I think anyone who hasn't played before and puts down $15 to play through kotet will be very happy. Overall it was great and I can't wait to replay certain chapters and do the darkside run through on a different character.


Uprisings and new UI- I actually like the new galactic command UI you can queue up for everything from one spot and overall things have been made more compact and simplified. Uprisings are also pretty fun but I got some major FPS problems despite them saying they improved FPS in the patchnotes when everything it spamming aoe and 20 guys spawn at once it is a nightmare. Overall not too bad the ones I played had a lot of variety in terms of the enemies and gameplay. Favorite one so far was probably the imperial one where you grapple around while fighting mobs. The inferno one with the two sith bosses was actually really hard but I think that was mostly cause the health packs bugged out and didn't respawn. I definitely want to play the rest of them and see more added in the future.


What sucks about 5.0


Bugs-obviously there are quite a few present throughout the story and uprisings. Nothing totally game breaking for me so far but some fairly annoying ones. It might be my PC but sometimes enemy spawns were laggy and the controls for the walker sometimes were not as responsive as I wanted.


Gearing-galactic command crates are not good. Even when I get a gear upgrade I don't really feel a sense of accomplishment in opening a box. Also I'm getting junk aside from the gear. The cosmetic orange gear you get seems totally random I don't know if they ever said which specific sets dropped from command packs but getting a generic BH shell for my assassin isn't very rewarding. The tertiary items are also garbage. Atleast give me reputation tokens for something I'm not already maxed out in. I much preferred alliance crates where you got a guaranteed companion gift and the orange gear you knew what you were getting depending on the type of crate.


Lots of changes need to be made IMO. Increase how fast you earn crates or lower how many levels you need for tier 2/3. Increase command xp for PVE group content. Running a 5 min warzone shouldn't give the same as running 2-3 flashpoints which means buff flashpoints not nerf WZ.


Also getting dark and light tokens seems like a pain. You need to get a command crate within a precise time period and if you get your crate once that time is over you get nothing seems pretty annoying.

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Yes, I expect KotET to be the new "best ever expansion"


Well, so far it HAS been the best. At making me rage.

I still have four chapters to go. There's been some highlights, sure, but unfortunately my monitor has been the recipient of way too many obscenities.


It's so sad that I game I used to love has come to this.

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Well, so far it HAS been the best. At making me rage.

I still have four chapters to go. There's been some highlights, sure, but unfortunately my monitor has been the recipient of way too many obscenities.


It's so sad that I game I used to love has come to this.


I didn't even start it. Updated the launcher last night, but was too occupied with pet battles in WoW :D

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