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Insane Camera Rotation Making the Game Unplayable


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Never had this problem before, but after logging into my SH my camera rotation is like 5000%. No clue *** is going on, and it's only in this game.


Checked settings. Apparently you can only choose between four or so rotation speeds for some reason (26% lowest). So I set it to 0%, which was way too slow. Every other option is way too fast. At 26% I'll move my mouse less than an inch and do a 360.


Not even being hyperbolic in the title. Can't play the game until this is resolved.

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I used to have this problem a few years ago where I would right click to move the camera and it would spin like a whirlwind.. I fixed it by lowering my mouse personal sensitivity settings outside the game.


I thought that initially, but mouse pointer speed and camera speed are unrelated here.

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Hmm, I remember there being a reference to that in a settings file somewhere..




In "<user>\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings" there is a file called "<username>_Account.ini" with the attribute "Controls_CameraRotationSpeed" in it, I am operating under the assumption that you could fine tune it in there.


Now I've never mucked with this in swtor, but .ini files like this are just a way to store client side settings, so it's not like you'd be breaking anything. Might be worth saving the original value for that attribute all the same.


Edit: Feeling a bit.. uncertain about my statement. Not its meaning, but possible interpretations. It's of course possible to cause plenty of problems by mucking around in config files if you do not know what you're doing, and my "not like you'd be breaking anything" was referring to changing a numerical value to an attribute of which you could reasonably assume, with some common sense, what it would do. Late disclaimer added because of visions of people randomly adjusting every line because I said they wouldn't break anything. >.>

Edited by cyrusramsey
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In "<user>\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings" there is a file called "<username>_Account.ini" with the attribute "Controls_CameraRotationSpeed" in it, I am operating under the assumption that you could fine tune it in there.


Thanks, but this seems to have had no effect in-game.

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Thanks, but this seems to have had no effect in-game.

You need to have the game closed when editing the file. I have it set to:

Controls_CameraRotationSpeed = 0.1

which is fine for me. And then, never ever touch the camera rotation slider in the in-game Preferences, or else it will be messed up again. That bug has been in the game for years, so don't expect to see it fixed. ;)

Edited by Jerba
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you need to have the game closed when editing the file. I have it set to:

Controls_camerarotationspeed = 0.1

which is fine for me. And then, never ever touch the camera rotation slider in the in-game preferences, or else it will be messed up again. that bug has been in the game for years, so don't expect to see it fixed. ;)




this is why people leave.




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Never had this problem before, but after logging into my SH my camera rotation is like 5000%. No clue *** is going on, and it's only in this game.


Checked settings. Apparently you can only choose between four or so rotation speeds for some reason (26% lowest). So I set it to 0%, which was way too slow. Every other option is way too fast. At 26% I'll move my mouse less than an inch and do a 360.


Not even being hyperbolic in the title. Can't play the game until this is resolved.


Have you tried setting it to 26%, saving and then setting it to 0% and saving again. That seems to do the trick for me.

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I had this issue a year ago when I rejoined. Took me some days to find a solution myself. As above mentioned, editing the account.ini did the trick. My settings reseted a few weeks ago and setting it to this fixed it again: Controls_CameraRotationSpeed = 0.10000000149
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