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So...Is KoTET the Last Expansion?


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Not to spoil the substance but BioWare has been open about claiming the Eternal Throne and becoming galactic top dog as where this ends up. Beyond Uprisings, what is the character supposed to do in the future? Goal? Motivation? Alien invasion?


You fight and beat some of the most dangerous things Star Wars has ever come up with (again, no secret that Arcann was the big enemy of KoTFE and Vaylin needs to go). How is normal RPG content supposed to prove any challenge at all for the Outlander from now on?


So are we done?

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I hope so. We need new Star Wars MMORPG, real MMORPG but not this crap.


You do realise that there is not 2 people on the planet who would agree what a 'real' mmo actually is. Chances are, if you designed an mmo then the only person who would enjoy it would be you, and everyone else would think it is 'crap'.


I for one, am currently enjoying this mmo and I hope it's around for many years to come. Because one thing is for sure, we will never get another star wars mmo.

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I pray for an updated SWG. This game just gets worse and worse. We are Imp vs. Repub; there should be story lines along that theme, not Fallen Empire.


YES please for the updated SWG. Also, I agree with sticking more to being Imp vs Repub.

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Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing how the game grows around the premise of ruling one of the three biggest powers in the galaxy. Who knows where things go from here?


Go out and recruit some more old faces from the class storylines and earlier expansions?


Bonus side mission wherein we play a Knight of Zakuul (or a Scion, or whatever else) following some command of the empire's new leader?


Hell, what about making use of the Legacy system to advance the timeline, actually have kids, and run off doing missions with them as they start to make their own mark on the galaxy?

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I hope so. We need new Star Wars MMORPG, real MMORPG but not this crap.


If SWTOR is shut down, you won't get a replacement Star Wars MMO. EA has the exclusive rights to developing Star Wars games, and they're not going to roll out a new Star Wars MMO if the one that preceded it was losing money.

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If SWTOR is shut down, you won't get a replacement Star Wars MMO. EA has the exclusive rights to developing Star Wars games, and they're not going to roll out a new Star Wars MMO if the one that preceded it was losing money.


Which would be failed logic. They can lose money on console games, but make another? Why not the same thing with an MMO? :p


I have no doubt the problem wasn't "We're not making profits" but rather "We're not making the profits we wanted to make"

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Which would be failed logic. They can lose money on console games, but make another? Why not the same thing with an MMO? :p


I have no doubt the problem wasn't "We're not making profits" but rather "We're not making the profits we wanted to make"



When they bought Bioware from the doctors, they were dreaming that they got a WoW killer.

They just forgot, that if they wanted WoW's big money chest, they will get their players too, and they would have needed to create content for them.

And like true spoiled brats, when they didn't get what they were dreaming up, they just threw their hands up and withdrew funding from the game, just to keep it on lifesupport, rather than invest and put someone in charge, who can figure out what to do.

Edited by Galahard
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Idk if it'll be the last xpac or not I'm really hoping it is... however like I remember when 2.0 early access dropped and JC was booming so many instances of fleet so many people playing on day one of early access alone but today like... we had i think 126 people at most on fleet... I know fleet is not a direct indicator of health of the servers player base but still.. has the community really shrunk THAT much.. Its kinda sad honestly. I don't like anything about this new xpac but still. Guess this is what happens when you do dat "story driven mmo" ****...
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I hope so. We need new Star Wars MMORPG, real MMORPG but not this crap.


To be frank, we're unlikely to get a new one even if SWTOR shuts down. A star wars single player rpg would be more likely at that point, if that.


I think investors have started to wise up to the fact they're not going to get WoW scale of money by making an mmo.

Edited by Rashenari
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Not to spoil the substance but BioWare has been open about claiming the Eternal Throne and becoming galactic top dog as where this ends up. Beyond Uprisings, what is the character supposed to do in the future? Goal? Motivation? Alien invasion?


You fight and beat some of the most dangerous things Star Wars has ever come up with (again, no secret that Arcann was the big enemy of KoTFE and Vaylin needs to go). How is normal RPG content supposed to prove any challenge at all for the Outlander from now on?


So are we done?


Well, it depends on how much you read between the lines. Logically, yes the story has very little to expand since we are effectively the 'top dog' in the galaxy. However... There were numerous hints to what comes next laced through the mails your receive, as well as the 9 KOTET chapters.


A few, just off the top of my head:

- Iokath is definitely not done, likely will play a Deus Ex Machina role

- Scions have yet to return, yet have warned you of something chaotic and mysterious heading our way

- Shan/Marr heavily hinted towards another big adversary that the force was preparing them for

- Imperial/Republic mounting resistances

- Chiss have been very quiet... (This one is pure speculation though)

- A few things mentioned in-game line up too perfectly with Vong (heck, Canderous from KOTOR had a run in)

- Zakuul tech has too many similarities with Rakatan Tech to be a coincidence

- Rishi Maze has unknown forces (communicated with Inquisitor)


Then again... I often think of things that don't come to pass, heck, KOTFE basically came out of left field with only aprox 2-3 subtle warnings in SOR. For all we know, 6.0 could have the Outlander as a drunk who flunked out of leadership and the new quest line is to get a job. /sarcasm

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Lol this game was MMO for about year after release, now it's just KOTOR 3


Out of curiosity, how exactly do you determine what is or isn't an mmo?


Do you consider WoW an mmo? Swtor has all the basic elements that wow has, so why isn't swtor an mmo? About the only thing wow has that swtor hasn't is cross server queues and zones. Is that how you measure mmos?

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Out of curiosity, how exactly do you determine what is or isn't an mmo?


