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Let us queue up as organized groups!


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Other way around. I know PvPers still believe everyone loves to PvP, but PvE servers are more likely to have a server queue than a PvP server. Secondly, not all PvPers join guilds. Thirdly, not all PvPers go in there to play warzones. In fact, there seems to be a big complaint about the lack of open world PvP. Finally, and personally, if you are a PvP guild, why are you doing warzones and not going out for world PvP? Warzones don't exactly hit my "PvP elite" meter very well.


That's fine for you, but off topic. Now you're just trolling.


This thread is about making it so a group of more than 4 can queue up for warzones, not a debate on what you think makes you more l33t.


However...to answer your snide question - we queued up for warzones because we had been helping each other out all day on quests, crafting AND open world PvP on Tat (all 32 and under). We had characters from 11-33 in the group...hardly a hardcore PvP make-up.


We didn't want to "steamroll" anyone and we really didn't give a crap if we won or lost...we simply wanted to do SOMETHING together vs split up little groups of 2-3. To not be able to PvP as a single group of 7 is silly in an MMO.

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Unpopular response:


Make we who form up as ops groups wait longer...


Institute a single line of code that makes premades of >4 have to wait til another team of >4 queues up... Then fill in the holes with pugs...


Just saying, I wouldn't mind waiting another 5 minutes or so for a queue pop if I was able to play with the people I want to play with...


1000% AGREED!!!!


Thank you!!!

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If you don't want organized groups you're doing it wrong. You would probably be posting a similar post if the biggest raid you could do was 4 people, doesn't leave much room for friends and guildies does it?


The major defense people make for not having 8 man organized premades is they don't want to get rolled by them when they are queueing solo. That's fine, keep the current system but add a seperate queue where it's just premade vs premade, and add rankings and ratings for them.

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First, I really want organized group pvp. Probably where I'll spend most of my time at 50. I wish this was a thing already.


That being said, OP completely ignored the post about rated WZs which is clearly the answer to this question. It isn't fair to match unorganized pvpers against premades, anyone who PVPd in WoW when this was the case should know how not enjoyable that is. People would literally join, see that the other team was all form, the same server, and take leaver debuff just to avoid 20 minutes of being slaughtered.

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I am in favor of pre-mades. im sorry but when i get (4) guild mates to queue and we tell the other 4 players (non guildies in the match) to go to X point and their only job is to hold that position, more often than not they do not listen. Hell in Alderran i will tell 2 players to go left and 2 to go right from group 2 but they all go mid! ***!
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First, I really want organized group pvp. Probably where I'll spend most of my time at 50. I wish this was a thing already.


That being said, OP completely ignored the post about rated WZs which is clearly the answer to this question. It isn't fair to match unorganized pvpers against premades, anyone who PVPd in WoW when this was the case should know how not enjoyable that is. People would literally join, see that the other team was all form, the same server, and take leaver debuff just to avoid 20 minutes of being slaughtered.


Forgive me - never played W0W, so I don't know the issues that game's system brought.


As was suggested earlier, perhaps the best solution would be your "rated" idea (which I am guessing on what it is) or, as suggested earlier, simply making sure that raid groups only pair with raid groups.


I understand the frustration in getting your **edit** handed to you for 15-20min - it's not fun in the least. But...I'll honestly take that risk over not being able to play with my friends in an MMO.

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I couldn't agree with the OP more.


This is vital for the longterm health of the game. This increases the strength of the Guild system, and strong guilds bring a much healthier community to the game.


Hell, if there were no strength in guilds in WoW, there would be zero community there.


Nothing is worse than wanting to do something with your friends, and you can't... not only that but you end up playing with random idiots. Nothing is worse than that.

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We tried that too. Unreliable. And, again, a dumb game mechanic. Why should we have to queue and re-queue until all 7-8 of us are in the same warzone? Isn't that just bad system design?


Also, PVP only works WHEN IT IS ORGANIZED. When people can be told what their role is, who they are to shoot, who they are to pass to, etc. Random running round is plain silly. Also, expecting nothing out of HALF your warzone force isn't exactly going to get you much.


We're able to do flashpoints and heroics as a guild. Why can't we also do warzones?

As someone who did his fair amount of PvP Mini games in AoC I can say that what your asking for would kill PvP Mini-Games in TOR. I mean okay AoC did try and fix the mini-game system and well it did get a lot more fun when the teams became random and you didn't get rolled by a premade group.


Not only that warzones are great for people who are new to PvP. It gives them a chance to get their feet wet if you will. If you want *organized* PvP then do world PvP.

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As someone who did his fair amount of PvP Mini games in AoC I can say that what your asking for would kill PvP Mini-Games in TOR. I mean okay AoC did try and fix the mini-game system and well it did get a lot more fun when the teams became random and you didn't get rolled by a premade group.


Not only that warzones are great for people who are new to PvP. It gives them a chance to get their feet wet if you will. If you want *organized* PvP then do world PvP.


So what you, and most of the WoW transplants are basically arguing is that I should _NOT_ be able to PVP with my guildmates because order and organization is somehow BAD, but people randomly running around and not even trying to win because they will get their 10K XP and their valor points regardless of what happens is GOOD?


And we can't allow a guild to enter as a side in a match because it is BAD for people to GROUP in a MMO and it "discriminates" against people who want to play this as a single player game?


Honestly, I don't understand the logic of these arguments. Mostly because THERE IS NO LOGIC in them!


You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see the loser in a match GET NO REWARDS AT ALL. That would make people pay attention to what is going on rather than stand around and occupy space not caring what happens because they get their stuff anyway!

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My guild last night tried to go into warzones in an organized fashion, with 7 of us, formed in a RAID group. All of us in voice chat, so we can actually TRY to run a warzone as a disciplined group, not a bunch of cats running around randomly targeting people (as is typical).


Alas, no mas. SWTOR won't allow you to queue up as more than a group of 4.


This is utter nonsense.


We SHOULD be able to go into warzones as a guild. Or at least as an organized group of 8, in voice chat. Either that or cut them down to 4 on 4 instead of 8 on 8.


The system as it is now is utter nonsense, and will eventually be ignored as people will get sick of being randomly stuck with idiots who run around like mad, don't take orders, and generally hand victory to the enemy.


What they really need to do is make rated bg or arenas.


Face rolling pugs with double premade is no fun for anyone, unless you are bad and need full ops premade to win against unorganized people.

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You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see the loser in a match GET NO REWARDS AT ALL. That would make people pay attention to what is going on rather than stand around and occupy space not caring what happens because they get their stuff anyway!


I agree with everything else but not this. Losers need to get something for their time, not what winners get, but something.


I will not PVP unless I can play with my friends. Not some random idiots.

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Having half the group consisting of your friends is more than enough for WZ battles IMO.


What I'd rather see BW focusing on, is open world PVP where the bigger the (organized) group you have, the better.


If you allow full pre-mades vs pugs now, it will kill any warzones going on because non-grouped people will stop signing up.


Another option is to allow pre-made vs pre-made so that if you have more than 4 players grouped signing up, you will only face other groups that are pre-made.

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Organised group vs. Pug is won by organised group even before the game started. That is why there is no big qeueuing for pug pvp. If you have played WoW you know what I'm talking about. People do not like and will afk when they see the system is putting them on a disadvantage.

Just wait for rated warzones.


What exact disadvantage will those of us who have small guilds see gear wise to rated warzones?

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