Do you consider WoW an mmo? Swtor has all the basic elements that wow has, so why isn't swtor an mmo? About the only thing wow has that swtor hasn't is cross server queues and zones. Is that how you measure mmos?


a far more healthy player base than this one for starts and content... Group end game content helps as in not 9 story modes chapters for people to play than unsub 1 month later... and incentive with a system that provides incentive to grind said end game group content ie legions mythic plus feature.... wow has had content droughts anyone that says it hasn't is flat out lying however.. lol 2 years no new end game ops.. I mean it doesn't probably matter to you as you strike me as more of a casual story driven player (WHICH IS FINE) but mmos live and die by end game content reasons to do it and how long the incentive remains to grind.


Not living out your wet dreams of being the hero of the galaxy :rolleyes:


Some people played this game because it was marketed as an MMO and it could have been a great MMO EVEN the might and myth people call the (WOW KILLER) but it fell short. MMO's can not be driven by story and can not focus on solo story mode content.. That is not what mmos are about. Maybe it works for you and some others but doesn't work for mmo playes that play to raid/grind gear be challenged by hard content and work as a team with other people to beat said content. when you do this solo story mode wet dream dance thing you end up with a game like this?? Great for you?? Maybe idk but MMO players ***** and hate it and leave.. How do you keep a guild running in a game like this lol "hey guys wanna go run dem glorified fps called uprisings that we mastered like 2 weeks in to the xpacs launch since we keybind and know what our spells do?"



SWTOR= story mode


Content and the speed and quality of said content defines an mmo.


This game is a solo story mode game with MMO tagged on to it so people who have traditionally been branded as "not good enough" or "bad" can feel good enjoy the game save or destroy the galaxy and open cartel packs..


The sad truth is this joke of a game would have died years ago if it didn't have the name star wars attached to it..:rolleyes:

Edited by mfourcustom
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The game has felt a lot less MMO-like to me since I reached the Knights story chapters and playing with friends became so difficult. I wish they had designed a story that allowed me to advance the story by grouping with friends as an option, at least. More like the planetary story arcs where I could duo or trio or whatever the story with friends and we all got credit for it.
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a far more healthy player base than this one for starts and content... Group end game content helps as in not 9 story modes chapters for people to play than unsub 1 month later... and incentive with a system that provides incentive to grind said end game group content ie legions mythic plus feature.... wow has had content droughts anyone that says it hasn't is flat out lying however.. lol 2 years no new end game ops.. I mean it doesn't probably matter to you as you strike me as more of a casual story driven player (WHICH IS FINE) but mmos live and die by end game content reasons to do it and how long the incentive remains to grind.


Not living out your wet dreams of being the hero of the galaxy :rolleyes:


Some people played this game because it was marketed as an MMO and it could have been a great MMO EVEN the might and myth people call the (WOW KILLER) but it fell short. MMO's can not be driven by story and can not focus on solo story mode content.. That is not what mmos are about. Maybe it works for you and some others but doesn't work for mmo playes that play to raid/grind gear be challenged by hard content and work as a team with other people to beat said content. when you do this solo story mode wet dream dance thing you end up with a game like this?? Great for you?? Maybe idk but MMO players ***** and hate it and leave.. How do you keep a guild running in a game like this lol "hey guys wanna go run dem glorified fps called uprisings that we mastered like 2 weeks in to the xpacs launch since we keybind and know what our spells do?"



SWTOR= story mode


Content and the speed and quality of said content defines an mmo.


This game is a solo story mode game with MMO tagged on to it so people who have traditionally been branded as "not good enough" or "bad" can feel good enjoy the game save or destroy the galaxy and open cartel packs..


The sad truth is this joke of a game would have died years ago if it didn't have the name star wars attached to it..:rolleyes:


You and some others are being really unfair to this game. And yes this is an mmo, despite your current complaints and misrepresentations.


I'd wager more people have played swtor than kotor I & II combined. Add to that, people are still playing swtor 5 years after it's release in large numbers. Not as many as wow obviously, but the numbers are still respectable despite the doomsayers.


It annoys me that people do not give this game the credit it deserves because of trivial reasons or no new ops etc. Frankly, I doubt there is a game that would make you lot happy, because if there was you would be out there playing it and not whining here on the forums.

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You and some others are being really unfair to this game. And yes this is an mmo, despite your current complaints and misrepresentations..


It's you who overrate it. I like SWTOR as singleplayer game, difenetly very good atmosphere good characters and storyline, but:


MMO = Massively multiplayer online


Where you see Massively part in this game? This game is fkn ghost town, only true fans of Star Wars is playing it, no one play this game because it's just a GREAT MMO game.


This game had potential before 2.0 as MMORPG, but after it was ruiend as MMO, only MORPG left, but honestly with each patch this game is more and more become just an RPG. I'm playing this game since early access and i know what i'm talking about, i remember first Rakghoul event and still can't forget how great it was, one of the best event in MMORPG that i ever participated, i remember Ilum faction PVP, it was super laggy, unbalanced, etc, but there was tons of players figthing each other and it had potential if only dev's invested some time in to it, but instead it was downgraded and then completely removed, i remember when Operations had a lot of attention from devs and they was really challenging, now it's just an rudimentary part of the game, i remember the time when skillbuilds has tons of variety and was more complicated, i think thats enough.

Edited by Keetsune
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Game is not joke.....you are for sticking around something you call a joke...do us a favour and rid us of your endless whining.


I know! The total lack of gratitude. People seem to not be voting with their time. If this game is so bad, BE GONE. I am more than happy to spend more on the cartel market each month, pay an even higher sub to keep TOR going.


This is my last refuge of Lucas-Era canon that continues to expand. I NEED TOR. Anyone that wants to see its demise can seriously join Disney and #@$%ing die for all I care.

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